Device: WinMo: IPAQ; Android: HTC HD2, Archos 7o; Java:Gravity T
Originally Posted by miwie
How is the best approach to create an ebook using Calibre if the source consists of a series of N web pages, accessible like "...?page=N" ?
PS: It is an interview which I'd like to have as a single Epub-file.
Kovid pointed you to the answer for the case where you have the multiple files stored locally. You may get them by just saving the files to disk while browsing to the source pages, if they are not local. However, since you posted in the recipe section, perhaps they are on the web, and you really want a recipe.
You can look at the GoComics and recipes that do what you want. They create a virtual feed (using parse_index) by calculating the page address of comics by incrementing a number for the number of comics to retrieve. That number is is set inside the recipe as num_comics_to_get).
#!/usr/bin/env python
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2010 Starson17'
from import BasicNewsRecipe
import mechanize
class GoComics(BasicNewsRecipe):
title = 'GoComics'
__author__ = 'Starson17'
__version__ = '1.03'
__date__ = '09 October 2010'
description = u'200+ Comics - Customize for more days/comics: Defaults to 7 days, 25 comics - 20 general, 5 editorial.'
category = 'news, comics'
language = 'en'
use_embedded_content= False
no_stylesheets = True
remove_javascript = True
cover_url = ''
# num_comics_to_get - I've tried up to 99 on Calvin&Hobbes
num_comics_to_get = 7
# comic_size 300 is small, 600 is medium, 900 is large, 1500 is extra-large
comic_size = 900
# Please do not overload their servers by selecting all comics and 1000 strips from each!
conversion_options = {'linearize_tables' : True
, 'comment' : description
, 'tags' : category
, 'language' : language
keep_only_tags = [dict(name='div', attrs={'class':['feature','banner']}),
remove_tags = [dict(name='a', attrs={'class':['beginning','prev','cal','next','newest']}),
dict(name='div', attrs={'class':['tag-wrapper']}),
dict(name='ul', attrs={'class':['share-nav','feature-nav']}),
def get_browser(self):
br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser(self)
cookies = mechanize.CookieJar()
br = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies))
br.addheaders = [('Referer','')]
return br
def parse_index(self):
feeds = []
for title, url in [
######## COMICS - GENERAL ########
(u"2 Cows and a Chicken", u""),
# (u"9 to 5", u""),
# (u"The Academia Waltz", u""),
# (u"Adam@Home", u""),
# (u"Agnes", u""),
# (u"Andy Capp", u""),
# (u"Animal Crackers", u""),
# (u"Annie", u""),
(u"The Argyle Sweater", u""),
# (u"Ask Shagg", u""),
(u"B.C.", u""),
# (u"Back in the Day", u""),
# (u"Bad Reporter", u""),
# (u"Baldo", u""),
# (u"Ballard Street", u""),
# (u"Barkeater Lake", u""),
# (u"The Barn", u""),
# (u"Basic Instructions", u""),
# (u"Bewley", u""),
# (u"Big Top", u""),
# (u"Biographic", u""),
(u"Birdbrains", u""),
# (u"Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog", u""),
# (u"Bliss", u""),
(u"Bloom County", u""),
# (u"Bo Nanas", u""),
# (u"Bob the Squirrel", u""),
# (u"The Boiling Point", u""),
# (u"Boomerangs", u""),
# (u"The Boondocks", u""),
# (u"Bottomliners", u""),
# (u"Bound and Gagged", u""),
# (u"Brainwaves", u""),
# (u"Brenda Starr", u""),
# (u"Brewster Rockit", u""),
# (u"Broom Hilda", u""),
(u"Calvin and Hobbes", u""),
