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Old 07-15-2008, 10:44 PM   #1
TedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankindTedPark has exceeded all limitations known to mankind
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Robert, H. M.: Robert's Rules of Order; v1a; 16 Jul 2008

Here is a beautified (well, at least, de-uglified) RROO. It is the original first edition from late 19th century. There are 73 "sections" to the meat of the book. I have provided a highly structured multi-tier TOC so you can hop, skip, and jump right to where you want.

However, be warned - although working perfectly in the HTML version, a lot of the links put you 1 or 2 pages before where they should, when using the actual Sony Reader. I will continue to investigate this issue.

I still haven't figured out how to get all the different fonts I need or at the sizes I need - so two of the tables are pasted-in JPGs. While not really bad, they are not really good either. I will continue to experiment with the font density and resolution issues.

I wasn't going to do this one - it seemed too hard - but I was unable to find another electric version that was even remotely usable on the Sony Reader.

Again, this was built with LRF in mind, but the conversion to other formats should work pretty well. HTML files included in the ZIP.

With help and insight from Kovid Goyal (creator of CALIBRE and other tools I use), I was able to work around inherent limitations in the LRF technology. The links now work exactly like I expect - they get directly to the exact right page. While I was at it, I put in pictures that look better and are easier to read. Therefore the gray italics text above does not apply to version 1a.
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Attached Files
File Type: lrf Robert_RulesOfOrder.lrf (332.7 KB, 567 views)
File Type: zip (205.7 KB, 535 views)
File Type: lrf Robert_RulesOfOrder_1a.lrf (342.5 KB, 546 views)
File Type: zip (197.7 KB, 516 views)

Last edited by TedPark; 07-17-2008 at 12:51 AM.
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