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Old 11-24-2012, 09:30 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by SteveEisenberg View Post
Still, the Mac situation is a little nicer. If, at Thanksgiving dinner, someone mentioned liking Macintosh because one can ignore the whole anti-virus thing, most people would nod (even if you would be an exception). But if another someone mentioned liking their new PC because one can ignore the whole anti-virus thing, the turkey talk might not be that pleasant.
If that happened, I would say the nodders bear a striking resemblance to little woolly animals in herds.

Macs are not immune to viruses. The flashback trojan infected more than 1% of Mac machines worldwide this past Spring:

Security experts have long argued that Apple has underplayed the threat to Mac users from cyber criminals.

In April they pointed to the Flashback Trojan outbreak, which affected roughly 600,000 owners, more than one per cent of the worldwide total.

Spread by malicious websites, it masqueraded as an update to Adobe Flash and used a vulnerability in Java, a programming language widely used online, to take control of OS X. It was used by cyber criminals to run a “click fraud” scam, which redirected victims to advertisements online, but could have been used to online banking credentials or other sensitive data.
Moreover, Apple was criticized for waiting 3 months to patch the vulnerability.

I suspect that the biggest reason Windows has been more susceptible to viruses than the Mac is because those who wrote the nasty programs just didn't bother to do so for the small installed Mac base. The payoff was just so much larger for Windows.


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Old 11-24-2012, 09:55 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by PatNY View Post
The payoff was just so much larger for Windows.

10X bigger.
Same reason why iOS and Android are the current malware targets-du-jur.
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Old 11-24-2012, 10:53 AM   #93
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I've run a dozen or more Windows machines including a Windows server for many years and have never had a virus or trojan. But, I make sure that everyone's machine is up to date with the OS and the virus scanners. After so many years, it's trivial.

As long as you and your machine isn't specifically targeted, it doesn't take much to protect it. Bigger problems come from socially engineered viruses/trojans such as spear fishing or clicking on links at sites that should be safe. DH works for a computer security company and we talk about these threats all the time. Ironically, his company's hardware doesn't work with IOS machines because Apple won't license IOS.

I'm glad Samsung is giving Apple competition. Competition is good and over time should give us, the consumers, better products at better prices.
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Old 11-24-2012, 01:17 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by PatNY View Post
Agree here. I don't think there would be an iPad Mini if Jobs were still alive and heading Apple. He crucified the 7" form factor, and coming out with a 7.9" one is not enough of a difference to plausibly save face. His tremendous ego would have stood in the way of their putting out a smaller iPad.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Jobs. Jobs changed his mind *all the time*. Even after making public comments. The video iPod is the most analogous situation to this one (a year after saying video didn't make sense on an iPod, Apple came out with the video iPod), but there are many others (no third party apps on the iPhone; upside down apple logo, etc.) There's no face-saving necessary; he just came out with the new product if he thought it made sense at the time. I'm sure he would point out that this wasn't a 7" screen and was 35% larger, of course.

As for crucifying, he made a disparaging comment during a phone call a couple of years ago. I'm sure he wouldn't feel bound by that now.

One also has to question whether Apple would have put out their half-baked maps app had Jobs been alive. He was such a perfectionist that he likely would have delayed it and stuck with Google Maps for one more cycle.
Antennagate? Mobile Me? Cut and paste in iOS?
There were a lot of imperfections under Jobs.

The question of Jobs' death on Apple is an interesting one. While he was the driving force behind their resurgence after the company hit the doldrums, it seemed he was also a driving force for the current costly patent wars, which may end up to be ultimately destructive to Apple, diverting money and time from R&D efforts. Maybe they should have spent less money on their court litigation and more on the development team that worked on the maps app!
Or maybe they can find some use for the extra billion from Samsung. Its not like paying lawyers is particularly expensive given their revenue - the one thing apple is not short of is money.

People who are critical of Apple tend to not know much about Jobs and thus completely mischaracterize him as someone who never changed his mind. There are two psychological motives for this, AFAICT. The first is that it helps paint Apple users as sheep, mindlessly following a "Messiah." And the second is that it allows them to predict Apple's demise, on the basis that what Apple is now doing is somehow inconsistent with what Jobs once said about something.

But of course this is ridiculous because, as mentioned above, he changed his mind all the time. Probably one of his strengths as a manager was that he surrounded himself with people strong enough to change his mind when necessary. (The most interesting parts of the isaacson bio are where people need to find a way to show him he's wrong about something (Corning CEO Wendell Weeks: "Shut up, Steve, and let me tell you about science).)

On the specific iPad mini issue, it's pretty hard to argue on the merits that it's going to hurt Apple.
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Old 11-24-2012, 01:45 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Andrew H. View Post
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Jobs. ....

People who are critical of Apple tend to not know much about Jobs and thus completely mischaracterize him.... it helps paint Apple users as sheep, mindlessly following a "Messiah." ....

Well, it's very apparent that he modeled his CEO style and management methodologies around the guru/followers which he studied in India. So I for one do not think the characterization is entirely wrong.

