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Old 01-17-2022, 07:39 AM   #1
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Noctuelles began at the beginning.
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Device: Onyx Boox Max Lumi 2
Post Let's root the Max Lumi 2


I am not responsible for any damage to your device. Please be very careful when doing such low level manipulation. Since we're dealing with partitions, be SURE you're flashing the correct one.

This tutorial will assume you're working with a Linux distribution. However, it can be successfully done under Windows and Mac OS.


You can find useful resources that will help you to understand what's at stake.
I highly recommend you to read everything.
I assume you're already familiar with the command line interpreter, if not, i highly recommend you to practice a little bit before doing this tutorial.

Let's root our Max Lumi : original thread for the Max Lumi. Files provided does not apply to the Max Lumi 2.
As said in this thread, you should NOT use any patched Magisk image that don't match your current build.
Magisk installation page : only download the Magisk apk from the original GitHub repo'.
Magisk GitHub
Install ADB on Mac OS, Linux, Windows : this will guide you thought the installation of ADB (Android Debug Bridge), used to debug the device with USB-C connection.
EDL GitHub : an unofficial Qualcomm diag tools. Use to retrieve the boot partition off the device, without any super user permission or adb shell command. Again, use this tool with the greatest precaution.


Install ADB, EDL, via the link in the documentation section.
I'll not explain how to install these because the tutorial are straightforward

Enable USB debugging on your Max Lumi 2 :
  1. Go to 'App'
  2. Press the top right button
  3. Go to 'App management'
  4. Tick 'USB Debug Mode'
  5. Plug the tablet into your computer, accept the RSA key.
  6. Go to a terminal, and type adb devices : you should see your tablet under an ID.

Download the attached file '', used to communicate to the device in Emergency DownLoad Mode, and de-compress it in the EDL folder.

