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Old 07-06-2010, 01:00 AM   #1
centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.
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Cover art sizing issue.... any help appreciated!

So I'm trying to edit the cover art in one of my epubs with an alternate cover that I prefer. I've tried resizing the image and I've tried adjusting come of the coding but no matter what i do. I keep ending up with the bottom edge of the image at the top of the next page. I would really like to have my covers fit on only the first page preferably without margins but I've not messed with the margins yet. I'm really new at this so any help is appreciated. Any suggestions?


Last edited by centhena; 07-06-2010 at 01:01 AM. Reason: correcting typo
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Old 07-06-2010, 02:59 AM   #2
centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.centhena can successfully navigate the Paris bus system.
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Device: Kindle 3, Kindle Paperwhite
Fixed... now on to figuring out how to remove margins

I opened the original and copied the coding out of there making sure i renamed the new cover art cover.jpg and it fixed it. I don't really understand every piece of teh code yet but it worked to get my cover to be on just the one page. Now to figure remove the margins from just the cover page

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