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Old 11-24-2012, 03:54 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by SteveEisenberg View Post
The problem is that the virus programs themselves are a problem. They frequently annoy you by announcing updates and bragging about what they are doing. Plus there are problems with low initial prices and high renewal rates.
Avast is completely free, unless one upgrades. Updates will run automatically. The notification that the updates have been installed can be shut off. I prefer having the little popup telling me that the program is still working.

If I bought a Mac, I would still have to search out protection. I don't have enough faith in the impenetrability of the Mac to go naked. Seems a bit like trying to find a "safe" town so that I can leave my home unlocked and weld my car's key into the ignition.
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Old 11-24-2012, 05:02 PM   #97
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Hey, here's an idea, If you write your own operating system and applications, then there will be no virus problems.
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Old 11-24-2012, 05:24 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Fluribus View Post
If I bought a Mac, I would still have to search out protection. I don't have enough faith in the impenetrability of the Mac to go naked. Seems a bit like trying to find a "safe" town so that I can leave my home unlocked and weld my car's key into the ignition.
You wouldn't be going naked. Apple include a regularly updated kill list for malware.

Really there's no difference in a Mac or a PC getting malware. With the exception of drive by downloads, which both platforms can and do suffer from due to flaws in 3rd party software along with an exploit in the platform itself.

The way I think most people end up infected is downloading and running a trojan themselves and there's little Apple/MS or AV firms can do against that until the trojan becomes known and they can update kill lists.

One argument in favour of AV though is if they include usable/decent heuristics rather than relying solely on scan strings. Or, if the AV firm reacts quicker than Apple (and MS if they now do the same in win8?) do to new threats and updating the kill strings.

I think as the mac user base grows, so will the time people spend finding exploits and selling them on the black market. This will eventually result in parity with windows for the amount of malware targeting their respective users.

When choosing between Mac/PC, malware really should be the least important factor imo.
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Old 11-24-2012, 05:33 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by SteveEisenberg View Post
Having extremely little Apple knowledge (or, more accurately, extremely dated Apple knowledge), I was apparently wrong. At least, I was wrong starting with Windows 8. Here's another stab of what might be the situation: Before Windows 8, if a Mac user and a Windows user both ignored the entire anti-virus arena, while using a little common sense (navigate away from obviously scuzzy web sites), the Mac user would apparently be OK, and the Windows user would be liable to infection. Starting with Windows 8, the playing ground is about the same: Built in default security is adequate for users running the current OS on both platforms, while anti-virus proponents are trying to convince users otherwise, and both Apple and Microsoft fail to make clear statements. Ironically, last year's biggest malware threat to the Mac was from phony anti-virus software.

Still, the Mac situation is a little nicer. If, at Thanksgiving dinner, someone mentioned liking Macintosh because one can ignore the whole anti-virus thing, most people would nod (even if you would be an exception). But if another someone mentioned liking their new PC because one can ignore the whole anti-virus thing, the turkey talk might not be that pleasant.

Based on admittedly brief googling of the issue, Mac anti-virus software is similar, I think, to a dehumidifier on a PC motherboard. There are are special situations where you might need it (illegal downloader in the Mac case, tropical home without air conditioning in the latter), but most people do not need it. However figuring out whether you need it is confusing. And the anti-virus decision is more confusing because people around you will have strong varying opinions about it.

P.S. This is not a recommendation to upgrade the OS of an old Windows PC. I just wait until it dies and then buy one with the latest software.

P.P.S. If you tire of the internet, just get a used Apple II. No one will tell you you need anti-virus on one of those babies
Or run a linux box with an virtual machine subsystem. I'll be running my XP software until I croak...(and my Atari emulator, and an Apple II emulator, and a ...)

(But Saint Seven made certain I can't run an iOS (or a modern Mac OS) virtual machine...)
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Old 11-24-2012, 05:51 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by SteveEisenberg View Post
Having extremely little Apple knowledge (or, more accurately, extremely dated Apple knowledge), I was apparently wrong. At least, I was wrong starting with Windows 8. Here's another stab of what might be the situation: Before Windows 8, if a Mac user and a Windows user both ignored the entire anti-virus arena, while using a little common sense (navigate away from obviously scuzzy web sites), the Mac user would apparently be OK, and the Windows user would be liable to infection.
No, you were wrong even before Windows 8.
Apple Mac malware: A short history (1982-2010)
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Old 11-24-2012, 06:17 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Sil_liS View Post
No, you were wrong even before Windows 8.
Apple Mac malware: A short history (1982-2010)
And of course Sophos is a totally unbiased source... in the days before OS/X when I was doing Mac support for clients, ranging from individuals to large companies, I only once came across a virus in the wild on a vicar's machine and it took a good 5 minutes to deal with. As far as OS/X is concerned there have been far more proofs of exploit than actual "out in the wild" attacks and they mainly have more social engineering then random infection in common... people D/Ling material from dubious sources and clicking on oddball links without engaging their brains...