Let's get to it.
  1. Plug the Lumi 2 into the computer.
  2. Type
    adb devices
    to check if your device is properly connected.
  3. Set the device mode into Emergency Download mode :
    adb reboot edl
  4. At this point the device should hang and freeze : no panic, it's normal. If the ADB command hasn't returned any kind of error, you're in EDL mode.
  5. Navigate in the EDL tool, and inject the elf file by typing : 'edl --loader=Qualcomm_662_loader.elf' you should have this output (excepted the ":
    Capstone library is missing (optional).
    Keystone library is missing (optional).
    Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.53 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2021.
    main - Using loader Qualcomm_662_loader.elf ...
    main - Waiting for the device
    main - Device detected :)
    main - Mode detected: sahara
    Device is in EDL mode .. continuing.
    sahara - 
    HWID:              0x0014d0e100000000 (MSM_ID:0x0014d0e1,OEM_ID:0x0000,MODEL_ID:0x0000)
    CPU detected:      "SDM662"
    PK_HASH:           0xd40eee56f3194665574109a39267724ae7944134cd53cb767e293d3c40497955
    Serial:            0x7b6cb5b2
    sahara - Uploading loader Qualcomm_662_loader.elf ...
    Successfully uploaded programmer :)
    firehose - INFO: Chip serial num: 2070721970 (0x7b6cb5b2)
    firehose_client - Target detected: SDM662
    firehose_client - [LIB]: Based on the chipset, we assume eMMC as default memory type..., if it fails, try using --memory" with "UFS","NAND" or "spinor" instead !
    firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect MaxPayloadSizeFromTargetinBytes
    firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect TargetName
    firehose - TargetName=Unknown
    firehose - MemoryName=eMMC
    firehose - Version=1
    firehose - [LIB]: Memory type eMMC doesn't seem to match (Failed to init). Trying to use UFS instead.
    firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect MaxPayloadSizeFromTargetinBytes
    firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect TargetName
    firehose - TargetName=Unknown
    firehose - MemoryName=UFS
    firehose - Version=1
    firehose_client - Supported functions:
  6. You can now dump the boot partition, type
    edl r boot_a boot.img
    You should see a progress bar indicating the dump status. If everything is ok, then check if the file is present in the folder by typing
    ls -l boot.img
    The file should be here and should weight approximately 100MB.
    Capstone library is missing (optional).
    Keystone library is missing (optional).
    Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.53 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2021.
    main - Trying with no loader given ...
    main - Waiting for the device
    main - Device detected :)
    main - Mode detected: firehose
    firehose - INFO: UFS Boot Partition Enabled: 0x1
    firehose - INFO: UFS Erase Block Size: 0x2000
    firehose - INFO: UFS Inquiry Command Output: SAMSUNG KM2L9001CM-B518 0100 
    firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect MaxPayloadSizeFromTargetinBytes
    firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect TargetName
    firehose - TargetName=Unknown
    firehose - MemoryName=UFS
    firehose - Version=1
    firehose_client - Supported functions:
    firehose - 
    Reading from physical partition 4, sector 65414, sectors 24576
    Progress: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Read (Sector 0x6000 of 0x6000, ) 34.58 MB/s                                                   
    Progress: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete                                                                                      
    Dumped sector 65414 with sector count 24576 as boot.img.
  7. Reboot into android : type
    edl reset
  8. Now transfer the boot.img file we dumped earlier into the Internal Storage of the Lumi 2 with a standard USB data transfer. You can paste it in the root directory for example.
  9. Go to the Magisk app, and perform the patch with the original boot.img (see Magisk documentation).
  10. Export the patched boot.img on your computer (it should be located in the Download folder of your tablet), in a folder of your choice.
  11. Reboot into a bootloader session with
    adb reboot bootloader
    The onyx logo is now displaying on the screen.
  12. Navigate on the folder where the patched boot.img lies. Then, try to boot with it using
    fastboot boot <file_name>
    You should see :
    downloading 'boot.img'...
    OKAY [  0.342s]
    OKAY [  0.096s]
    finished. total time: 0.437s
  13. The booting went fine ! Try if your tablet is rooted then : type
    adb shell
    and execute
    If the tablet ask you root privilege, you're good. We can now flash the image into the Lumi 2.
  14. Re-do the previous steps to reboot into a bootloader session.
  15. Type
    fastboot flash boot <file_name>
    You should see :
    target reported max download size of 805306368 bytes
    sending 'boot_a' (98304 KB)...
    OKAY [  0.474s]
    writing 'boot_a'...
    OKAY [  0.681s]
  16. Reboot the device using
    fastboot reboot
  17. Congratulation ! The Max Lumi 2 is now fully unlocked.

    You can now install a firewall to prevent android phoning back to China, and other super user privileges.
    I'll not provide any .img file for the sake of caution
    Feel free to ask anything.
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Old 02-20-2022, 01:22 AM   #2
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amghwk began at the beginning.
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Thank you for maintaining this thread. I've got the Max Lumi 2 and was waiting for this rooting info for this device.

I am using Arch Linux and have followed your advice. My problem is :

Capstone library is missing (optional).
Keystone library is missing (optional).
Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.53 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2021.
main - Using loader Qualcomm_662_loader.elf ...
main - Waiting for the device
main - Device detected :)
main - Mode detected: sahara
And it just hangs there. Doesn't proceed to Device is in EDL mode .. continuing. line.

How long should I wait? I waited for about 5 mins. Nothing happened.

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Old 02-20-2022, 06:48 AM   #3
Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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The Qualcomm EDL Sahara protocol is quite fragile. If it doesn't work, reset and try again. Also, make sure that you're really there. Do a "lsusb" (since you're on Linux) and make sure that you have 9008 (and not 900e). Everything should happen instantly.
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Old 02-21-2022, 10:17 PM   #4
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Thanks for the reply.

I rebooted and tried again. Now the message is :

Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.60 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2022.
main - Using loader Qualcomm_662_loader.elf ...
main - Waiting for the device
main - Device detected :)
sahara - Protocol version: 2.1
main - Mode detected: sahara
sahara - 
HWID:              0x0014d0e100000000 (MSM_ID:0x0014d0e1,OEM_ID:0x0000,MODEL_ID:0x0000)
CPU detected:      "SDM662"
PK_HASH:           0xd40eee56f3194665574109a39267724ae7944134cd53cb767e293d3c40497955
Serial:            0x34a09711

sahara - Protocol version: 2.1
sahara - Uploading loader Qualcomm_662_loader.elf ...
sahara - 64-Bit mode detected.
sahara - Firehose mode detected, uploading...
sahara - Loader successfully uploaded.
I proceeded with the next steps.

