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Old 03-15-2015, 07:30 PM   #1
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A change in relationship with Calibre . . .

I’ve been a longtime Nook user and my library has always been loaded through Calibre. This means that I had no way to muse for a new book from the Nook except through one of two lists (alphabetical by author or title, which always started at the top of the list).

This has annoyed me so much that I contemplate purchasing a new Windows 8.1 tablet so I can run Calibre on my reading device. I’ve tested Calibre with a Lenovo 13” but I’m interested in a Lenovo 10”.

However, I find the native epub book viewer in Calibre to be quite clumsy on a small tablet (the command keys are too small for me to comprehend, the text resizing doesn’t change text size in large enough increments, etc.)

Here are my questions:

What do others (who select the next book directly from Calibre) choose as the best reading app? What tablet/device(s) do you use?

Calibre seems to operate poorly with the touch screen on a tablet (and I think it will be worse with a smaller screen). Instead of being able to scroll through the list of books, every finger swipe seems to activate some command. How do people get around this issue?

Thanks for any advice.
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Old 03-15-2015, 07:45 PM   #2
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Usually by getting an Android.

There are a number of good reading apps, and of course chaley's Calibre Companion which is great for hunting down books.
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Old 03-15-2015, 08:45 PM   #3
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I agree. Windows tablet uses edge swipe heavily, which conflicts with reading apps. On Android device, both Moon+ Reader and DuoKan are good options. DuoKan also has custom built firmware for Kindles, which I do prefer over the stock firmware.
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Old 03-15-2015, 08:54 PM   #4
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Have you checked out What reading software would you use on an 8inch windows tablet?
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Old 03-16-2015, 07:07 PM   #5
BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Before you go through the trouble of getting a tablet, what Nook are you using? If you're using a Nook STR or Glowlight you can use the My Files feature on your Nook in conjunction with Calibre's export template to create a directory structure for easy sorting. I'm pretty sure the Nook HD and Tablet also have the same option. The original Nook did not have this feature available.
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Old 03-17-2015, 01:20 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by BookJunkieLI View Post
Before you go through the trouble of getting a tablet, what Nook are you using? If you're using a Nook STR or Glowlight you can use the My Files feature on your Nook in conjunction with Calibre's export template to create a directory structure for easy sorting. I'm pretty sure the Nook HD and Tablet also have the same option. The original Nook did not have this feature available.
Mine is called a NOOKcolor, model no BNRV200
Uses Sofware version 1.4.3

Too old, maybe?

I do have a "My Files" which I can access. Could you tell me where to look up more about Calibre's export template feature?

Last edited by TdeV; 03-17-2015 at 01:54 PM.
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Old 03-17-2015, 10:43 PM   #7
BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.BookJunkieLI ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by TdeV View Post
Mine is called a NOOKcolor, model no BNRV200
Uses Sofware version 1.4.3

Too old, maybe?

I do have a "My Files" which I can access. Could you tell me where to look up more about Calibre's export template feature?
As long as you have access to My Files then you're good. - this tells you a little about the Save To Disk feature, which for Nook export purposes, has similar features to Send To Device. You find Send To Device options in Calibre under Preferences=>Sending Books To Device.

The first two sections of this page - - are good for showing how to begin creating a template for exporting.

Something that I did, and I recommend doing, is I created a custom composite column that I actually create my export template in. I did it that way for a couple of reasons. One reason is so that I can fiddle with my template as much as I want without leaving remnants because the Send To Device options section will save every template you enter, whether or not it works. All I need to do is have the title of the custom column in the template field in Send To Devices. The second reason is if I have my library on a computer other than my usual one and I want to export I don't need to try and remember my template. It's stored in a custom column in my library.

This is the specifics on the custom composite column I created for my template:
Lookup name: export
Column heading: Export Template
Column Type: Column built from other columns
Sort/Search Column by: Text

You can completely ignore this part if you want but I figured I'd show you my current export template, though I am in the process of trying to refine it a bit.
I read fanfiction mostly these days so this template is geared towards that but you can still get an idea of how the template works from it.
{#library}/{#new:||/}{#fandom:||/}{#complete2:||/}{#type:||/}{#nonseries:||/}{#pairings:re(/,_)||/}{#subfandom:||/}{#subfandom2:||/}{series:||/}{series_index:>2|| - }{title:shorten(20,-,5)} - {author}
Now let me break it down for you.
Each section surrounded by the {} is a column. By putting a / between them it tells the Calibre to create a sub-directory for the next section.
{#library} is a custom column that tells me if the book is from my fiction, fanfiction, or non-fiction library. This way they're not all mixed together on my Nook.
{#new:||/} is essentially my Read/Unread column. You'll notice :||/ in there. This tells Calibre that if the column is empty it shouldn't make a sub-directory and will skip to the next column section to see if there is information. The | is the symbol you get when you click Shift+\ on a PC keyboard. Not sure about a Mac.
Skipping to {#pairings:re(/,_)||/} because the others aren't really different from {#new:||/}. In pairings you see that it now has :re(/,_)||/ in it. The new part re(/,_) tells Calibre any time it find a / listed in the column it should turn it to an _ during export. For example in Arrow fandom I read Oliver/Felicity. During the export Calibre turns Oliver/Felicity to Oliver_Felicity because Windows and the Nook operating system consider / a special character and won't use it in a file or directory name.
Next we'll jump to {series_index:>2|| - }. In this one the >2 tells Calibre that stories with a series number are going to be two digits with a leading zero. This way my stories are sorted as 01, 02, 03 rather than 1, 10, 11, etc, 2, 20. The || - tells Calibre that rather than creating a new sub-directory at this point it's going to put a - between the series number (if there is one) and the story/book title.
{title:shorten(20,-,5)} - Like Windows if a filename is too long Nook will shorten it down. This can create some very odd titles. shorten(20,-,5) tells Calibre to shorten the title to the first 20 characters, put a -, and then the last 5 characters of the title. If the title is less than 25 characters it doesn't touch it.
And that is the short break down of my template.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm not the greatest at template syntax beyond what I've listed above but I'll help the best I can.
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Old 03-17-2015, 10:53 PM   #8
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eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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The template, plugboard, etc. gurus hang out here:
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Old 04-09-2015, 05:31 PM   #9
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FWIW, I bought a Lenovo 10" tablet with Win 8.1 and returned it. I now have a Samsung Galaxy S Android with Calibre Companion and I'm extremely happy.
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