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Old 02-02-2017, 07:43 AM   #1
GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Instructions for patching firmware 4.2.8432

See the Aura One firmware 4.2.8432 discussion thread for information about what has changed in this firmware version.

See the Index to the Metazoa firmware patches thread for a description of what some of these patches do.

Before starting:

1. Make sure your Kobo ereader is already running firmware version 4.2.8432 (fbb9e8f61b). If not, then you need to upgrade before applying this patch.

2. Check that your battery is well charged.

Patching from Windows, Linux (i386/x86_64), or Mac (OS X 10.8-10.9, i386/x86_64):

1. Download and extract (attached).

2. Download the Kobo firmware archive version 4.2.8432 for your device (See this thread) and copy it into the 4.2.8432_source/ subdirectory. (Don't unzip the firmware.)

3. Read and edit all the *.patch files in the 4.2.8432_source/ subdirectory in order to: choose which patches to enable (patch_enable=`yes`) or disable (patch_enable=`no`); and to change some of the replacement values to suit your device and preferences.

4. In Windows double-click 4.2.8432.bat; For Linux/Mac open a terminal, change to the patch_kobo_4028432/ subdirectory, and run ./ from the command line.

5. If there were no errors, copy the resulting KoboRoot.tgz from the 4.2.8432_target/ subdirectory to the .kobo directory on your ereader.

6. Safely eject and unplug the device, which will then update and restart.

To return your ereader to its original unpatched state:

1. Edit all the 4.2.8432_source/*.patch files to disable all patches (set patch_enable = `no` for every patch).

2. Repeat steps 4-6 of the procedure above.

Note that the following patches are enabled by default:

`Fix page breaks bug`
`Default ePub monospace font (Courier)`
`Custom left & right margins`
`Brightness fine control`
`Search in Library by default`
`Custom page refresh options (1,2,3,...,12)`
`Fix three KePub fullScreenReading bugs`
Attached Files
File Type: zip (493.7 KB, 1128 views)

Last edited by GeoffR; 02-10-2017 at 02:53 AM. Reason: Updated zip file to include `Brightness file control` patch
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Old 02-02-2017, 07:46 AM   #2
GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Notes and other patches


The firmware links for this version are: (Mk 3 devices) (Mk 4 devices) (Mk 5 devices) (Mk 6 devices)

Other patches:

`Cyrillic keyboard` patch for Aura One, thanks AxaRu.

`Greek keyboard` patch for Aura One, thanks isaak.

Here is a `Keyboard template` patch ( for the Aura One. (You'll need to fill in the replacement values with the keys you want according to the pattern in the comments.)
patch_name = `Keyboard template (Aura One)`
patch_enable = `yes`
# patch_group = `Keyboard alternatives`
## Replaces keys on the Extended Latin keypad.
# Aura One keyboard layout:
# Row:  Position
# ---:-----------
# Top: 0123456789
# 2nd: 0123456789
# 3rd: 0123456789
# Bot:  12345678
# Untested: Enable uppercase for `ß` key (Top row, pos 7)
#replace_bytes = 70F9E4, 00 26, 01 26
# Replace layout sign (Cyrillic example)
find_base_address = `ÉÀÇ`
replace_string = 0000, `ÉÀÇ`, `абв`
# Change keyboard layout
find_base_address = `š\0ž\0þ\0ŀ\0`
# Top row, pos 2-3
replace_string = 0000, `š`, `2`
replace_string = 0003, `ž`, `3`
# Top row, pos 6
replace_string = 0006, `þ`, `6`
# Top row, pos 9
replace_string = 0009, `ŀ`, `9`
find_base_address = `æ\0à\0è\0ì\0`
# Top row, pos 0-1
replace_string = 0021, `ý`, `0`
replace_string = 0045, `ÿ`, `1`
# Top row, pos 4-5
replace_string = 0000, `æ`, `4`
replace_string = 0024, `œ`, `5`
# Top row, pos 7-8
replace_string = 0054, `ß`, `7`
replace_string = 0060, `ij`, `8`
# Second row, left to right:
replace_string = 0003, `à`, `0`
replace_string = 0012, `á`, `1`
replace_string = 0027, `â`, `2`
replace_string = 0036, `ä`, `3`
replace_string = 0048, `ã`, `4`
replace_string = 0051, `å`, `5`
replace_string = 0006, `è`, `6`
replace_string = 0015, `é`, `7`
replace_string = 002A, `ê`, `8`
replace_string = 0039, `ë`, `9`
# Third row, left to right:
replace_string = 000C, `ò`, `0`
replace_string = 001B, `ó`, `1`
replace_string = 0030, `ô`, `2`
replace_string = 003F, `ö`, `3`
replace_string = 004E, `õ`, `4`
replace_string = 005D, `ø`, `5`
replace_string = 0009, `ì`, `6`
replace_string = 0018, `í`, `7`
replace_string = 002D, `î`, `8`
replace_string = 003C, `ï`, `9`
# Bottom row, left to right:
replace_string = 000F, `ù`, `1`
replace_string = 001E, `ú`, `2`
replace_string = 0033, `û`, `3`
replace_string = 0042, `ü`, `4`
replace_string = 004B, `ñ`, `5`
replace_string = 0057, `ç`, `6`
replace_string = 005A, `đ`, `7`
replace_string = 0063, `ł`, `8`