The message for edl r boot_a boot.img is

ualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.60 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2022.
main - Trying with no loader given ...
main - Waiting for the device
main - Device detected :)
DeviceClass - [LIB]: USB Overflow
main - Mode detected: firehose
main - Trying to connect to firehose loader ...
firehose - INFO: Binary build date: Nov 11 2020 @ 21:33:13 
firehose - INFO: Chip serial num: 882939665 (0x34a09711)
firehose - INFO: Supported Functions (15):
firehose - INFO: program
firehose - INFO: read
firehose - INFO: nop
firehose - INFO: patch
firehose - INFO: configure
firehose - INFO: setbootablestoragedrive
firehose - INFO: erase
firehose - INFO: power
firehose - INFO: firmwarewrite
firehose - INFO: getstorageinfo
firehose - INFO: benchmark
firehose - INFO: emmc
firehose - INFO: ufs
firehose - INFO: fixgpt
firehose - INFO: getsha256digest
firehose - INFO: End of supported functions 15
firehose_client - [LIB]: No --memory option set, we assume "UFS" as default ..., if it fails, try using "--memory" with "UFS","NAND" or "spinor" instead !
firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect MaxPayloadSizeFromTargetinBytes
firehose - [LIB]: Couldn't detect TargetName
firehose - TargetName=Unknown
firehose - MemoryName=UFS
firehose - Version=1
firehose - Trying to read first storage sector...
firehose - Running configure...
firehose - Storage report:
firehose - total_blocks:30119936
firehose - block_size:4096
firehose - page_size:4096
firehose - num_physical:6
firehose - manufacturer_id:462
firehose - serial_num:1297306958
firehose - fw_version:100
firehose - mem_type:UFS
firehose - prod_name:KM2L9001CM-B518
firehose_client - Supported functions:
firehose - [LIB]: INFO: Calling handler for read
firehose - [LIB]: ERROR: Failed to open the UFS Device slot 0 partition 6
firehose - [LIB]: ERROR: Failed to open the device:3 slot:0 partition:6 error:0
firehose - [LIB]: ERROR: OPEN handle NULL and no error, weird 203949180
firehose - [LIB]: ERROR: Failed to open device, type:UFS, slot:0, lun:6 error:3
firehose - 
Reading from physical partition 4, sector 65414, sectors 24576
Progress: |███-----------------------------------------------|   5.2% Read (Sector 0x500 of 0x6000, 02s left) Progress: |█████---------------------------------------------|  10.4% Read (Sector 0xA00 of 0x6000, 02s left) Progress: |████████------------------------------------------|  15.6% Read (Sector 0xF00 of 0x6000, 02s left) Progress: |██████████----------------------------------------|  20.8% Read (Sector 0x1400 of 0x6000, 02s left)Progress: |█████████████-------------------------------------|  26.0% Read (Sector 0x1900 of 0x6000, 01s left)Progress: |████████████████----------------------------------|  31.2% Read (Sector 0x1E00 of 0x6000, 01s left)Progress: |██████████████████--------------------------------|  36.5% Read (Sector 0x2300 of 0x6000, 01s left)Progress: |█████████████████████-----------------------------|  41.7% Read (Sector 0x2800 of 0x6000, 01s left)Progress: |███████████████████████---------------------------|  46.9% Read (Sector 0x2D00 of 0x6000, 01s left)Progress: |██████████████████████████------------------------|  52.1% Read (Sector 0x3200 of 0x6000, 01s left)Progress: |█████████████████████████████---------------------|  57.3% Read (Sector 0x3700 of 0x6000, 01s left)Progress: |███████████████████████████████-------------------|  62.5% Read (Sector 0x3C00 of 0x6000, ) 35.95 MProgress: |██████████████████████████████████----------------|  67.7% Read (Sector 0x4100 of 0x6000, ) 35.89 MProgress: |████████████████████████████████████--------------|  72.9% Read (Sector 0x4600 of 0x6000, ) 36.03 MProgress: |███████████████████████████████████████-----------|  78.1% Read (Sector 0x4B00 of 0x6000, ) 35.98 MProgress: |██████████████████████████████████████████--------|  83.3% Read (Sector 0x5000 of 0x6000, ) 36.12 MProgress: |████████████████████████████████████████████------|  88.5% Read (Sector 0x5500 of 0x6000, ) 35.87 MProgress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████---|  93.8% Read (Sector 0x5A00 of 0x6000, ) 35.77 MProgress: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████|  99.0% Read (Sector 0x5F00 of 0x6000, ) 35.95 MProgress: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Read (Sector 0x6000 of 0x6000, ) 35.42 MB/s
Dumped sector 65414 with sector count 24576 as boot.img.
The edl reset command just shows the edl help output.

