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Old 07-13-2011, 06:02 PM   #1
melitabel began at the beginning.
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EE charger - how to identify

OK, this has to be the dumbest strategic mistake of the month. I bought a new EE on eBay, and I did charge it. But I didn't label the charger, so now I can't tell which one to use, out of my multiple device chargers. Can someone tell me what its identifying features are? What does it say on it? Who makes it? I am SO embarrassed. And I really need to recharge my EE!
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Old 07-13-2011, 06:06 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by melitabel View Post
OK, this has to be the dumbest strategic mistake of the month. I bought a new EE on eBay, and I did charge it. But I didn't label the charger, so now I can't tell which one to use, out of my multiple device chargers. Can someone tell me what its identifying features are? What does it say on it? Who makes it? I am SO embarrassed. And I really need to recharge my EE!
Switching Power Supply
Model. DSA-36W-12 30
INPUT: 100-240V~50/60hz 1.0A
OUTPUT: +12V 2.5A

Last edited by Gunnerp245; 07-17-2011 at 10:05 AM.
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Old 07-14-2011, 10:52 AM   #3
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sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.sarah11918 can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.
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If this helps at all, it's in 2 pieces, with a 2prong plug at one end and a brick in the middle where they connect. I still continue to mix my EE power cable up with my external hard drive's cable, and the only way I can eventually figure it all out is that the hard drive has a thicker head around the plug, and is only one single cable.

That won't help you distinguish it from a regular PC laptop's cable, I know, but it might help with other accessories.
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Old 07-14-2011, 02:06 PM   #4
melitabel began at the beginning.
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Thank you both. Alas, I fear that this particular EE is a dud. I'll open a seaparate topic on its multiple strangenesses.
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