keyboard patches for devices other than the Aura One:
patch_name = `Cyrillic keyboard`
patch_enable = `no`
# patch_group = `Keyboard alternatives`
## Replaces keys on the Extended Latin keypad with Cyrillic alternatives.
# Enable uppercase for `ß` key
replace_bytes = 70F9E4, 00 26, 01 26
# Replace layout sign
find_base_address = `ÉÀÇ`
replace_string = 0000, `ÉÀÇ`, `абв`
# Change keyboard layout
find_base_address = `æ\0à\0è\0ì\0`
# Second row, left to right:
replace_string = 0000, `æ`, `й`
replace_string = 0003, `à`, `ц`
replace_string = 0006, `è`, `у`
replace_string = 0009, `ì`, `к`
replace_string = 000C, `ò`, `е`
replace_string = 000F, `ù`, `н`
replace_string = 0012, `á`, `г`
replace_string = 0015, `é`, `ш`
replace_string = 0018, `í`, `щ`
replace_string = 001B, `ó`, `з`
replace_string = 001E, `ú`, `х`
replace_string = 0021, `ý`, `ъ`
# Third row, left to right:
replace_string = 0024, `œ`, `ф`
replace_string = 0027, `â`, `ы`
replace_string = 002A, `ê`, `в`
replace_string = 002D, `î`, `а`
replace_string = 0030, `ô`, `п`
replace_string = 0033, `û`, `р`
replace_string = 0036, `ä`, `о`
replace_string = 0039, `ë`, `л`
replace_string = 003C, `ï`, `д`
replace_string = 003F, `ö`, `ж`
replace_string = 0042, `ü`, `э`
replace_string = 0045, `ÿ`, `ё`
# Bottom row, left to right:
replace_string = 0048, `ã`, `я`
replace_string = 004B, `ñ`, `ч`
replace_string = 004E, `õ`, `с`
replace_string = 0051, `å`, `м`
replace_string = 0054, `ß`, `и`
replace_string = 0057, `ç`, `т`
replace_string = 005A, `đ`, `ь`
replace_string = 005D, `ø`, `б`
replace_string = 0060, `ij`, `ю`
replace_string = 0063, `ł`, `.`

patch_name = `Arabic keyboard`
patch_enable = `no`
# Multi-version patch: 4.0.7523 - 4.2.8432+
# patch_group = `Keyboard alternatives`
## Replaces keys on the Extended Latin keypad with Arabic alternatives.
## Note that after the device boots, the keypad will just show blank squares
## until the first book has been opened.
# Replace layout sign
find_base_address = `ÉÀÇ`
replace_string = 0000, `ÉÀÇ`, `ع`
# Change keyboard layout
find_base_address = `æ\0à\0è\0ì\0`
# Second row, left to right:
replace_string = 0000, `æ`, `ذ`
replace_string = 0003, `à`, `ص`
replace_string = 0006, `è`, `ث`
replace_string = 0009, `ì`, `ق`
replace_string = 000C, `ò`, `ف`
replace_string = 000F, `ù`, `غ`
replace_string = 0012, `á`, `ع`
replace_string = 0015, `é`, `ه`
replace_string = 0018, `í`, `خ`
replace_string = 001B, `ó`, `ح`
replace_string = 001E, `ú`, `ج`
replace_string = 0021, `ý`, `د`
# Third row, left to right:
replace_string = 0024, `œ`, `ض`
replace_string = 0027, `â`, `ش`
replace_string = 002A, `ê`, `س`
replace_string = 002D, `î`, `ي`
replace_string = 0030, `ô`, `ب`
replace_string = 0033, `û`, `ل`
replace_string = 0036, `ä`, `ا`
replace_string = 0039, `ë`, `ت`
replace_string = 003C, `ï`, `ن`
replace_string = 003F, `ö`, `م`
replace_string = 0042, `ü`, `ك`
replace_string = 0045, `ÿ`, `ط`
# Bottom row, left to right:
replace_string = 0048, `ã`, `ئ`
replace_string = 004B, `ñ`, `ء`
replace_string = 004E, `õ`, `ؤ`
replace_string = 0051, `å`, `ر`
replace_string = 0054, `ß`, `ى`
replace_string = 0057, `ç`, `ة`
replace_string = 005A, `đ`, `و`
replace_string = 005D, `ø`, `ز`
replace_string = 0060, `ij`, `ظ`
replace_string = 0063, `ł`, `.`

