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Old 05-06-2012, 06:50 AM   #1
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Kobo Touch setup problems

Hi, I'm new to this forum and wondering if anyone can shed some light on the setup up trouble I'm having with my Kobo Touch.

Sorry, if this has already been covered before!!

Was given a KT for christmas (dec 2011), have never been able to set it up properly. Wouldn't move past step 1 ( keep asking me to connect KT to pc).

Somehow I managed to 'fluke' a partial setup and sync, so have been able to use my KT fine, though unable to sync via pc but sync via wireless instead.

Last week I installed ADE onto my computer as my public library now has ebooks available, which I wanted to download. I am unable to authorise my KT with ADE as the PC not recognising that my KT is connected.

Tried the usual, different ports, another usb cable, diff pc/laptop, uninstall & re-install of setup software onto pc, basic reset, factory reset etc. Device showing in device manager as working properly, no error messages.

PC shows a device in Drive F, but if I click on this I am asked to insert a disk or format the drive.

My KT when connected to pc, shows 'connected and charged. Please setup and register your ereader'. I can get into account settings, but it states I do not have a kobo a/c (which I do have), no wireless connection etc.

I now have no books on my KT except the previews that appeared after the factory reset, cannot load any on via usb or wireless, and therefore not able to use my KT untill the setup issues are resolved.

Sorry this post is SO long, just trying to convey all the steps I've taken to date.
Any suggestions anyone?

Have been in touch with kobo support, but no answers from them to date.
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Old 05-06-2012, 07:12 AM   #2
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I've PM'd you. It is probably looking for a Whitcoulls account. Have a read of your message and post again.
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Old 05-07-2012, 04:58 PM   #3
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Thanks - still no luck. Affiliate conf file has =Kobo .

Haven't heard from Kobo support for a few days either.
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Old 05-07-2012, 08:01 PM   #4
The Terminator
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I wonder if it could be a corrupted data base. Doing a factory reset might work, but it will delete the books that are on the device right now as well as all account information. You can do a factory reset via settings.
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Old 05-07-2012, 11:36 PM   #5
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I have tried a factory re-set a couple of times. This did seem to get the setup process going initially, in the sense that the in Explore, rather than just stating F drive, it will label the drive as Kobo, then display the sub-folders. Attempts the setup, with the 'half -circle' thingy (sorry not sure what to call it), then reverts back to connect your reader to pc, after about 5 seconds, so still can't get past step 1. Explore then shows F drive, no Kobo folder, and request I insert disk into F drive or format it, which it cannot complete.

When I connect my kobo to pc, I no longer have the option to select 'connect' on the Kobo, but just tells me I am connected and charged. Don't know if this makes any difference to things or not.

I have been passed on to Tier 3 at kobo support, no idea what that means as haven't heard anything since.

I did manage to somehow get the KT setup back in Dec, not sure how on hubby's laptop (after several attemps also). Have tried this again, but no success this time around.

Is it ok to keep performing factory resets? Wasnt sure if I'm making things worse each time I do that.

Based on some of the other threads I've read on here with similar issues, it doesn't sound like getting a replacement KT is going to necessarily solve the problem.
I have version 1.9.11 on the kobo, driver on my pc is 21/9/06 6.0.6002.18005.
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Old 05-08-2012, 01:04 AM   #6
The Terminator
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When you sign into the Kobo desktop app will it download books?
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Old 05-08-2012, 01:53 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by The Terminator View Post
When you sign into the Kobo desktop app will it download books?
No, as when I try to open Kobo desktop, I get the 'getting started' screen, then the request to connect KT to the pc, and this is where I get stuck. I cannot even get to the sign in screen. Does this occur after setup has been complete?

I've gone online to check that my kobo a/c is working fine - seems to be setup ok as far as I can see.
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Old 05-08-2012, 01:14 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by mach1 View Post
No, as when I try to open Kobo desktop, I get the 'getting started' screen, then the request to connect KT to the pc, and this is where I get stuck. I cannot even get to the sign in screen. Does this occur after setup has been complete?

I've gone online to check that my kobo a/c is working fine - seems to be setup ok as far as I can see.
Then you might have to run Kobo Desktop App as an administrator since it sounds like it might not be getting online.

On Windows you just right click the program and select "Run As Administrator"
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Old 05-08-2012, 05:52 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by The Terminator View Post
Then you might have to run Kobo Desktop App as an administrator since it sounds like it might not be getting online.

On Windows you just right click the program and select "Run As Administrator"
Yes, I've tried that too - no success.
Main issues, is getting pc to recognise the usb connection. It will do this 'briefly' after a factory reset, but that clears all my a/c info, which I then can't load back on as I am unable to set it up with kobo desktop.

Kobo help emailed this morning to say maybe a replacement is the answer. I'm not so sure, due to other posts I've read, but can only try that option I guess.

SameerH, is going to look into it for me as well - thanks so much!
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Old 03-08-2014, 04:56 AM   #10
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I guess your issues are resolved by now, so I'm just posting this in case someone else runs into this same problem, like I did yesterday.

