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Old 10-06-2021, 01:09 AM   #1
Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Leseratte_10 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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[FileType Plugin] LCPL Input Plugin

Readium LCP Input plugin

Similar to the ACSM Input plugin which allows you to turn an Adobe ACSM license file into a DRMed EPUB or PDF eBook, here's yet another plugin that does the same with LCPL files.

LCPL stands for "Licensed Content Protection License" and it's yet another eBook DRM created by EDRlab. This is the same as the "TEA/CARE" DRM used by the German Onleihe, which has already been discussed extensively in this mobileread thread.

This plugin does not strip the DRM from the downloaded files, it just turns the LCPL license file into an EPUB or PDF file. You still won't be able to open it in Calibre, but you can send it to an eReader that supports LCP and then open it on the reader.

While the Readium LCP DRM seems even easier to crack than the Adobe DRM, this plugin is not going to remove the DRM from downloaded books because I don't want to get into legal trouble. You can use the DeDRM plugin to remove the DRM.

You can test this plugin by downloading one of the free LCP-protected test books provided by EDRLab. Just add one of these LCPL files into Calibre and it should turn into an eBook. If you do have an LCP-compatible Reader, you will be able to open these books with the passphrase "edrlab rocks".

Other than with Adobe ACSM files, LCPL files don't get "used up" once loaded into a particular application, so you can try them as often as you want without having to worry about not being able to open that book on your reader anymore.

You can find the source code for this plugin on Github.

Version History:


Version 0.0.5 - 17 Nov 2021
- Fixes a bug where importing certain LCPL files would fail in Calibre < 5.0.
- Now supports Calibre >= 2.0.0 instead of just >= 4.10.0

Version 0.0.4 - 15 Nov 2021
- Fixes a bug that caused the plugin to not show up in the Calibre Plugin index. You can now download and update this Plugin directly from Calibre.

Version 0.0.3 - 12 Nov 2021
- Fixes a bug where other EPUB- or PDF-capable FileTypePlugins would not run on EPUB or PDF files created by this plugin.

Version 0.0.2 - 06 Oct 2021
- Support for Python2 (now requires Calibre >= 4.10 instead of Calibre >= 5.0).

Version 0.0.1 - 06 Oct 2021
- First version

Attached Files
File Type: zip LCPL Input (7.4 KB, 54706 views)

Last edited by Leseratte_10; 12-28-2021 at 07:36 AM.
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Old 10-06-2021, 03:58 AM   #2
Chalut o/
un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.un_pogaz understands the importance of being earnest.
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Thanks, nice work
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