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Old 11-13-2011, 05:53 AM   #31
Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.
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Hallo kbearwald,

Im RC2 funktioniert die handschriftliche Notiz in PDF sehr schnell - zu beachten dabei ist das grüne Licht das anzeigt, ob der Pro gerade zu tun hat, wenn es erlischt - ist er bereit für Interaktion. Im RC2 sollte bei handschriftlichen Notizen darauf geachtet werden. Im RC2 sind kleinere Wortklingel kurze Abschnitt-Eingrenzungen so schnell wie auf echten Papier - bei handschriftlichen angefügte Worte - sollte im RC2 darauf geachtet werden - das Wort, wie in der Grundschule zusammen in Schreibschrift in eins durch zuschreiben - ohne den Stift abzusetzen. Wichtig in RC2 ist - das die Kalibrierung des Bildschirms in der Orientierung gemacht wird - in dem in Buch später die handschriftlichen Anmerkungen gemacht werden.

Im RC3 übrigens braucht man die handschriftliche Notiz nicht in Schreibschrift in eins durchschreiben sondern kann normal zügig Sätze schreiben wie z.B in Druckbuchstaben-Schreibweise mit Auf- und Absetzten des Stiftes.
Im RC2 waren kleinen Wortumkringelungen und kleine Kürzel sehr schnell - doch bei längeren handgeschriebenen Anmerkungen verzögert. Auch hier hat sich im RC3 die Geschwindigkeit von handgeschrieben Sätzen spürbar verbessert.

Im RC2 kann es im Handschrift-Modus zu einer vermeintlichen Inaktivität kommen - man möchte schreiben -nichts tut sich - zu beobachten ist dabei das grüne Licht - wenn es erlischt - eine Sekunde warten - dann kann an gewünschter Stelle geschrieben werden. Ist mit RC3 im wesentlichen ausgeräumt.


Im RC2 ist für Textmarkierungen darauf zu achten - eine viertel bis halber Sekunde - den Stift auf den ersten Buchstaben des zu markierenden Abschnitts zu halten, denn Pro braucht die Zeit um a) die Textmarkierung-Funktion anzustoßen und b) im PDF den gewünschten Buchstaben(Textabschnitt heraus zu finden) dann den Text markieren - zu beachten ist dabei, dass der Underline Cursor deinen Stiftbewegungen folgen kann - dann klappt die Textmarkierung im RC2 relativ zügig in wenigen Sekunden.
Im RC3 gilt dasselbe Prinzip nur spürbar schneller - auch kann in RC3 die Textmarkierung von einem Leerzeichen zwischen Worten beginnen.

Im RC2 kann es im Textmarkierungsmodus vorkommen - das das grüne Licht kurz leuchtet sich aber nichts tut - in diesem Fall z.B. vom Modus Textmarkierung kurz zu Handschriften wechseln und wieder zurück zur Textmarkierung - dann klappt die Textmarkierung wieder - mit diesem workaround kann man diesen Init-bug umgehen.
Auch sollte man dabei beachten die Markierung mit dem ersten Buchstaben anzufangen - wenn die Markierung im Leerzeichen vor dem Buchstaben des Markierungsbeginn startet - braucht Pro zu lange zu berechnen - was eigentlich gemeint ist.
Dies alles ist im RC3 im wesentlichen behoben.

Es gilt das Prinzip, je größer der gezoomte Text desto eher weiß Pro welcher Text zu markieren ist - das hängt mit der unterschiedlichen Auflösung des Display - zum verbauten Wacom-Grafiktablett sowie der in den PDF-Readern verwendeten PDF-Renderengine zusammen.

Das Radiergummi ist im RC2 nicht Verwendungsfähig -Löschvorgänge benötigen Minuten - im RC3 dagegen hat sich enorm viel getan - denn dort benötigt der Löschvorgang wenige Sekunden. Das Radiergummi arbeitet offenbar nach dem Bounding-Box Modell - will heißen man muss sich um die zu löschende handschriftliche Notiz oder Notizfragment ein umschließendes Rechteck vorstellen - so ähnlich wie die Snapshot-Funktion - so reicht es z.B mit einem "Radiergummi-Strich" von links unten nach rechts oben des gedachten Rechtecks die Notiz zu löschen - es gilt mit so wenig Radiergummi-Bewegungen wie möglich zu löschen.

