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Old 05-27-2011, 02:02 PM   #1
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[GUIDE]Installing market on Entourage eDGe

Note, this is a copy+paste job from my thread on xda, so there may be errors lost in translation so to speak, I'll try to fix any I come across, but let me know if you find any. Whichever thread is more active I will keep more updated:

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way responsible if any of this information destroys or has any negative effects whatsoever.


That said, this has worked for a few people so far without any problems, if you run into any I'll do what I can to help.

HUGE THANKS TO: brianb5010(this guide is almost word for word the same as his), kennyminot(helped in much the same way as brianb5010), and Keslynn. Without them this project would be nowhere right now.

Now, on to the guide:

Step one: Download the backup of the gapps from my site: link(please note, the link has been updated to go through adfly, 5 seconds of your time will help my continued development on this device, if you really don't want to use it, PM me and I can send you a direct link. If adfly leads you to a survey, back out and don't do anything there, these kinds of things are against the adfly TOS and they are working to remove them, thanks!)

Step two: root your edge, the easiest way is to download the z4root app from the Amazon marketplace, NOTE: this only works if using 2.2/ermine, if you are running an older version you will have to figure out how to root on your own(there are a few methods, and various guides for this out there).

Step three: Download Titanium Backup(the free version should work fine for this, but I recommend buying anyway, its a great app!) from the developers site onto your edge and install: link.

Step four: Extract the archive somewhere on your computer or eDGe, then copy all of the files found in the release folder(extracted from the archive) to your /sdcard/TitaniumBackup folder

Step five: Open Titanium Backup and wait for it to gain root, etc.(make sure to give it root privileges), then tap on backup/restore, scroll to the bottom of this list and you should see several (9) apps crossed out, tap on each and tap restore app + data. THIS IS IMPORTANT, you MUST restore the DATA!

Step six: You should be DONE!!! reboot and try out market, you'll need to sign in with your google account.

If you get an error go to step seven:

Step seven: At this point you may be able to access the market, but you might also need to do the "market fix", to do this you will need to edit the /system/build.prop file. Instructions can be found here, but if you want to do it the free way(a little harder), read on:
a. Download AndRootFile and use it to remount the /system folder as read/write, then open up a terminal
b. type "su"(without quotes) then type "vi /system/build.prop"(again without quotes)
c. use ijkl or the trackpad to navigate down to the line starting with: ""
d. change(use the i button on the keyboard to start editing in vi) that line to read: ""

Q: I'm not seeing many apps in the market.
A: see this: youtube video

Q: I'm getting a download error on every app I try to download, and a google talk connection error.
A: Please PM me and/or post here and I can try and figure it out, I had this error as well, and it may just be due to a faulty gmail account, but there may be another problem, either way I can likely fix it.

Question not answered? Post below or PM me! Also let me know of any spelling errors or things I missed, I know there must be some!

Last edited by emusan; 07-15-2011 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:02 PM   #2
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reserved for meh, idk if I need it here, but just in case
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:32 PM   #3
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I followed the directions and got into Market, but every download is unsuccessful. Is that the problem step 7 is intended to fix?
I started to do step 7 then got to "then open up a terminal". Uh, HOW do you open up a terminal?
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:39 PM   #4
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hmm, I was worried about this being a potential problem. I think that because I used an account before the backup, that same account will have to be used afterwords. I was hoping that this was not the case, but it seems like it may be. If another user has similar problems I'll try and figure a way around this and possibly post the account details so other can use it in the mean time.

That said, step 7 may fix it, to get to a terminal go to the developers tools app then tap on terminal emulator, I think it should work but if not let me know.

EDIT: I have to go to a concert that I'm performing in now, but when I get back I'll test some of the newer backups I've been working on and we'll see what we can do about that error.

Also, if anyone has been successful in this please let me know, I want to know if this is an isolated incident.

Last edited by emusan; 05-27-2011 at 06:06 PM.
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:26 PM   #5
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And the error I get when I go into Market is "Google authentication failed". That's probably why the downloads fail too.

Ok, I got into a terminal using Development Tools.
Then did SU and got super user.
then tried
vi /system/build.prop
I didn't get the file, but I did get
vi: not found
and I see the '$' prompt has changed to '#'.
That's when I gave up on terminal and vi.
By the way, for anyone else starting to feel the sharp back pain, here's a link to vi commands:

I did a copy/paste of the build.prop file to my PC and edited it there. (The odds of my editing the file correctly on the PE using vi are NOT GOOD.)

Tried Market again, tried installing Street View for Google Maps. "download was unsuccessful".

Reboot the PE...
Still getting "download was unsuccessful"
then after about fifteen seconds I saw "Google authentication failed" again.

Oh, and on Step 5, you need to LIST the EXACT nine apps we need to restore. My PE had twelve apps crossed out, so I had to GUESS which nine I was supposed to restore.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by Last_of_the_PEs; 05-27-2011 at 06:36 PM.
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:58 PM   #6
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I'm having the same problems with downloads failing and Talk not connecting. I think we're aaalllmosttt there. Can't wait for emusan's return.

I had 12 apks crossed out when I did my restore also, but three were ones that had been there before I got the necessary akps into the correct folder. See, if you try to save steps and time by extracting directly into the Titanium Backup folder, WinZip creates a sub-folder called "release", and puts them there. So I had to move them into the parent folder. Then, when I tried to restore those three older apks, the "restore" option wasn't there, so I ignored them.

Holding my breath...