I then need to hard reset to go to adb. I then followed the rest of the step to test if the patched boot.img can be booted into. It boots but no super user permission pops up when I type su.

The problem now stops here.
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Old 04-06-2022, 07:13 PM   #5
Machinus began at the beginning.
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I am unable to get the EDL package to work on Windows. I successfully installed "," but then I don't know how to run the edl command after that. "edl" does not execute in the cmd or the git shells. How do you run the command?

'edl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I could not even get it to install on Linux:
$ python build
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
ImportError: No module named setuptools

Last edited by Machinus; 04-06-2022 at 07:25 PM.
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Old 04-06-2022, 09:09 PM   #6
Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Hi @amghwk - sorry that I didn't notice your earlier post.
Edit: Your problem may be different, but you might try my way anyway.
There are also mysterious cases where "fastboot boot" does not work but "fastboot flash" and then regular boot does work. If you have backups you should be able to play safely.

Hi @Machinus

If you have access to a (real, not virtual) Windows box, I can probably help you. I have an EDL utility for Windows. What you are trying to do is very simple, and it should be simple.

Go to the website in my signature and navigate to the EDL page. It's a bit of a beta, but I'm willing to work with anybody that is having problems.

Step 0: Download edl.exe, it's 132kB with no dependencies.
Step 1: Get into EDL (05c6/9008) mode
Step 2: Got a driver for it? If not download "Zadig" and give it one.
Step 3: Got a loader for it? If not download this, it should be the correct one if you have the same model as the OP:
Oh, you were looking forward to downloading 100 Megs of loaders that you will never use. Sorry to disappoint you.
Step 4: Rename the file something sensible.
C:\>edl.exe /lsomething-sensible
He, he, I was only kidding about something sensible, don't forget the "/l" before it.
Step 6: Since you're running A/B you have to know which boot_x is the right one:
C:\>edl.exe /u /g
Step 7: One of them is inactive, choose the other one:
C:\>edl.exe /u /r /pboot_a boot.img /t
And the result should be the (correct) ~20Megs and not 20Megs + 80Megs of zeroes.
Step 8: If you are in doubt what you have just downloaded, get my ImgUtil.exe and do:
C:\>imgutil.exe /v boot.img
Header:           596 (00000254)
Kernel:    12,937,496 (00C56918) @ 00008000
  Payload: 12,636,840 (00C0D2A8)
  DTB:        300,656 (00049670)
Ramdisk:            0 (00000000) @ 01000000
Second:             0 (00000000) @ 00F00000
(Or something similar, the numbers will be different for you.)

Good luck!

Last edited by Renate; 04-06-2022 at 09:14 PM.
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Old 04-07-2022, 09:35 AM   #7
Machinus began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by Renate View Post
Hi @Machinus

If you have access to a (real, not virtual) Windows box, I can probably help you. I have an EDL utility for Windows. What you are trying to do is very simple, and it should be simple.
Hello Renate,

Thank you for the link! Your page has many valuable files.

I have the same model, the Max Lumi 2, just arrived yesterday. I am using a real Windows 10 system. I also have access to a real Linux system. I installed the Qualcomm USB drivers for Windows (Zadig does not show any uninstalled devices when it is plugged in).

