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Old 02-05-2011, 06:21 PM   #1
Edge User
Word processor

This may seem a strange request but has anyone found a good word processor for the eDGe?

We need just a word processor with visible formatting options and several language dictionaries. Something like Abiword (linux & win) or Describe (OS/2).
Old 02-06-2011, 06:25 PM   #2
Edge User
The eDGe comes with Documents To Go from DataViz, which includes simple versions of the key Microsoft Office apps (Word, Excel & PowerPoint). This app is intended for word processing on the eDGe. If you go to the DataViz website, you can find the Help file for the Android version to get an idea of its capabilities.

I've seen at least one other "office" suites for Android devices, but you have to buy them, and from my brief look at the product website, they aren't significantly better than Documents to Go.
Old 02-07-2011, 05:50 AM   #3
Edge User
Thanks Boris. I do know about DtG but it isn't what we want. I have the feeling I will have to hand our programmer some books on Android programming and get her to see if she can do something.
Old 02-07-2011, 10:14 AM   #4
Edge User
Android 2.4 and lower, including the eDGe's 1.6, is intended for small 3-4" cell phone screens, so you won't see rich features like toolbars and context menus, etc. There just isn't room for everything. The new Android 3.0, which is intended for large tablet screens, may introduce desktop-like UI features, but we won't see this version on the current eDGe models.

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