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Old 09-02-2021, 08:24 AM   #1
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witchdoctor31 began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Sep 2021
Device: kobo libra H20
Unhappy Loading PDFs to Kobo Libra H2O - missing PDFs

I have had a Sony e-reader for 10years and used PDFs for that device. Sadly it no longer works, so I got a Kobo Libra H20 to replace it.

When I try to load up the same PDFs from my computer, it will not recognise all PDF files which are actually now on the Kobo.

eg - I load 100 PDFs, I can see them all in Windows Explorer, but Kobo says I only have 55 loaded - and that is AFTER I update the Sync (which I shouldn't have to do as I understand it).

I have since discovered that the 'missing' PDFs have no author in the PDF metadata. Since it isn't there, it appears that Kobo will not recognise that the PDF is actually loaded on the device???

The only workaround I've found is to go back and recreate every single PDF that has no author - or may be reading as potentially corrupt (as I only have Acrobat Reader, not Professional Writer), and because Windows Explorer will not show Adobe metadata fields easily, I have to basically recreate hundreds of PDF files to ensure all are fixed, and then re-copy to Kobo again.

Secondly - and this is also weird, but I can't explain - 'Unread Book' numbers - should - represent the whole of the new files just loaded on the machine, by it doesn't. It is some random number less, which I have no correlation or explanation why it picks that number. There are no 'paid' books on the Kobo at this point in time, only my PDFs in My Books.

If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts on this, before I spend many hours recreating PDFs, I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
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count of books, loading problem, pdf

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