This is not saying Macs are immune... nothing is immune but some things are more likely than others... and I pay far more attention to AV software on my PCs (physical and virtual) than I do on my Mac... and guess which platform has caused me trouble with attacks...
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Old 11-24-2012, 06:48 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by elcreative View Post
And of course Sophos is a totally unbiased source...
Hmmm...let's see now. Do I believe a global anti-virus software company that's been gathering statistics based on millions of users, or one person's anecdotal opinion?

Tricky decision...
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Old 11-24-2012, 06:50 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Andrew H. View Post
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Jobs. Jobs changed his mind *all the time*. Even after making public comments. The video iPod is the most analogous situation to this one (a year after saying video didn't make sense on an iPod, Apple came out with the video iPod), but there are many others (no third party apps on the iPhone; upside down apple logo, etc.) There's no face-saving necessary; he just came out with the new product if he thought it made sense at the time. I'm sure he would point out that this wasn't a 7" screen and was 35% larger, of course.

As for crucifying, he made a disparaging comment during a phone call a couple of years ago. I'm sure he wouldn't feel bound by that now.
I know that Jobs said/did a lot of inconsistent, haphazard things. But his crucifixion of the 7” tablet was different. Simply a “disparaging comment?” Hardly. Engadget (often accused of Apple idolatry) called it a “rant” and “CEO outburst.” The attack went on for 4 minutes, was unprovoked, and came within a larger 20 minute talk in which he took every opportunity to bash Google and Android.

In comparison, the other things you mentioned were casual answers to questions posed by journalists -- short and simply dismissive in nature, without the same amount of venom or effort he used to bash the 7” tablet.

At the time of the comments, Apple was also feeling threatened by the 7” tablets which had started to encroach on their iPad market share. So this was part of Jobs’ personal fatwa. At the time Jobs dismissed video on the ipod or 3rd party apps, there were no threatening competing products at the time.

So I think the circumstances were different. Of course no one will ever know for sure, but I believe we would not have a Mini today if jobs were still actively heading Apple. There would be too many venomous words to eat here – and too public and adamant a position to reconcile if he had changed course.

Antennagate? Mobile Me? Cut and paste in iOS?
There were a lot of imperfections under Jobs.
Sure, Apple has made mistakes in the past. But can any of them really compare with mapgate? Here’s why I think mapgate is different:

1) Apple prides itself on its software. They claim that’s what differentiates themselves from the others. And the half-baked maps app was a pure software mistake – unlike the antenna issue which was a hardware design problem, or MobileMe which entailed the uncertainties of home computing environments for both Windows and Mac users. So one can excuse or at least understand the sync and antenna issues, which were hard to anticipate. Mapgate was completely foreseeable and inexcusable.

2) This was a problem that Apple anticipated and essentially ignored initially. Developers reportedly WARNED Apple about the deficiencies in the app and claim Apple was internally well aware of the problems. Developers even complained that the “broken” map app “broke” their own apps which relied on accurate map imagery.

Never has an Apple software introduction been the butt of so many jokes. That tells you all you need to know how different this misstep was.

What major problems did Apple have with their iOS cut-and-paste? I am not aware of any.

Or maybe they can find some use for the extra billion from Samsung. Its not like paying lawyers is particularly expensive given their revenue - the one thing apple is not short of is money.
Or maybe the verdict will fall apart due to 1) the alleged improprieties of the jury foreman which are now being looked into or 2) an appeals court review or 3) an appeal to the Supreme Court … in which case Apple will never see a cent.

People who are critical of Apple tend to not know much about Jobs and thus completely mischaracterize him as someone who never changed his mind ... But of course this is ridiculous because, as mentioned above, he changed his mind all the time.
No one is saying Jobs never changed his mind. We all change our minds at one time or another. The point is, Jobs was on a personal crusade against Android/Google. As part of this crusade, he put himself out there very publicly on the record, at length, as being strongly against a specific product … in a way he had never done before with any other product/feature. For him to then do a 180 on that would likely have been excruciating for him.

On the specific iPad mini issue, it's pretty hard to argue on the merits that it's going to hurt Apple.
Who’s saying it’s going to hurt them? Better late than never – even if what they put out ironically offers “less for more” (how Jobs described what competing tablet-makers were doomed to put out). I suspect Apple will improve the screen in the near future, but the first iteration of the Mini is a disappointment, spec-wise.

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Old 11-24-2012, 08:53 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Bilbo1967 View Post
Hmmm...let's see now. Do I believe a global anti-virus software company that's been gathering statistics based on millions of users, or one person's anecdotal opinion?

Tricky decision...
True... on their site you can find about 30-50K PC virus variants and probably less than a couple of hundred (half preOS/X) Mac virus variants... hmmm what's so relevant - a list of a few Apple viruses or a list of tens of thousands for a PCs, wow guess there may be a difference in infection chances and necessity for heavy duty AV software - no, probably an anecdotal idea, kill the Typhoid Mary Macs...
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Old 11-24-2012, 09:05 PM   #105
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So Google really is eating Apples for lunch.
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