I am not able to open the device with edl.exe:

C:\>adb devices
List of devices attached
16E91C12        device
C:\>adb reboot edl
The device does not restart at this point. The screen dims, and it becomes unresponsive to inputs.

C:\>edl.exe /lumiloader.bin
Found EDL 9008
Could not open device
I cannot issue any commands with edl.exe.
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Old 04-07-2022, 09:52 AM   #8
Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by Machinus View Post
I installed the Qualcomm USB drivers for Windows.
Well, don't!
Use Options -> List all devices in Zadig and find your device. Replace the driver with Zadig.

Edit: Oh, and it's probably /llumi... two L's unless your driver is called "umi...".

Last edited by Renate; 04-07-2022 at 10:07 AM.
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Old 04-07-2022, 10:10 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Renate View Post
Well, don't!
Use Options -> List all devices in Zadig and find your device. Replace the driver with Zadig.
Sorry, I did not realize that would not work. I can access the device, but not write.

C:\>edl.exe /llumiloader.bin
Found EDL 9008
Serial: a2c376a9
HWID: 0014d0e100000000, QC: 0014d0e1, OEM: 0000, Model: 0000
Hash: d40eee56f3194665-574109a39267724a-e7944134cd53cb76-7e293d3c40497955
Sending lumiloader.bin 100% Ok
Waiting for Firehose... No response
Could not write device
The device disconnects from USB at this point.
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Old 04-07-2022, 10:41 AM   #10
Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Hmm, it looks like it doesn't like your loader.
Just check if your loader is actually 660,620 bytes and MD5 1e7c8fbadbab7127b8982bbcd344f646

A petty point, but I updated the edl.exe and you can download a version that is 131,584 bytes (just uploaded).
It really should have said:
Sending lumiloader.bin 100% Ok
Waiting for Firehose... No response, poking...
Could not write device
But that's just esthetics, it's not the problem.

C:\>edl.exe /llumiloader.bin /v
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Old 04-07-2022, 10:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Renate View Post
Hmm, it looks like it doesn't like your loader.
Just check if your loader is actually 660,620 bytes and MD5 1e7c8fbadbab7127b8982bbcd344f646

C:\>edl.exe /llumiloader.bin /v
I downloaded your new edl.exe and verified the loader you provided.

MD5 hash of lumiloader.bin:
Here is the output:

C:\>edl.exe /llumiloader.bin /v
Found EDL 9008
Received 01 command
Received 0b command
Received 0e command
Serial: a2c376a9
Received 0e command
HWID: 0014d0e100000000, QC: 0014d0e1, OEM: 0000, Model: 0000
Received 0e command
Hash: d40eee56f3194665-574109a39267724a-e7944134cd53cb76-7e293d3c40497955
Received 01 command
Sending lumiloader.bin 100% Ok
Received 06 command
Waiting for Firehose... No response, poking...
Could not write device
The device disconnects from USB here.
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Old 04-07-2022, 11:09 AM   #12
Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Oops, my bad. The OP had a different loader. Apparently the GitHub has the wrong one.
It's 668,796 and cd7a91985353e0a1a6d581b423e1325c
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Old 04-07-2022, 11:16 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Renate View Post
Oops, my bad. The OP had a different loader. Apparently the GitHub has the wrong one.
It's 668,796 and cd7a91985353e0a1a6d581b423e1325c
That worked, but the device still disconnects.

