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Old 09-13-2010, 06:05 PM   #1
stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.stevensavile knows what's going on.
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Of Dust and Time - The Challenge Novella

I think this counts as a *deal* at 99c....

Some brief history to what happened:

On Thursday at midnight I was basically conned into doing a 24hr novella challenge... 10,000 word story based upon the cover image and title provided by the publisher, with the aim of getting the physical story published in electronic and hardcopy formats in 24 hrs...

Steve Lockley and I managed it, with seconds to spare and 4 words over... And oddly, I am *really* proud of the piece.

This is the cover we were given:

Madness. Hell yes. So what is it about?

We decided to do an old fashioned ghost story for Halloween...

One suicide is a tragedy, two an unfortunate coincidence but three is a problem for police forensic investigator Sally Reardon. Can she solve the mystery of Birkin House before she becomes the fourth?

It's up on Amazon here:

and smashwords here:
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