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Old 05-24-2011, 09:30 AM   #1
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canislupus began at the beginning.
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Recipe request - Macleans Magazine

Hi All,

Newbie here and I have a question. Maclean Magazine is not downloading for me in Caliber and when I did a google search I found a recipe in the Caliber forums archives that someone had posted for Macleans Magazine (see below) but when I tried to use it to "Fetch News" in Caliber it doesn't work. Please help, how do I get the magazine downloaded into an e-book? It is a weekly magazine.

Thank you in advance!

#!/usr/bin/env python
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
import string, re
from calibre import strftime
from import BasicNewsRecipe
from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag, NavigableString
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date
class Macleans(BasicNewsRecipe): title = u'Macleans Magazine' __author__ = 'Nick Redding' language = 'en_CA' description = ('Macleans Magazine') no_stylesheets = True timefmt = ' [%b %d]' # customization notes: delete sections you are not interested in # set oldest_article to the maximum number of days back from today to include articles sectionlist = [ ['','Front Page'], ['','Canada'], ['','World'], ['','Business'], ['','Culture'], ['','Opinion'], ['','Health'], ['','Environment'], ['','On Campus'], ['','Travel'] ] oldest_article = 7 # formatting for print version of articles extra_css = '''h2{font-family:Times,serif; font-size:large;} small {font-family:Times,serif; font-size:xx-small; list-style-type: none;} ''' # tag handling for print version of articles keep_only_tags = [dict(id='tw-print')] remove_tags = [dict({'class':'postmetadata'})] def get_browser(self): br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser() return br def preprocess_html(self,soup): for img_tag in soup.findAll('img'): parent_tag = img_tag.parent if == 'a': new_tag = Tag(soup,'p') new_tag.insert(0,img_tag) parent_tag.replaceWith(new_tag) elif == 'p': if not self.tag_to_string(parent_tag) == '': new_div = Tag(soup,'div') new_tag = Tag(soup,'p') new_tag.insert(0,img_tag) parent_tag.replaceWith(new_div) new_div.insert(0,new_tag) new_div.insert(1,parent_tag) return soup def parse_index(self): articles = {} key = None ans = [] def parse_index_page(page_url,page_title): def decode_date(datestr): dmysplit = datestr.strip().lower().split(',') mdsplit = dmysplit[1].split() m = ['january','february','march','april','may','june', 'july','august','september','october','november',' december'].index(mdsplit[0])+1 d = int(mdsplit[1]) y = int(dmysplit[2].split()[0]) return date(y,m,d) def article_title(tag): atag = tag.find('a',href=True) if not atag: return '' return self.tag_to_string(atag) def article_url(tag): atag = tag.find('a',href=True) if not atag: return '' return atag['href']+'print/' def article_description(tag): for p_tag in tag.findAll('p'): d = self.tag_to_string(p_tag,False) if not d == '': return d return '' def compound_h4_h3_title(tag): if tag.h4: if tag.h3: return self.tag_to_string(tag.h4,False)+u'\u2014'+self.ta g_to_string(tag.h3,False) else: return self.tag_to_string(tag.h4,False) elif tag.h3: return self.tag_to_string(tag.h3,False) else: return '' def compound_h2_h4_title(tag): if tag.h2: if tag.h4: return self.tag_to_string(tag.h2,False)+u'\u2014'+self.ta g_to_string(tag.h4,False) else: return self.tag_to_string(tag.h2,False) elif tag.h4: return self.tag_to_string(tag.h4,False) else: return '' def handle_article(header_tag, outer_tag): if header_tag: url = article_url(header_tag) title = article_title(header_tag) author_date_tag = outer_tag.h4 if author_date_tag: author_date = self.tag_to_string(author_date_tag,False).split(' - ') author = author_date[0].strip() article_date = decode_date(author_date[1]) earliest_date = - timedelta(days=self.oldest_article) if article_date < earliest_date: self.log("Skipping article dated %s" % author_date[1]) else: excerpt_div = outer_tag.find('div','excerpt') if excerpt_div: description = article_description(excerpt_div) else: description = '' if not articles.has_key(page_title): articles[page_title] = [] articles[page_title].append(dict(title=title,url=url,date=author_date[1],description=description,author=author,content='') ) def handle_category_article(cat, header_tag, outer_tag): url = article_url(header_tag) title = article_title(header_tag) if not title == '': title = cat+u'\u2014'+title a_tag = outer_tag.find('span','authorLink') if a_tag: author = self.tag_to_string(a_tag,False) a_tag.parent.extract() else: author = '' description = article_description(outer_tag) if not articles.has_key(page_title): articles[page_title] = [] articles[page_title].append(dict(title=title,url=url,date='',descripti on=description,author=author,content='')) soup = self.index_to_soup(page_url) if page_title == 'Front Page': # special processing for the front page top_stories = soup.find('div',{ "id" : "macleansFeatured" }) if top_stories: for div_slide in top_stories.findAll('div','slide'): url = article_url(div_slide) div_title = div_slide.find('div','header') if div_title: title = self.tag_to_string(div_title,False) else: title = '' description = article_description(div_slide) if not articles.has_key(page_title): articles[page_title] = [] articles[page_title].append(dict(title=title,url=url,date='',descripti on=description,author='',content='')) from_macleans = soup.find('div',{ "id" : "fromMacleans" }) if from_macleans: for li_tag in from_macleans.findAll('li','fromMacleansArticle'): title = compound_h4_h3_title(li_tag) url = article_url(li_tag) description = article_description(li_tag) if not articles.has_key(page_title): articles[page_title] = [] articles[page_title].append(dict(title=title,url=url,date='',descripti on=description,author='',content='')) blog_central = soup.find('div',{ "id" : "bloglist" }) if blog_central: for li_tag in blog_central.findAll('li'): title = compound_h2_h4_title(li_tag) if li_tag.h4: url = article_url(li_tag.h4) if not articles.has_key(page_title): articles[page_title] = [] articles[page_title].append(dict(title=title,url=url,date='',descripti on='',author='',content=''))
# need_to_know = soup.find('div',{ "id" : "needToKnow" })
# if need_to_know:
# for div_tag in need_to_know('div',attrs={'class' : re.compile("^needToKnowArticle")}):
# title = compound_h4_h3_title(div_tag)
# url = article_url(div_tag)
# description = article_description(div_tag)
# if not articles.has_key(page_title):
# articles[page_title] = []
# articles[page_title].append(dict(title=title,url=url,date='',descripti on=description,author='',content='')) for news_category in soup.findAll('div','newsCategory'): news_cat = self.tag_to_string(news_category.h4,False) handle_category_article(news_cat, news_category.find('h2'), news_category.find('div')) for news_item in news_category.findAll('li'): handle_category_article(news_cat,news_item.h3,news _item) return # find the div containing the highlight article div_post = soup.find('div','post') if div_post: h1_tag = div_post.h1 handle_article(h1_tag,div_post) # find the divs containing the rest of the articles div_other = div_post.find('div', { "id" : "categoryOtherPosts" }) if div_other: for div_entry in div_other.findAll('div','entry'): h2_tag = div_entry.h2 handle_article(h2_tag,div_entry) for page_name,page_title in self.sectionlist: parse_index_page(page_name,page_title) ans.append(page_title) ans = [(key, articles[key]) for key in ans if articles.has_key(key)] return ans
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Old 06-17-2011, 07:02 AM   #2
sexymax15 began at the beginning.
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Macleans Magazine recipe Better then Inbuilt

