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Old 05-13-2021, 12:54 PM   #1
eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.eddie.t.h is an accomplished Snipe hunter.
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Fastboot needed...

I'm repairing my pw1 that had an emmc failure. I've already replaced the memory but unfortunately I'm stuck on uploading the kernel. I set the serial numbers with mfgtools and fastboot for K5 found in this forum. While it went smoothly, it looks like the K5 version of fastboot can't properly write the kernel or the diags partition. When I try to save I get an:

ERROR error: [fsl_arc_udc.c] udc_irq: 1127: Packet sys err

I conclude that this fatboot doesn't quite match PW1. Do any of you have a PW1 version? I would be very grateful for any tips on what to do next.

Small update:

I flash the memory image using the programmer. Unfortunately, it does not support boot0 and boot1 partitions. The effect is that the Kindle works but I have to run it with mfgtool. Unfortunately, I was unable to compile uboot properly with fastboot. The fight continues ...

Last edited by eddie.t.h; 05-13-2021 at 05:14 PM.
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