Pro speichert im RC2 jede aktuelle Interaktion in einen internen Buffer und arbeitet sie stur ab - je mehr darin ist, umso länger dauert die Bearbeitung der Funktion.
Im RC3 kann dieses sture Abarbeiten des Interaktionsbuffer jederzeit durch neue Interaktion abgebrochen werden - so dass sich Pro ausschließlich mit den neuen Interaktionen beschäftigt - das beschleunigt das Handling im Notizmodus deutlich.

Last edited by Dolansky; 11-13-2011 at 09:16 AM.
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Old 11-13-2011, 08:14 AM   #32
kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'kbaerwald understands when you whisper 'The dog barks at midnight.'
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Hallo Dolansky

besten Dank für die ausführliche Beschreibung (ich wünschte PB würde so etwas auch mal liefern, der Helptext ist recht dünn). Bleibt zu fragen, ob ich den RC3 zum Update erwischt habe (download von sw_20110930_903_LIBRI_mt_synopsisV2_R_passwd_newli brary_br_2.1.2a_libri_user. Das ist wohl der Release Candidate 2, oder? Wo bekomme ich RC3 her?

Zum anderen Thema: ich habe jetzt die Ergebnisse der Notizfunktion gefunden, allerdings unter \system\config\Active Contents als Sammelsurium abgelegt.

Wie machst du die weitere Verarbeitung? Ich hatte mir gedacht snapshots bzw die erzeugten Dateien in den Laptop zur weiteren Verarbeitung zu transportieren. Dies scheint mit der einzige Weg zu sein, um nicht bei Weitergabe den Kontext zwischen Notiz und Text zu verlieren.

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Old 11-13-2011, 08:36 AM   #33
Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.Dolansky is less competitive than you.
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Du hast die RC1 erwischt
RC2 hat den Beginn sw_20111013_903_CIS / ..._603_CIS
RC3 hat den Beginn sw_20111111_903_CIS/ ..._603_CIS

Die RC2 hat Forkosigan hier veröffentlicht.

Ich habe mich noch nicht um die Weiterverarbeitung am PC gekümmert - Mir reicht für das Erste die Auflistung der Notizen im Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches aus - weiß aber das prinzipiell der Bearbeitungsstand mitsamt vektorisierter Handschrift und Textmarkierungen im PDF mit gespeichert werden kann - wie es z.B die Android PDF-app Repligo Reader vorbildlich macht. Ich denke PB arbeitet möglicherweise darauf hin - denn es hat alle "Zutaten" dazu: vektorisierte Handschrift, Textmarkierungen - die PDF-Renderegines scheinen auf den neuesten Stand bzw. entsprechen den aktuelleren PDF-Spezifikationen - schön in diesem Zusammenhang ist auch, dass im PDF Viewer die alte poppler PDF-Renderengine durch eine aktuellere ausgetauscht wurde.