patch_name = `Hebrew keyboard`
patch_enable = `no`
# Multi-version patch: 4.0.7523 - 4.2.8432+
# patch_group = `Keyboard alternatives`
## Replaces keys on the Extended Latin keypad with Hebrew alternatives.
## Note that after the device boots, the keypad will just show blank squares
## until the first book has been opened.
# Replace layout sign
find_base_address = `ÉÀÇ`
replace_string = 0000, `ÉÀÇ`, `אב`
# Change keyboard layout
find_base_address = `æ\0à\0è\0ì\0`
# Second row, left to right:
replace_string = 0000, `æ`, `@`
replace_string = 0003, `à`, `'`
replace_string = 0006, `è`, `/`
replace_string = 0009, `ì`, `ק`
replace_string = 000C, `ò`, `ר`
replace_string = 000F, `ù`, `א`
replace_string = 0012, `á`, `ט`
replace_string = 0015, `é`, `ו`
replace_string = 0018, `í`, `ן`
replace_string = 001B, `ó`, `ם`
replace_string = 001E, `ú`, `פ`
replace_string = 0021, `ý`, `-`
# Third row, left to right:
replace_string = 0024, `œ`, `,`
replace_string = 0027, `â`, `ש`
replace_string = 002A, `ê`, `ד`
replace_string = 002D, `î`, `ג`
replace_string = 0030, `ô`, `כ`
replace_string = 0033, `û`, `ע`
replace_string = 0036, `ä`, `י`
replace_string = 0039, `ë`, `ח`
replace_string = 003C, `ï`, `ל`
replace_string = 003F, `ö`, `ך`
replace_string = 0042, `ü`, `ף`
replace_string = 0045, `ÿ`, `_`
# Bottom row, left to right:
replace_string = 0048, `ã`, `ז`
replace_string = 004B, `ñ`, `ס`
replace_string = 004E, `õ`, `ב`
replace_string = 0051, `å`, `ה`
replace_string = 0054, `ß`, `נ`
replace_string = 0057, `ç`, `מ`
replace_string = 005A, `đ`, `צ`
replace_string = 005D, `ø`, `ת`
replace_string = 0060, `ij`, `ץ`
replace_string = 0063, `ł`, `.`