# (u"Candorville", u""),
# (u"Cathy", u""),
# (u"C'est la Vie", u""),
# (u"Chuckle Bros", u""),
# (u"Citizen Dog", u""),
# (u"The City", u""),
# (u"Cleats", u""),
# (u"Close to Home", u""),
# (u"Compu-toon", u""),
# (u"Cornered", u""),
(u"Cul de Sac", u""),
# (u"Daddy's Home", u""),
# (u"Deep Cover", u""),
# (u"Dick Tracy", u""),
# (u"The Dinette Set", u""),
# (u"Dog Eat Doug", u""),
# (u"Domestic Abuse", u""),
# (u"Doodles", u""),
(u"Doonesbury", u""),
# (u"The Doozies", u""),
# (u"The Duplex", u""),
# (u"Eek!", u""),
# (u"The Elderberries", u""),
# (u"Flight Deck", u""),
# (u"Flo and Friends", u""),
# (u"The Flying McCoys", u""),
(u"For Better or For Worse", u""),
# (u"For Heaven's Sake", u""),
# (u"Fort Knox", u""),
# (u"FoxTrot", u""),
(u"FoxTrot Classics", u""),
# (u"Frank & Ernest", u""),
# (u"Fred Basset", u""),
# (u"Free Range", u""),
# (u"Frog Applause", u""),
# (u"The Fusco Brothers", u""),
(u"Garfield", u""),
# (u"Garfield Minus Garfield", u""),
# (u"Gasoline Alley", u""),
# (u"Gil Thorp", u""),
# (u"Ginger Meggs", u""),
# (u"Girls & Sports", u""),
# (u"Haiku Ewe", u""),
# (u"Heart of the City", u""),
# (u"Heathcliff", u""),
# (u"Herb and Jamaal", u""),
# (u"Home and Away", u""),
# (u"Housebroken", u""),
# (u"Hubert and Abby", u""),
# (u"Imagine This", u""),
# (u"In the Bleachers", u""),
# (u"In the Sticks", u""),
# (u"Ink Pen", u""),
# (u"It's All About You", u""),
# (u"Joe Vanilla", u""),
# (u"La Cucaracha", u""),
# (u"Last Kiss", u""),
# (u"Legend of Bill", u""),
# (u"Liberty Meadows", u""),
(u"Lio", u""),
# (u"Little Dog Lost", u""),
# (u"Little Otto", u""),
# (u"Loose Parts", u""),
# (u"Love Is...", u""),
# (u"Maintaining", u""),
# (u"The Meaning of Lila", u""),
# (u"Middle-Aged White Guy", u""),
# (u"The Middletons", u""),
# (u"Momma", u""),
# (u"Mutt & Jeff", u""),
# (u"Mythtickle", u""),
# (u"Nest Heads", u""),
# (u"NEUROTICA", u""),
(u"New Adventures of Queen Victoria", u""),
(u"Non Sequitur", u""),
# (u"The Norm", u""),
# (u"On A Claire Day", u""),
# (u"One Big Happy", u""),
# (u"The Other Coast", u""),
# (u"Out of the Gene Pool Re-Runs", u""),
# (u"Overboard", u""),
# (u"Pibgorn", u""),
# (u"Pibgorn Sketches", u""),
(u"Pickles", u""),
# (u"Pinkerton", u""),
# (u"Pluggers", u""),
(u"Pooch Cafe", u""),
# (u"PreTeena", u""),
# (u"The Quigmans", u""),
# (u"Rabbits Against Magic", u""),
(u"Real Life Adventures", u""),
# (u"Red and Rover", u""),
# (u"Red Meat", u""),
# (u"Reynolds Unwrapped", u""),
# (u"Ronaldinho Gaucho", u""),
# (u"Rubes", u""),
# (u"Scary Gary", u""),
(u"Shoe", u""),
# (u"Shoecabbage", u""),
# (u"Skin Horse", u""),
# (u"Slowpoke", u""),
# (u"Speed Bump", u""),
# (u"State of the Union", u""),
(u"Stone Soup", u""),
# (u"Strange Brew", u""),
# (u"Sylvia", u""),
# (u"Tank McNamara", u""),
# (u"Tiny Sepuku", u""),
# (u"TOBY", u""),
# (u"Tom the Dancing Bug", u""),
# (u"Too Much Coffee Man", u""),
# (u"W.T. Duck", u""),
# (u"Watch Your Head", u""),
# (u"Wee Pals", u""),
# (u"Winnie the Pooh", u""),
(u"Wizard of Id", u""),
# (u"Working It Out", u""),
# (u"Yenny", u""),
# (u"Zack Hill", u""),
(u"Ziggy", u""),
######## COMICS - EDITORIAL ########
("Lalo Alcaraz",""),
("Nick Anderson",""),
("Chuck Asay",""),
("Tony Auth",""),
("Donna Barstow",""),