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Old 05-27-2011, 09:47 PM   #7
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yes, I know what the problem is(I really should have tested more, I just got a little giddy and wanted to release lol), I'll hopefully have a new set of back-ups out tonight or early tomorrow(EST), until then you can still have fun with gmail, etc. and if you want you can try to get it working with market using the current set of backups.

and @woodnboats,

Three of those crossed out ones are apparently entourage ones that for whatever reason left behind some data with no .apk file to accompany them, I've just left them alone.
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Old 05-27-2011, 10:13 PM   #8
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Sorry everyone, but I've got to be heading off to bed now, I'll release the newer backups ASAP tomorrow, until then I hope you all enjoy gmail, etc.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully I can have this all sorted by tomorrow.

Oh and really sorry if you missed the PM time, I wish I could have kept it open longer, but I really do need some sleep right now

Last edited by emusan; 05-28-2011 at 09:31 AM.
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:47 AM   #9
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I'm sorry to have to say this, but it seems as though the newer backups are not going to work(in fact they seem to work less well). I hate to say it but I can't really promise that I can get market working anytime in the near future(or possibly even at all). I'll put back up the older backups so that you can at least use gmail, calender, etc. but unfortunately talk and market will not work for the foreseeable future.

I'm still going to keep trying(though I really can't spend as much time as I have been on this, sadly), but at this point anything I try short of writing a custom ROM will just be a shot in the dark. I'm currently in talks with a few developers who have managed to get market working on other devices, though it seems to require a custom ROM. I might try making one in the near future, but I've never really made an android one before, and given some of the quirks of the eDGe I'm not even sure its possible(at least not without losing reader capabilities ).

If anyone else wants to try and get market working themselves I'll try and help in any way I can.

Thanks to every member of the community for their support over the last few days, again I'm sorry to disappoint.

On the bright side, the newer official forum backup seems to be grabbing a lot more pages than last time(unfortunately this time it is MUCH larger, I'll make it viewable online without needing to download, but this means I'll have to wait for an upgrade of the storage on my server), and should hopefully be done within the next 24 hours.
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Old 05-31-2011, 08:56 PM   #10
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On the XDA-developer site, i've been reading more on this.

Apparently the two things that were/are missing are: un-signed app files, and making the apps SYSTEM apps. (according to the poster there) Both these things sound plausible.

What do you think?
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Old 05-31-2011, 09:19 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Last_of_the_PEs View Post
On the XDA-developer site, i've been reading more on this.

Apparently the two things that were/are missing are: un-signed app files, and making the apps SYSTEM apps. (according to the poster there) Both these things sound plausible.

What do you think?
Actually, because they were backed up as system apps, when they are recovered they stay system apps, and they are the same app files as in that thread, basically all I did was provide the backups that you would otherwise have to create yourself with another rooted phone. The problem arises(as we have noticed) in that the recovered market and talk are tied to the account that was used when they were backed up(when you back up with no account it will not let you use market/talk with any account).

Right now I(and maybe others) am working on a few other methods of enabling market(I'm currently looking at methods that don't involve the backup/restore, as that seems to have hit a dead end). Unfortunately I'm very new to all of this, so it will take me a little bit to get my bearings.

Until then, feel free to follow the guide you linked to, but note that you will need another android device in order to do it.
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Old 05-31-2011, 10:29 PM   #12
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If you look in the tar.gz files you will find a large number of db files that are SQLite data base files. Theres a free viewer/editor on sourceforge.
Has a db named which is probably the problem.

When you resetup your account its looking for a database named

gmail.db in the same directory only has entry in the preferences table and thats the email address keyed to a column called first_time (currently set to 1)

2 thoughts -
1) Set first_time to 0 and see what happens
2) rename the db that is named after your email address and see if that works. also contains a database talk.db that has an accounts table which contains the email address used to set this up.
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Old 05-31-2011, 11:03 PM   #13
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lol I think you just solved the problem we've been having, I'll take a look at getting this set up tomorrow(its past my bedtime now lol), thanks so much, you're the BEST!

Assuming this works, is there any way to donate to you? You've been so helpful in all of this I feel obligated

Last edited by emusan; 05-31-2011 at 11:25 PM.
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:37 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by yugami View Post
If you look in the tar.gz files you will find a large number of db files that are SQLite data base files. Theres a free viewer/editor on sourceforge.
Has a db named which is probably the problem.

When you resetup your account its looking for a database named

gmail.db in the same directory only has entry in the preferences table and thats the email address keyed to a column called first_time (currently set to 1)

2 thoughts -
1) Set first_time to 0 and see what happens
2) rename the db that is named after your email address and see if that works. also contains a database talk.db that has an accounts table which contains the email address used to set this up.

how would we go about editing these file to reflect the google account being used? ive got everything working but the failed downloads in market and unable to connect in talk.

on a side note: maybe if we started a donation pot up for grabs to the first person to make a working custom rom with all the gapps working and the uneeded left over phone stuff in android, we would be able to stir up some more development... i for one would be willing to drop a $20 or more on guaranteeing even one more fw update for this awesome device

Last edited by monkeey; 06-01-2011 at 08:41 PM.
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:54 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by monkeey View Post
how would we go about editing these file to reflect the google account being used? ive got everything working but the failed downloads in market and unable to connect in talk.
To edit the files you will have to use a program like 7-zip to open each .tar.gz archive(the ones that hold the data), then navigate through the data folders to find the databases(they should end in .db), then you have to open them in a sqlite database editor and edit the data that was mentioned(as well as possibly a few other pieces of info). Its not too user friendly right now, I'm going to try and work on it tonight/tomorrow(I was going to today but I spent to much time on the forum backup among other things).

I'd gladly contribute at least $10 to the pot as well.
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