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Old 08-13-2010, 01:58 PM   #1
Edge User
Porting the android market to the enTourage

Just wanted you guys to know, the project we had to port the full Market to the eDGe has been canceled. enTourage Systems violated the GPL license this morning, by refusing to release kernel and GPL source code to us. Telling me that they did not believe my request was legit.

This is in violation of the law, and the spirit of open source. If this concerns you, voice your opinion.
Old 08-13-2010, 02:14 PM   #2
Edge User
This again?
Old 08-13-2010, 03:18 PM   #3
Edge User
please, people of Entourage Systems, give us the source code
we want the source code, we want the source code
(and when you don´t give it, we´ll buy an Ipode!)
ha ha ha
Old 08-13-2010, 03:19 PM   #4
Edge User
They just contacted me agreeing to release it.

If you guys don't give a **** about the GPL, then go get an ipad.

If google wants to go after me for enabling the market, then thats their will. To date the have not stopped any after market alterations enabling the Android Market. They did send one project a C&D but that was specifically for another reason.
Old 08-13-2010, 03:20 PM   #5
Edge User
ha ha ha jcase ,I thought the same 1 minute before than you !
Old 08-13-2010, 04:40 PM   #6
Edge User
Originally Posted by borisb View Post
My opinion: This issue doesn't concern me. First, because I'm not interested in the GPL source code. Secondly, because you cannot legally enable Market access without Google's permission (i.e., you in turn will be sued by Google for illegal activities). Google has yet to authorize something other than a cell phone to have Market access.

Ditto--and third, you're not being very nice in the way you ask. When my toddlers whine like that, I send them to their rooms.
Old 08-13-2010, 04:51 PM   #7
Edge User
Ok, I take it eDGe isn't markted to techies. You shouldn't have to ask/plead/beg for GPL source code. They are required by law to release it. I have never seen users of a device chase independent developers away like this. I will toss a bone later this week, the debug pass and a few security vulnerability write ups on the eDGe, just because I already did the research. After that, for all I care the device can die.
Old 08-13-2010, 04:55 PM   #8
Edge User
Originally Posted by jcase View Post
Ok, I take it eDGe isn't markted to techies. You shouldn't have to ask/plead/beg for GPL source code. They are required by law to release it. I have never seen users of a device chase independent developers away like this.
You're kidding, right? Hello? Apple in the beginning...
Old 08-13-2010, 06:24 PM   #9
Edge User
Nice work. Btw brown nosing does not get you anything from the company. Unless you work for them.
Old 08-13-2010, 06:32 PM   #10
Edge User
I'm not a developer, but I am very happy that Entourage is going to release the source code. I am also thankful to Jcase and other developers for all the work they are doing to make the eDGe a better product.

Let's keep things civil on the forums, gents.
Old 08-13-2010, 07:25 PM   #11
Edge User
It's clear to me a least a large portion of eDGe users are just drones apparently. I will be providing enTourage the security vulns, post my article and be done.

Let people with nefarious intents find the holes now eh? Instead of someone willing to help
Old 08-13-2010, 08:02 PM   #12
Edge User
We have posted our source code. You can search "source code" in our support knowledge base for a link. We do appreciate the developer community, but it is not the only community of users of the eDGe. On top of that, we have a very complicated ecosystem we have developed and that we have licensed with property in it that needs protection. Of course we embrace the idea of open source, or we would not have chosen to build an Android device. Every effort takes time and resources, though, so now is when we have managed to find a point in our cycle where we could release our source code. We are eager to see what our talented developer customers can do to improve the eDGe and to find new applications and businesses to build with it.

Old 08-13-2010, 08:39 PM   #13
Edge User
Originally Posted by devseev View Post
I'm not a developer, but I am very happy that Entourage is going to release the source code. I am also thankful to Jcase and other developers for all the work they are doing to make the eDGe a better product.

Let's keep things civil on the forums, gents.
I completely agree with you.

I really appreciate the work that Jcase and the others have been putting into the eDGe. Being a tech enthusiast, I always try to get the biggest bang out of anything I buy. Seeing that the eDGe is an expensive piece of hardware, I'm ecstatic of the progress that has been going into rooting the eDGe as well as Entourage releasing their source code. Robot has been doing a lot of researching on increasing the capabilities of the eDGe, especially with the e-ink side, and I'm happy that Entourage's compliance might bring forth more progress.

It would be great if jcase, as well as other developers could continue to work on developing the eDGe. Entourage can develop it only so far, and I feel that it's up to the user base to customize it until it's perfect.

Once again, thank you for the the work that all of the developers have been putting into the eDGe, and if there is anything that the community can do to help, please don't hesitate. =)
Old 08-13-2010, 09:07 PM   #14
Edge User
I, for one, would like to THANK Jcase for his efforts. I don't know why people around these boards seem to stand by every single action enTourage takes, whether it be good or bad. Personally, I think it was (very) wrong for enTourage to hold onto the source code for this long. Now, I understand that it's a "complicated ecosystem" and such, but it was still wrong.

The fact that people around here seemed to stand by enTourage's decision NOT to release their source code (as they are required to under license) disappoints me. It reminds me of a certain fruity company and their "followers".

Don't take me the wrong way, but it is stupid to say that the release of the source code doesn't concern you, and therefore not support the release of it, as they are required to do. People starving in Africa do not concern me, seeing as they have no effect on my day-to-day living. That doesn't mean that I don't SUPPORT charities that provide them food. While this may not be the most elegant example, it relates.

And one more thing. If it's illegal to add the market to the eDGe, so be it. But it's also illegal to withhold code under GPL. So, take your pick.

Now, Jcase, I would be very thankful for you and robot to continue working on your firmwares and your workarounds, as there are some things (market access) that just cannot be done by enTourage.

P.S. I saw how out of hand the last conversation about GPL got in these forums, so it would be nice if we could keep it civilized.
Old 08-13-2010, 09:19 PM   #15
Edge User

Your staff told me my request for it was not legit on the phone today, and told me I would not be granted access to the source. He was really rude regarding it,
and should be given a run down on the GPL and how to treat consumers.


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