# ("Bruce Beattie",""),
# ("Clay Bennett",""),
# ("Lisa Benson",""),
# ("Steve Benson",""),
# ("Chip Bok",""),
# ("Steve Breen",""),
# ("Chris Britt",""),
# ("Stuart Carlson",""),
# ("Ken Catalino",""),
# ("Paul Conrad",""),
# ("Jeff Danziger",""),
# ("Matt Davies",""),
# ("John Deering",""),
# ("Bob Gorrell",""),
# ("Walt Handelsman",""),
# ("Clay Jones",""),
# ("Kevin Kallaugher",""),
# ("Steve Kelley",""),
# ("Dick Locher",""),
# ("Chan Lowe",""),
# ("Mike Luckovich",""),
# ("Gary Markstein",""),
# ("Glenn McCoy",""),
# ("Jim Morin",""),
# ("Jack Ohman",""),
# ("Pat Oliphant",""),
# ("Joel Pett",""),
# ("Ted Rall",""),
# ("Michael Ramirez",""),
# ("Marshall Ramsey",""),
# ("Steve Sack",""),
# ("Ben Sargent",""),
# ("Drew Sheneman",""),
# ("John Sherffius",""),
# ("Small World",""),
# ("Scott Stantis",""),
# ("Wayne Stayskal",""),
# ("Dana Summers",""),
# ("Paul Szep",""),
# ("Mike Thompson",""),
# ("Tom Toles",""),
# ("Gary Varvel",""),
# ("ViewsAfrica",""),
# ("ViewsAmerica",""),
# ("ViewsAsia",""),
# ("ViewsBusiness",""),
# ("ViewsEurope",""),
# ("ViewsLatinAmerica",""),
# ("ViewsMidEast",""),
# ("Views of the World",""),
# ("Kerry Waghorn",""),
# ("Dan Wasserman",""),
# ("Signe Wilkinson",""),
# ("Wit of the World",""),
# ("Don Wright",""),
print 'Working on: ', title
articles = self.make_links(url)
if articles:
feeds.append((title, articles))
return feeds
def make_links(self, url):
title = 'Temp'
current_articles = []
pages = range(1, self.num_comics_to_get+1)
for page in pages:
page_soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
if page_soup:
strip_title = page_soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class':'top'}).h1.a.string
strip_title = 'Error - no Title found'
date_title = page_soup.find('ul', attrs={'class': 'feature-nav'}).li.string
if not date_title:
date_title = page_soup.find('ul', attrs={'class': 'feature-nav'}).li.string
date_title = 'Error - no Date found'
title = strip_title + ' - ' + date_title
for i in range(2):
strip_url_date = page_soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class':'top'}).h1.a['href']
break #success - this is normal exit
strip_url_date = None
continue #try to get strip_url_date again
for i in range(2):
prev_strip_url_date = page_soup.find('a', attrs={'class': 'prev'})['href']
break #success - this is normal exit
prev_strip_url_date = None
continue #try to get prev_strip_url_date again
if strip_url_date:
page_url = '' + strip_url_date
if prev_strip_url_date:
prev_page_url = '' + prev_strip_url_date
current_articles.append({'title': title, 'url': page_url, 'description':'', 'date':''})
url = prev_page_url
return current_articles
def preprocess_html(self, soup):
if soup.title:
title_string = soup.title.string.strip()
_cd = title_string.split(',',1)[1]
comic_date = ' '.join(_cd.split(' ', 4)[0:-1])
if soup.h1.span:
artist = soup.h1.span.string
soup.h1.span.string.replaceWith(comic_date + artist)
feature_item = soup.find('p',attrs={'class':'feature_item'})
if feature_item.a:
a_tag = feature_item.a
a_href = a_tag["href"]
img_tag = a_tag.img
img_tag["src"] = a_href
img_tag["width"] = self.comic_size
img_tag["height"] = None
return self.adeify_images(soup)
extra_css = '''
h1{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:bold;font-size:large;}
h2{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:normal;font-size:small;}
img {max-width:100%; min-width:100%;}
Thanks for your replies!
I'll keep the suggestion about the virtual feed from the (Go) recipes for future use.
At the moment the first solution (after saving the pages locallly) works good enough.