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Old 04-27-2005, 02:35 PM   #1
Zire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshes
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Thumbs up My yearly summer trip...suggestions appreciated.

Hey All,

Will be doing my usual yearly summer trip to Europe visiting my wife's family. We have the opportunity to go for a month and I think that we are going to do just that. I have already been to Prague twice, went camping in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, have seen around 10 castles in the area, hiked and skiied in High Tatras, been to the national park with the ladders, visited a billion pubs and had the local beer, also visited family in Zelena, Dviaky, Poprad, and Kladno. Frankly I have ran out of things to go to. We want to do something that is accessable from Dviaky or Zelena where my mother-in-law and brother-in-law live but the one catch is that car rentals for automatic cars are through the roof and I will rather not drive. We have to do everything by bus or by train. I was thinking doing something in Germany or Poland but other then the concentration camps, I don't know where to go or what to do. We are also planning a 3 to 4 day stop over in Paris on our way back to the US. Any suggestions of where to go what to see in Paris, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland will be much appreciated. TIA
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Old 04-27-2005, 03:50 PM   #2
filip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheese
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If you want to go to Poland you can visit the town of Crackow.
Near this beatifull town you can visit a very intersting salt mine :

If you want to go to Paris, even if I live here, I can not say you what to visit. A lot a thing is worth seeing.
You can plan some feet trip around the monuments in the town or visit the museums (Le Louvre is the biguest one).
Another thing is the Chateau de Versailles, very near Paris by public transport.

If you want more info, you can pm me or respond here.
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Old 04-27-2005, 11:02 PM   #3
Zire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshes
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@ Filip...thanks!

How would I get to the salt mine using public transportation within slovakia or czech republic? Looks pretty interesting.
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Old 04-28-2005, 05:35 AM   #4
filip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheesefilip can extract oil from cheese
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I don't know, I've been there only on time
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Old 04-29-2005, 10:26 AM   #5
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zire, if you go to Germany make sure to visit Munich. The English Garten is beautiful in sommer, and you can enjoy a "Mass" of beer, that is a 1-liter glass.

Beside that, of course I would recommend you to visit Dubrovnik, Croatia. I'll be there again this summer, too. Unfortunately, it is pretty much south of Croatia (Dalmatia), so if you go there, I suggest you look on the map what else you could find if you go farther south. For instance there is Greece.
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Old 05-03-2005, 03:50 PM   #6
Zire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshesZire can read faster than his screen refreshes
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Thanks. I was thinking about Greece...
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