The inbuilt recipe doesnot work. Here's my recipe, it works fine,no problem whatsoever.

class AdvancedUserRecipe1308306308(BasicNewsRecipe):
title = u'Maclean Magazine (Canada)'
oldest_article = 30
max_articles_per_feed = 12

use_embedded_content = False

remove_empty_feeds = True
no_stylesheets = True
remove_javascript = True
remove_tags = [dict(name ='img'),dict (id='header'),{'class':'postmetadata'}]
remove_tags_after = {'class':'postmetadata'}

feeds = [(u'Blog Central', u''),
(u'Canada', u''),
(u'World', u''),
(u'Business', u''),
(u'Arts & Culture', u''),
(u'Opinion', u''),
(u'Health', u''),
(u'Environment', u'')]
def print_version(self, url):
return url + 'print/'


Attached Files
File Type: zip Maclean Magazine (Canada) (626 Bytes, 289 views)
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Old 06-17-2011, 09:34 AM   #3
Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.
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Originally Posted by sexymax15 View Post
The inbuilt recipe doesnot work. Here's my recipe, it works fine,no problem whatsoever.
@sexymax15: Thanks for posting several recipes.
A tip: It would be appreciated if you would put your recipes into code tags (use the hash button) and then surround the code tags with spoiler tags (use the button having an eye with a red X over it). The code tags preserve required Python formatting and the spoiler tags make the thread much easier to read.

Last edited by Starson17; 06-17-2011 at 10:59 AM.
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Old 06-22-2011, 01:19 PM   #4
BRGriff began at the beginning.
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I learned something new from this discussion which will help when I myself post a recipe. Thank you.

class AdvancedUserRecipe1308306308(BasicNewsRecipe):
    title          = u'Maclean Magazine (Canada)'
    oldest_article = 30
    max_articles_per_feed = 12

    use_embedded_content = False

    remove_empty_feeds = True
    no_stylesheets = True
    remove_javascript = True
    remove_tags = [dict(name ='img'),dict (id='header'),{'class':'postmetadata'}]
    remove_tags_after = {'class':'postmetadata'}
    feeds = [(u'Blog Central', u' feed/'),
            (u'Canada', u''), 
            (u'World', u''), 
            (u'Business', u''), 
            (u'Arts & Culture', u''), 
            (u'Opinion', u''), 
            (u'Health', u''),
            (u'Environment', u'')

    def print_version(self, url):
        return url + 'print/'
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Old 06-22-2011, 01:45 PM   #5
Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.
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Originally Posted by BRGriff View Post
I learned something new from this discussion which will help when I myself post a recipe. Thank you.
It's not immediately obvious that Code tags are needed or that Spoiler tags are helpful, but when you've read a few hundred threads, or tried to answer questions about posted recipes that have lost all the Python-required indents, you will learn to appreciate the advantages of those tags. Thanks to all who use them!
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Old 06-26-2011, 02:32 PM   #6
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canislupus began at the beginning.
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Thank you sexymax15. Works great.
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Old 07-23-2011, 11:40 AM   #7
kindle88 began at the beginning.
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I tried sexymax15's recipe. The table of contents shows all the articles but the links don't work.

I also updated Calibre to 0.8.22 (which has an improved Maclean news recipe). Still, the links in the table of contents don't work and also noticed that the articles were not actually downloaded.

Anyone else has this issue?
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Old 07-24-2011, 08:38 AM   #8
Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Starson17 can program the VCR without an owner's manual.
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Originally Posted by kindle88 View Post
I tried sexymax15's recipe. The table of contents shows all the articles but the links don't work.

I also updated Calibre to 0.8.22 (which has an improved Maclean news recipe). Still, the links in the table of contents don't work and also noticed that the articles were not actually downloaded.

Anyone else has this issue?
You can try this:
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