C:\>edl.exe /lQualcomm_662_loader.elf /v
Found EDL 9008
Received 01 command
Received 0b command
Received 0e command
Serial: a2c376a9
Received 0e command
HWID: 0014d0e100000000, QC: 0014d0e1, OEM: 0000, Model: 0000
Received 0e command
Hash: d40eee56f3194665-574109a39267724a-e7944134cd53cb76-7e293d3c40497955
Received 01 command
Sending Qualcomm_662_loader.elf 100% Ok
Received 06 command
Waiting for Firehose...
<log value="INFO: ufs: SAMSUNG" />
<log value="INFO: Binary build date: Nov 11 2020 @ 21:33:13" />
<log value="INFO: Binary build date: Nov 11 2020 @ 21:33:13" />
<log value="INFO: Chip serial num: 2730718889 (0xa2c376a9)" />
<log value="INFO: Supported Functions (15):" />
<log value="INFO: program" />
<log value="INFO: read" />
<log value="INFO: nop" />
<log value="INFO: patch" />
<log value="INFO: configure" />
<log value="INFO: setbootablestoragedrive" />
<log value="INFO: erase" />
<log value="INFO: power" />
<log value="INFO: firmwarewrite" />
<log value="INFO: getstorageinfo" />
<log value="INFO: benchmark" />
<log value="INFO: emmc" />
<log value="INFO: ufs" />
<log value="INFO: fixgpt" />
<log value="INFO: getsha256digest" />
<log value="INFO: End of supported functions 15" />
Where in the OP's instructions should I be able to pick up if this works?
Machinus is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 04-07-2022, 11:28 AM   #14
Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Renate ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
Posts: 3,457
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Device: Nook NST, Glow2, 3, 4, '21, Kobo Aura2, Poke3, Poke5, Go6
It sure looks like it's working fine. Are you sure that it's really disconnecting? Did you try the next "edl.exe /u /g" ? Just keep going until you get an explicit error. Until you have the correct boot file in your hand, forget about the OP instructions.

Download usblog.exe off my page so that you can see when things pop in and out. It just runs by itself and doesn't disturb anything.

Edit: And forgot about /v unless there is a problem, it's too much eye clutter.

Last edited by Renate; 04-07-2022 at 11:31 AM.
Renate is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 04-07-2022, 11:41 AM   #15
Machinus began at the beginning.
Posts: 42
Karma: 10
Join Date: Sep 2017
Device: Kindle
It looks like boot "a" is active.

C:\>edl.exe /u /g
Found EDL 9008
Configuring... Ok
Requesting GPT 0 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 1 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 2 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 3 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 4 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 5 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 6 header...
<log value="ERROR: Failed to open the UFS Device slot 0 partition 6" />
<log value="ERROR: Failed to open the device:3 slot:0 partition:6 error:0" />
<log value="ERROR: OPEN handle NULL and no error, weird 203949180" />
<log value="ERROR: Failed to open device, type:UFS, slot:0, lun:6 error:3" />
LUN   #  Name                   Start       Count  Type
---  --  ----------------  ----------  ----------  --------------------
 0    1  ssd                        6           2  Secure SW download
 0    2  persist                    8        8192  Persist
 0    3  misc                    8200         256  Misc
 0    4  keystore                8456         128  Key store
 0    5  frp                     8584         128  FRP
 0    6  super                   8712     1048576    89a12de1
 0    7  recovery_a           1057288       24576    d504d6db
 0    8  recovery_b           1081864       24576    352b8083
 0    9  vbmeta_system_a      1106440          16    1344859d
 0   10  vbmeta_system_b      1106456          16    fe3ab853
 0   11  metadata             1106472        4096    988a98c9
 0   12  onyxconfig           1110568        6144  System
 0   13  userdata             1116712    28648915  User data

 1    1  xbl_a                      6         896  Bootloader
 1    2  xbl_config_a             902          32  Boot config
 1    3  last_parti               934          85  Empty

 2    1  xbl_b                      6         896  Bootloader
 2    2  xbl_config_b             902          32  Boot config
 2    3  last_parti               934          85  Empty

 3    1  ALIGN_TO_128K_1            6          26    fde1604b
 3    2  cdt                       32          32  CDT
 3    3  ddr                       64         256  DDR
 3    4  last_parti               320       32443  Empty