patch_name = `Turkish keyboard`
patch_enable = `no`
# patch_group = `Keyboard alternatives`
## Replaces keys on the Extended Latin keypad with Turkish alternatives.
# Enable uppercase for `ß` key
replace_bytes = 70F9E4, 00 26, 01 26
# Replace layout sign
find_base_address = `ÉÀÇ`
replace_string = 0000, `ÉÀÇ`, `EN/TR`
# Change keyboard layout
find_base_address = `æ\0à\0è\0ì\0`
# Second row, left to right:
replace_string = 0000, `æ`, `!`
replace_string = 0003, `à`, `q`
replace_string = 0006, `è`, `w`
replace_string = 0009, `ì`, `e`
replace_string = 000C, `ò`, `r`
replace_string = 000F, `ù`, `t`
replace_string = 0012, `á`, `y`
replace_string = 0015, `é`, `u`
replace_string = 0018, `í`, `ı`
replace_string = 001B, `ó`, `o`
replace_string = 001E, `ú`, `p`
replace_string = 0021, `ý`, `ü`
# Third row, left to right:
#replace_string = 0024, `œ\0`, `’`
replace_string = 0027, `â`, `a`
replace_string = 002A, `ê`, `s`
replace_string = 002D, `î`, `d`
replace_string = 0030, `ô`, `f`
replace_string = 0033, `û`, `g`
replace_string = 0036, `ä`, `h`
replace_string = 0039, `ë`, `j`
replace_string = 003C, `ï`, `k`
replace_string = 003F, `ö`, `l`
replace_string = 0042, `ü`, `ş`
replace_string = 0045, `ÿ`, `ğ`
# Bottom row, left to right:
replace_string = 0048, `ã`, `z`
replace_string = 004B, `ñ`, `x`
replace_string = 004E, `õ`, `c`
replace_string = 0051, `å`, `v`
replace_string = 0054, `ß`, `b`
replace_string = 0057, `ç`, `n`
replace_string = 005A, `đ`, `m`
replace_string = 005D, `ø`, `ö`
replace_string = 0060, `ij`, `ç`
replace_string = 0063, `ł`, `i`

patch_name = `Bulgarian keyboard`
patch_enable = `no`
# patch_group = `Keyboard alternatives`
## Replaces keys on the Extended Latin keypad with Bulgarian alternatives.
# Enable uppercase for `ß` key
replace_bytes = 70F9E4, 00 26, 01 26
# Replace layout sign
find_base_address = `ÉÀÇ`
replace_string = 0000, `ÉÀÇ`, `абв`
# Change keyboard layout
find_base_address = `æ\0à\0è\0ì\0`
# Second row, left to right:
replace_string = 0000, `æ`, `!`
replace_string = 0003, `à`, `я`
replace_string = 0006, `è`, `в`
replace_string = 0009, `ì`, `е`
replace_string = 000C, `ò`, `р`
replace_string = 000F, `ù`, `т`
replace_string = 0012, `á`, `ъ`
replace_string = 0015, `é`, `у`
replace_string = 0018, `í`, `и`
replace_string = 001B, `ó`, `о`
replace_string = 001E, `ú`, `п`
replace_string = 0021, `ý`, `ч`
# Third row, left to right:
replace_string = 0024, `œ`, `?`
replace_string = 0027, `â`, `а`
replace_string = 002A, `ê`, `с`
replace_string = 002D, `î`, `д`
replace_string = 0030, `ô`, `ф`
replace_string = 0033, `û`, `г`
replace_string = 0036, `ä`, `х`
replace_string = 0039, `ë`, `й`
replace_string = 003C, `ï`, `к`
replace_string = 003F, `ö`, `л`
replace_string = 0042, `ü`, `ш`
replace_string = 0045, `ÿ`, `щ`
# Bottom row, left to right:
replace_string = 0048, `ã`, `з`
replace_string = 004B, `ñ`, `ь`
replace_string = 004E, `õ`, `ц`
replace_string = 0051, `å`, `ж`
replace_string = 0054, `ß`, `б`
replace_string = 0057, `ç`, `н`
replace_string = 005A, `đ`, `м`
replace_string = 005D, `ø`, `ю`
replace_string = 0060, `ij`, `,`
replace_string = 0063, `ł`, `.`

patch_name = `Greek keyboard`
patch_enable = `no`
# patch_group = `Keyboard alternatives`
## Replaces keys on the Extended Latin keypad with Greek alternatives.
# Enable uppercase for `ß` key
replace_bytes = 70F9E4, 00 26, 01 26
# Replace layout sign
find_base_address = `ÉÀÇ`
replace_string = 0000, `ÉÀÇ`, `EN/GR`
# Change keyboard layout
find_base_address = `æ\0à\0è\0ì\0`
# Second row, left to right:
replace_string = 0000, `æ`, `!`
replace_string = 0003, `à`, `ά`
replace_string = 0006, `è`, `ς`
replace_string = 0009, `ì`, `ε`
replace_string = 000C, `ò`, `ρ`
replace_string = 000F, `ù`, `τ`
replace_string = 0012, `á`, `υ`
replace_string = 0015, `é`, `θ`
replace_string = 0018, `í`, `ι`
replace_string = 001B, `ó`, `ο`
replace_string = 001E, `ú`, `π`
replace_string = 0021, `ý`, `-`
# Third row, left to right:
replace_string = 0024, `œ`, `?`
replace_string = 0027, `â`, `α`
replace_string = 002A, `ê`, `σ`
replace_string = 002D, `î`, `δ`
replace_string = 0030, `ô`, `φ`
replace_string = 0033, `û`, `γ`
replace_string = 0036, `ä`, `η`
replace_string = 0039, `ë`, `ξ`
replace_string = 003C, `ï`, `κ`
replace_string = 003F, `ö`, `λ`
replace_string = 0042, `ü`, `ή`
replace_string = 0045, `ÿ`, `ώ`
# Bottom row, left to right:
replace_string = 0048, `ã`, `ζ`
replace_string = 004B, `ñ`, `χ`
replace_string = 004E, `õ`, `ψ`
replace_string = 0051, `å`, `ω`
replace_string = 0054, `ß`, `β`
replace_string = 0057, `ç`, `ν`
replace_string = 005A, `đ`, `μ`
replace_string = 005D, `ø`, `,`
replace_string = 0060, `ij`, `.`
replace_string = 0063, `ł`, `ύ`

