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Old 01-04-2008, 06:44 PM   #1
Martijn has learned how to read e-booksMartijn has learned how to read e-booksMartijn has learned how to read e-booksMartijn has learned how to read e-booksMartijn has learned how to read e-booksMartijn has learned how to read e-booksMartijn has learned how to read e-books
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Device: iLiad
Mobipocket dictionary

I recently got an iLiad and put the Webster1913 dictionary on it from this site.
For a while it worked perfectly.

This evening, however it stopped working and I do not know how to restore it to working order.
I can open the dictionary just fine, but when reading another mobipocket file the dictionary lookup icon stays grayed out.
The problem is that I've been doing a lot that might interfere with it, but I do not now exactly what.

The things I changed between the dictionary working and not working are:
- I inserted a 2 Gb CF card. It seems to work OK, but it is one of the untested variants, namely an AQR AQ2GCF-R (I'll add it to the wiki as soon as I'm sure that its not causing this problem).

- I installed emelFM2 on the CF card and used it to move my books and documents from internal memory to the CF card.
I also used it to move mrxvt, which I had installed earlier when the dictionary was still working, to the CF card

- I installed FBreader. I had to install it twice, since I couldn't find it the first time. I think this was because the CF card contained a "programs" directory instead of a "Programs" directory. After renaming the directory to start with a capital P and reinstalling FBreader it worked.

- I installed the scotty1024's Java Viewer Booster pack using ericshliao's instructions.

I already tried reverting the to its pre-Booster pack state.
That did not seem to work, so I re-instated the modified
I also tried moving the books back to internal memory, but that did not seem to work either.

I could try reverting and moving the books back to internal memory, but before I do that I thought I might ask if anybody else has run into this problem.

EDIT: I found the solution
Apparently the Mobipocket dictionary has to be in internal memory and it doesn't respond well to being moved.
I removed the Webster1913.prc directory from internal memory and copied the Webster1913.prc file to the Mobipocket folder.
Now it works fine again.

I tried the same trick on the CF card, i.e. removing the directory and placing the file there, but that did not seem to work.
So I guess the dictionary has to be in internal memory.

Last edited by Martijn; 01-05-2008 at 05:17 AM.
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