Last edited by Dolansky; 11-13-2011 at 10:18 AM.
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Old 12-02-2011, 05:15 PM   #34
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bobisekmilky began at the beginning.
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I am sorry for writing English, I am able to read your German posts, but I would hardly express myslef in German.
I have just another comment to the note-taking function. May be the more datailed comment helps to develop things properly. In fact, I do not see, what can be a trouble with programming the proper note-taking function. It's in fact nothing more than a text editor around the existing marking function.
So what my disappointment about this marking function instead of note-taking function is about?
I have bought the PB903 specially because of its note-taking function. I am greatly surprised it is so rare function in e-book readers, but as I understood from numerous reviews, common folk does not need it. But PB903 is presented as a professional device.
I do not know, who is meant by professional, but in relation to reading I would expect it to be a journalist or a scholar. For both of these, the fundamental property of a paper book is its margin. There one can comfortably write numerous comments (in my case different types of comments on each - right and left - margin) with a pencil.
So in case of a professional e-book reader one would expect that it can facilitate such a function, i.e. provide the same capabilities as a paper book or article - the possibility of commenting selected passages of the text. But since the device is electronic, one can expect it to provide this functionality with advantages of an electronic device. By that I mean that one could expect such a text-marking function, which is now in the device, and which copies the selected text to a separate file, with a further possibility to write (with the help of inbuilt keyboard) his own comments to these marked passages of the text in this separate file. One more thing one would expect: to be able to locate and rename such text files and to save them to one's computer to be able to work with them further. One would expect this, because it is precisely what is called simply "reading", or interacting with a text. If I cannot do this, I simply cannot read with the help of the device anything but daily news.
From some reviews, including the review on note-taking in PB360, I expected that this somewhat more sophisticated editor of .txt files will be present and fully working in the PB903. I don't really understand why it is not. I really do not understand what technically is so difficult about combining text-marking (or precisely text-copying) function with text-editing function. And I am also seriously thinking about sending the device back to a seller. Because not having this note-taking function it does not provide - for a professional - real reading function. Which turns it to a quite expensive toy - nice but useless.
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:49 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by bobisekmilky View Post
I am sorry for writing English, I am able to read your German posts, but I would hardly express myslef in German.
I have just another comment to the note-taking function. May be the more datailed comment helps to develop things properly. In fact, I do not see, what can be a trouble with programming the proper note-taking function. It's in fact nothing more than a text editor around the existing marking function.
So what my disappointment about this marking function instead of note-taking function is about?
I have bought the PB903 specially because of its note-taking function. I am greatly surprised it is so rare function in e-book readers, but as I understood from numerous reviews, common folk does not need it. But PB903 is presented as a professional device.
I do not know, who is meant by professional, but in relation to reading I would expect it to be a journalist or a scholar. For both of these, the fundamental property of a paper book is its margin. There one can comfortably write numerous comments (in my case different types of comments on each - right and left - margin) with a pencil.
So in case of a professional e-book reader one would expect that it can facilitate such a function, i.e. provide the same capabilities as a paper book or article - the possibility of commenting selected passages of the text. But since the device is electronic, one can expect it to provide this functionality with advantages of an electronic device. By that I mean that one could expect such a text-marking function, which is now in the device, and which copies the selected text to a separate file, with a further possibility to write (with the help of inbuilt keyboard) his own comments to these marked passages of the text in this separate file. One more thing one would expect: to be able to locate and rename such text files and to save them to one's computer to be able to work with them further. One would expect this, because it is precisely what is called simply "reading", or interacting with a text. If I cannot do this, I simply cannot read with the help of the device anything but daily news.
From some reviews, including the review on note-taking in PB360, I expected that this somewhat more sophisticated editor of .txt files will be present and fully working in the PB903. I don't really understand why it is not. I really do not understand what technically is so difficult about combining text-marking (or precisely text-copying) function with text-editing function. And I am also seriously thinking about sending the device back to a seller. Because not having this note-taking function it does not provide - for a professional - real reading function. Which turns it to a quite expensive toy - nice but useless.
I need to apologize to PocketBook for my previous comment. After further exploration of the note-taking function I have found that already with the fw2.0.4 it is much more sophisticated. I had not realized before that by pressing the stylus for few seconds the context menu pops up and in this case makes some more operations possible.
First of all, the particular note can be maximised this way, which means that the full length of the copied passage is shown. By pressing again this quotation for few seconds one is offered the possibility to edit it. So the comment can be attached to the quote. So this works well.
Some troubles remain however:
1) it seems there is no possibility to export these notes into the computer. Or to be more precise. It is not possible if one makes them in Adobeviewer. It is different when one makes them in Pdfviewer. The notes from Pdfviewer can be opened in a computer either with e-book reading application or with a web broeser - it is html file. On the other hand, these are hardly accessed and editable in the PB903 device itself. They are hidden somewhere and one can locate them only by using a search engine. In a computer I can see them in the folder called "notes", but this folder is either a different folder from that which is called "notes" in the device, or another possibility is that it is the same folder, but the computer does not see the content created by note-taking application in Adobeviewer and sees only that from Pdfviewer, while the device sees the Adobeviewer notes, but not pdfviewer ones. But some other hypothesis is also possible.
2) The second trouble is that quotations form the pdf document are made only as pictures, not as text. It is strange, because the search engine of the device is apparently able to search through the text layer of pdfs. But the note-taking apllication works with it only as with picture. This is in fact not so important in case when, anyway, the notes cannot be exported to the computer. But at the moment this bug is removed and notes will be exportable, this feature will hinder the possibilities of further work with notes - for example their inclusion in the software for the analysis of qualitative data (for such inclusion it is necessary to have the document in .txt or .rtf format).
3) The third problem is connected to navigation. In order to edit quotation comfortably it is necessary that I can simply move to a note from the open book after creating it. But at the moment I need to go to the main menu, to notes, to a particular notebook and to a particular note in it. Just after that I can start to edit the note, ie. to write my comment to it. This process is too long. It is fine that one can move nicely from the quotation in a notebook back to a book. But for the full functionality it is necessary that I can move from the selected passage in book into the same passage in a notebook in order to edit it. Facilitating this two-way movement from note to a book and from book to a note would make real time interaction with a text possible.
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