If anyone else has patches for firmware 4.2.8432 post them in this thread and I'll include a link here.

Last edited by GeoffR; 02-10-2017 at 02:56 AM. Reason: Added links to mk 3 - mk 6 firmware
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Old 02-02-2017, 08:19 AM   #3
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pinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverpinopyta exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcover
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Old 02-02-2017, 08:53 AM   #4
jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.jamalau knows what's going on.
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Thank you for the quick release!
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Old 02-02-2017, 08:57 AM   #5
GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GlenRunciter ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Great work!
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Old 02-05-2017, 10:49 PM   #6
GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Brightness fine control (testing)

Could someone running firmware version 4.2.8432 test this patch? It goes in
patch_name = `Brightness fine control`
patch_enable = `yes`
## Tapping the sun symbols changes the frontlight brightness by 1 instead of 5.
# ValueDisplaySlider::setStep(5) --> ValueDisplaySlider::setStep(1)
replace_int = 73ABD6, 5, 1
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Old 02-06-2017, 12:00 AM   #7
MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Works for me running 4.2.8432 on the Kobo Aura One. Many thanks Geoff!
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Old 02-06-2017, 01:53 AM   #8
GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffR ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by MGlitch View Post
Works for me running 4.2.8432 on the Kobo Aura One. Many thanks Geoff!
Thanks for testing it.

I've updated the .zip file in post #1 to include `Brightness fine control`, enabled by default, and I've posted versions for firmware 4.0.7523 - 4.2.8283 in their respective threads.
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Old 02-06-2017, 10:42 PM   #9
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could u advise what is new for 8432 version?
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Old 02-08-2017, 01:46 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by linghuchong70 View Post
could u advise what is new for 8432 version?
There is nothing new since version 4.0.7523 as far as the patches are concerned. This thead is discussing the firmware itself. (I am still running 3.19.5761 so I don't know any better than what is reported in the firmware discussion threads.)
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Old 02-08-2017, 03:00 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by MGlitch View Post
Works for me running 4.2.8432 on the Kobo Aura One. Many thanks Geoff!

I confirm. Thank you GeoffR!
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Old 02-08-2017, 04:16 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by linghuchong70 View Post
could u advise what is new for 8432 version?
Bug fixes is what I'd say. As to what they are, I have no idea.
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:11 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by JSWolf View Post
Bug fixes is what I'd say. As to what they are, I have no idea.
The bug fix I noticed and really appreciated is the improvement when choosing an option at the bottom of a page for instance: the chosen menu pops up, not the one next to it. I know someone noticed it to start with and it didn't work for him afterwards.
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Old 02-09-2017, 03:49 PM   #14
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In the Custom Page Refresh patch, it looks like we can only go as high as 12. Is there any way to go higher than 12 like in 4.2.8110's version of this patch of can the existing patch have the 12 changed with a higher value?
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:04 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by JSWolf View Post
In the Custom Page Refresh patch, it looks like we can only go as high as 12. Is there any way to go higher than 12 like in 4.2.8110's version of this patch of can the existing patch have the 12 changed with a higher value?
Apart from the hex-location the Custom Page Refresh patches for 4.2.8110 and 4.2.8432 look the same to me. If changing 12 to something higher worked before I don't see why it wouldn't work this time. Did it fail for you?
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