As I faced the same problem and could not find any solutions to it on the forums, I contacted Kobo Customer Service, where - after a half an hour "troubleshooting" I was told to return the device.

If your warranty period has not expired, this is definitely what you should do! I.e. return the device and it will get replaced

However, if your warranty period is over, there are things you can do.

1. The method described below will most likely make you lose any warranty! If your warranty period has not expired, return your device and get a replacement!
2. I tried it with Kobo Touch, but it may apply to any Kobo devices. No guarantees, though...
3. This is again at your own risk, I assume no responsibility in case you brick your device. However, if you follow this guide, you won't.

The root cause of the problem is Kobo sometimes messing up the FAT32 partition on its internal storage. I have a short version of the solution for "experts" and a step-by-step version.

Short version
The internal storage is a simple microSD card. Connect it to your computer with an external card reader, and reformat the FAT32 (but only that!) partition on the SD card. And voilá, you have a working device.

Step-by-step guide

Step 0. Power off the device!
Step 1. Open the device. For Kobo Touch the backside plastic lid was just snapped/clipped into its place, no screws, no other mounting. So take a thin knife, gently slide it into the crack between the backlid and the plastic body, and click it out (move the backlid upwards). You may have to use a little force (but not brute force!)
Step 2. Now you see the internal circuit board of the device. Look for a microSD card in a small slot. Once you found it, take it out of the slot.
Step 3. Use an external card reader to connect it to your machine.
Step 4. Once connected to the computer, Windows (I haven't tried with other OS) will suggest you to format the disk. DO NOT FORMAT THE DISK WITH WINDOWS.
(The reason Windows wants to format it is because it can only see the first physical partition on SD cards and USB keys. Since that is an "empty" space on the SD card followed by an Ext4 partition - which is not recognized by Windows - it thinks you need to format it first. Well, don't believe everything you are told... )
Step 5. Use a partitioning tool to look at the microSD card. Under Windows I suggest this one: MinitTool Partition Wizard
Step 6. Find your SD card in the partitioning tool. I can't stress how important this is, because you don't want to format your own hard drives. One of the disks should look like this: some MB of unallocated space, two Ext4 partitions and a FAT32 partition at the end of the disk. The FAT32 partition is named "KOBOeReader"
Note: this is the partition layout for a Kobo Touch, but I would guess it's likely they use the same layout for all of their devices.
Step 7. Select the Fat32 partition named "KOBOeReader". Once again make sure that you selected the FAT32 partition on the SD card, and not a partition on one of your hard drives!
Step 7.1 (optional). Since formatting that partition will make you lose all data on it, you may want to save your eBooks and/or statistics. You can use the Browse command of MiniTool Partition Wizard to browse your Kobo eReader and save data off from it.
Note: all the books you bought via the Kobo shop will be available anyway, since that information is stored at Kobo. So even if you don't save the contents of the partition, when you synch your device with the Kobo server, you'll get all your ebooks back, that you bought from Kobo.
Step 8. Format this and only this partition to FAT32 file system with default allocation/cluster/sector size. In MiniTool Partition Wizard you have to hit Apply for the changes to take effect.
Step 9. Almost there... Safely remove the microSD card from your computer. You'll have to exit your partitioning SW first. Put it back into your Kobo eReader and clip back the backlid. Make sure it clips all the way around the housing.
Step 10. Boot up your Kobo. Since it stored some version info data on the partition you just formatted, it will automatically do an update, in order to make sure it has a clean start.
Step 11. You are done! Synch your device with the Kobo servers, and get back all the books you purchased. From now on, when you connect your device to your computer, it will not ask you to format it. Instead it will pop up as a new drive with all your favorite books on it, just as it should have in the first place!

Final note: if you followed these steps rigorously, the worst thing that can happen is that you lose the books and statistics on your device. Since we did not touch any of the Ext4 partitions (or the unallocated space), the OS of the Kobo eReader is not affected.
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Old 05-06-2014, 05:04 PM   #11
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Thank you sir_pal! You saved me so much trouble!
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Old 05-11-2014, 02:26 PM   #12
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I had this same problem and while I tried 3 different cables, figured it was another issue and did a factory reset - I eventually tried my stepfathers blackberry cable and voila! I guess 4th try is the charm!

I'd suggest borrowing other cables from family and friends and definitely rule out if that's the problem or not.

I had even bought a new Kobo brand cable and it didn't work!
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Old 08-08-2016, 08:00 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by sir_pal View Post

I guess your issues are resolved by now, so I'm just posting this in case someone else runs into this same problem, like I did yesterday.

As I faced the same problem and could not find any solutions to it on the forums, I contacted Kobo Customer Service, where - after a half an hour "troubleshooting" I was told to return the device.

If your warranty period has not expired, this is definitely what you should do! I.e. return the device and it will get replaced

However, if your warranty period is over, there are things you can do.