 4    1  rpm_a                      6         128  Resource/power mgmt
 4    2  tz_a                     134        1024  TrustZone
 4    3  hyp_a                   1158         128  Hypervisor
 4    4  modem_a                 1286       46080  FAT32
 4    5  bluetooth_a            47366         256  Bluetooth
 4    6  mdtpsecapp_a           47622        1024  MDTP secure
 4    7  mdtp_a                 48646        8192  MDTP
 4    8  abl_a                  56838         256  Android bootloader
 4    9  dsp_a                  57094        8192  DSP
 4   10  keymaster_a            65286         128  Key master
 4   11  boot_a                 65414       24576  Boot
 4   12  cmnlib_a               89990         128  Common lib
 4   13  cmnlib64_a             90118         128  Common lib64
 4   14  devcfg_a               90246          32  Device config
 4   15  qupfw_a                90278          16  QUP firmware
 4   16  vbmeta_a               90294          16  Verified Boot meta
 4   17  dtbo_a                 90310        6144  DTBO
 4   18  imagefv_a              96454         512  Image FV
 4   19  uefisecapp_a           96966         512    be8a7e08
 4   20  featenabler_a          97478          32    741813d2
 4   21  rpm_b                  97510         128  Inactive
 4   22  tz_b                   97638        1024  Inactive
 4   23  hyp_b                  98662         128  Inactive
 4   24  modem_b                98790       46080  Inactive
 4   25  bluetooth_b           144870         256  Inactive
 4   26  mdtpsecapp_b          145126        1024  Inactive
 4   27  mdtp_b                146150        8192  Inactive
 4   28  abl_b                 154342         256  Inactive
 4   29  dsp_b                 154598        8192  Inactive
 4   30  keymaster_b           162790         128  Inactive
 4   31  boot_b                162918       24576  Inactive
 4   32  cmnlib_b              187494         128  Inactive
 4   33  cmnlib64_b            187622         128  Inactive
 4   34  devcfg_b              187750          32  Inactive
 4   35  qupfw_b               187782          16  Inactive
 4   36  vbmeta_b              187798          16  Inactive
 4   37  dtbo_b                187814        6144  Inactive
 4   38  featenabler_b         193958          32  Inactive
 4   39  imagefv_b             193990         512  Inactive
 4   40  uefisecapp_b          194502         512  Inactive
 4   41  devinfo               195014           1  Device info
 4   42  dip                   195015         256  DIP
 4   43  apdp                  195271          64  APDP
 4   44  spunvm                195335        2048  Spun VM
 4   45  splash                197383        8356  Splash
 4   46  limits                205739           1  Limits
 4   47  toolsfv               205740         256  Tools FV
 4   48  logfs                 205996        2048  Log FS
 4   49  cateloader            208044         512  STI
 4   50  rawdump               208556       32768  RAM dump
 4   51  logdump               241324       16384  Log dump
 4   52  storsec               257708          32  Store secure
 4   53  multiimgoem           257740           8    e126a436
 4   54  multiimgqti           257748           8    846c6f05
 4   55  uefivarstore          257756         128    165bd6bc
 4   56  secdata               257884           7    76cfc7ef
 4   57  catefv                257891         128  Cate FV
 4   58  catecontentfv         258019         256  Cate content FV
 4   59  last_parti            258275      790296  Empty

 5    1  ALIGN_TO_128K_2            6          26    6891a3b7
 5    2  modemst1                  32         512  Modem ST1
 5    3  modemst2                 544         512  Modem ST2
 5    4  fsg                     1056         512  Modem storage
 5    5  fsc                     1568          32  FSC
 5    6  last_parti              1600      391611  Empty

C:\>edl.exe /u /r /pboot_a boot.img /t
Found EDL 9008
Configuring... Ok
Requesting GPT 0 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 1 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 2 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 3 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 4 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 5 header... Ok, receiving... Ok, requesting entries... Ok, receiving... Ok
Requesting GPT 6 header...
<log value="ERROR: Failed to open the UFS Device slot 0 partition 6" />
<log value="ERROR: Failed to open the device:3 slot:0 partition:6 error:0" />
<log value="ERROR: OPEN handle NULL and no error, weird 203949180" />
<log value="ERROR: Failed to open device, type:UFS, slot:0, lun:6 error:3" />
Requesting header... Ok, receiving... Ok
Android: 4025 / 24576 = 16.4%
Requesting read boot.img... Ok, receiving  70% No response
Machinus is offline   Reply With Quote

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