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Old 03-20-2022, 11:05 AM   #1
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samoaomas began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Mar 2022
Device: Onyx Boox Max 3
Onxy Boox Max 3 - Battery problems

Hello all,

this post is about battery problems with the Onyx Max 3.

The following post was about problems with short battery cycles after an update to the latest firmware version:

As i experience similar problems since the latest update of the firmware to version 3.2.1 on my Boox Max 3, i wanted to re-start a discussion on this topic.

What happened so far:

Before the update, i could use the device for weeks without charging it. Normally, WIFI is deactivated, Bluetooth is activated, there was only little battery consumption.

After the update, the battery discharged so quickly, that it became empty over night.

I contacted customer care at Onyx and sent a log file. They agreed that there was a problem. My assumption was it had to be a software-related problem, as problems started exactly with the firmware update. Onxy customer care, however, claimed that the root of the problem was a bad battery.

Well, they offered to replace the battery, charging only shipping and a maintenance fee of 20USD. I decided to accept this offer and gave it a try. I had to ship the device to Poland (I myself live in Germany), the repair cost me about 50 EUR, it took approximately 2 weeks to get it back.

There were some minor issues with the repair work. The front and back cover now do not fit together properly on the lower end of the device (where the usb connecter is). Boox offered to replace the back cover without any additional cost. I am not sure yet if i should return my eReader in again, but I must admit that they really try to satisfy their customers.

However, the question, that concerns me most at the moment, is still about battery usage. I do have the feeling, that my devise still consumes more power than before the firmware update. In order to narrow down the problem, i have deactivated some apps (like Google Play Store) and turned off WIFI and Bluetooth. Still, the battery is reduced by approx. 2% over night (in stand-by). I installed a terminal app, the top-command shows 800% CPU, but in user context i don't see any process that is responsible for that CPU usage.

I really don’t know, what causes the CPU usage and, maybe in consequence, the battery drain. My question is: has anybody a suggestion how to narrow down the problem?

Thanks in advance!
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