1. The method described below will most likely make you lose any warranty! If your warranty period has not expired, return your device and get a replacement!
2. I tried it with Kobo Touch, but it may apply to any Kobo devices. No guarantees, though...
3. This is again at your own risk, I assume no responsibility in case you brick your device. However, if you follow this guide, you won't.

The root cause of the problem is Kobo sometimes messing up the FAT32 partition on its internal storage. I have a short version of the solution for "experts" and a step-by-step version.

Short version
The internal storage is a simple microSD card. Connect it to your computer with an external card reader, and reformat the FAT32 (but only that!) partition on the SD card. And voilá, you have a working device.

Step-by-step guide

Step 0. Power off the device!
Step 1. Open the device. For Kobo Touch the backside plastic lid was just snapped/clipped into its place, no screws, no other mounting. So take a thin knife, gently slide it into the crack between the backlid and the plastic body, and click it out (move the backlid upwards). You may have to use a little force (but not brute force!)
Step 2. Now you see the internal circuit board of the device. Look for a microSD card in a small slot. Once you found it, take it out of the slot.
Step 3. Use an external card reader to connect it to your machine.
Step 4. Once connected to the computer, Windows (I haven't tried with other OS) will suggest you to format the disk. DO NOT FORMAT THE DISK WITH WINDOWS.
(The reason Windows wants to format it is because it can only see the first physical partition on SD cards and USB keys. Since that is an "empty" space on the SD card followed by an Ext4 partition - which is not recognized by Windows - it thinks you need to format it first. Well, don't believe everything you are told... )
Step 5. Use a partitioning tool to look at the microSD card. Under Windows I suggest this one: MinitTool Partition Wizard
Step 6. Find your SD card in the partitioning tool. I can't stress how important this is, because you don't want to format your own hard drives. One of the disks should look like this: some MB of unallocated space, two Ext4 partitions and a FAT32 partition at the end of the disk. The FAT32 partition is named "KOBOeReader"
Note: this is the partition layout for a Kobo Touch, but I would guess it's likely they use the same layout for all of their devices.
Step 7. Select the Fat32 partition named "KOBOeReader". Once again make sure that you selected the FAT32 partition on the SD card, and not a partition on one of your hard drives!
Step 7.1 (optional). Since formatting that partition will make you lose all data on it, you may want to save your eBooks and/or statistics. You can use the Browse command of MiniTool Partition Wizard to browse your Kobo eReader and save data off from it.
Note: all the books you bought via the Kobo shop will be available anyway, since that information is stored at Kobo. So even if you don't save the contents of the partition, when you synch your device with the Kobo server, you'll get all your ebooks back, that you bought from Kobo.
Step 8. Format this and only this partition to FAT32 file system with default allocation/cluster/sector size. In MiniTool Partition Wizard you have to hit Apply for the changes to take effect.
Step 9. Almost there... Safely remove the microSD card from your computer. You'll have to exit your partitioning SW first. Put it back into your Kobo eReader and clip back the backlid. Make sure it clips all the way around the housing.
Step 10. Boot up your Kobo. Since it stored some version info data on the partition you just formatted, it will automatically do an update, in order to make sure it has a clean start.
Step 11. You are done! Synch your device with the Kobo servers, and get back all the books you purchased. From now on, when you connect your device to your computer, it will not ask you to format it. Instead it will pop up as a new drive with all your favorite books on it, just as it should have in the first place!

Final note: if you followed these steps rigorously, the worst thing that can happen is that you lose the books and statistics on your device. Since we did not touch any of the Ext4 partitions (or the unallocated space), the OS of the Kobo eReader is not affected.

I had this problem recently after W10 update. You may even format your Kobo mini without taking it apart just by using the USB cable and [Minitool partition Free]. You then see only the FAT partition caled KoboEreader. After format to FAT32 you can reset the ereade and install books as you like.
Hans Wolf 2016/08/8
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Old 08-14-2016, 04:40 AM   #14
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Windows 10 doesn't see Kobo

Just to let you know that the thread to use the minitool partition reader worked for me. My Kobo touch is an older version and does not have a removable SD card but I did it straight from the mini usb plug in.

Just ignore the Windows request to reformat, run minitool partition reader. Select the kobo reader partition. Select partition. Change to Fat32. Run. the tool then puts it in pending work, so you will need to run the pending work. Voila works like a charm.

Like the previous user said I believe it was a Windows 10 update in Aug 2016 that seemed to mess it up.
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Old 08-23-2016, 03:36 PM   #15
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This did not work for me.

It worked so that Windows does recognize the e-reader and I can use it as a storage device. But the e-reader will then start to loop the set-up process and after downloading updates it just goes back to ''chose language - enter wifi key - download updates" etc.

A factory reset got the kobo back to normal and it managed to finish set-up. But then windows would not recognize it. Since no permanent harm was done and the SD-card trick seems to work for others, it's worth a try. But if you get the same result as me, it might be good to know that a factory reset can fix it back to the original problem.

I hear a new big Windows update is coming, maybe that will solve it. Or I'll work around it.
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