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Old 02-23-2012, 03:29 PM   #1
jmesar began at the beginning.
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TTS for K3 DXG- refuses to change voices

I thank any help:

1. Jailbrak ok since linkss is ok
2. Launchpad ok since Shift Shift Space = success!
3. update (update_usertts_3r3_dxg_install.bin) OK for from, voices pakages also from same source, after creating in root of usertts /male and /female (both pakege and restart Kindle merge them in: /data/ what mean that update_usertts_3r3_dxg_install.bin is OK
4. usertts.ini in Launchpad ok since Shift TQ or Shift …. TO = success!
file structure:
K DXG root:
| | depes_enu_cfg1.dat
| | depes_enu_tom.dat
| | phonmap_enu_tom.dat
| | pp.dat
| | pp_enu_cfg1.dat
| | sapi5_conv_enu.dat
| | select_tom_bet2f22.dat
| | synth_med_fxd_bet2f22.dat
| | synth_tom_full_155mrf22_270_06.dat
| | sysdct_enu_cfg1.dat
| | tokentn_enu_cfg1.dat
| | uselect_tom_full.dat
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_samantha_22_bet2.hdr
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_samantha_22_full_155mrf22.hdr
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_tom_22_bet2.hdr
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_tom_22_full_155mrf22.hdr
| | depes_enu_cfg3.dat
| | depes_enu_samantha.dat
| | phonmap_enu_samantha.dat
| | pp_enu_cfg3.dat
| | select_samantha_bet2f22.dat
| | synth_samantha_full_155mrf22_270_06.dat
| | sysdct_enu_cfg3.dat
| | tokentn_enu_cfg3.dat
| | uselect_samantha_full.dat

The problem is that Kindle DXG refuses to change voices….. No error show, just go on with the same voice.
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Old 04-06-2012, 12:25 PM   #2
Junior Member
Safazeck began at the beginning.
Posts: 6
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Device: Kindle DXG 2.5.8
change TTS voice on your Kindle DX Graphite?

Originally Posted by jmesar View Post
I thank any help:

1. Jailbrak ok since linkss is ok
2. Launchpad ok since Shift Shift Space = success!
3. update (update_usertts_3r3_dxg_install.bin) OK for from, voices pakages also from same source, after creating in root of usertts /male and /female (both pakege and restart Kindle merge them in: /data/ what mean that update_usertts_3r3_dxg_install.bin is OK
4. usertts.ini in Launchpad ok since Shift TQ or Shift …. TO = success!
file structure:
K DXG root:
| | depes_enu_cfg1.dat
| | depes_enu_tom.dat
| | phonmap_enu_tom.dat
| | pp.dat
| | pp_enu_cfg1.dat
| | sapi5_conv_enu.dat
| | select_tom_bet2f22.dat
| | synth_med_fxd_bet2f22.dat
| | synth_tom_full_155mrf22_270_06.dat
| | sysdct_enu_cfg1.dat
| | tokentn_enu_cfg1.dat
| | uselect_tom_full.dat
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_samantha_22_bet2.hdr
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_samantha_22_full_155mrf22.hdr
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_tom_22_bet2.hdr
| | vauto_pipeline_enu_tom_22_full_155mrf22.hdr
| | depes_enu_cfg3.dat
| | depes_enu_samantha.dat
| | phonmap_enu_samantha.dat
| | pp_enu_cfg3.dat
| | select_samantha_bet2f22.dat
| | synth_samantha_full_155mrf22_270_06.dat
| | sysdct_enu_cfg3.dat
| | tokentn_enu_cfg3.dat
| | uselect_samantha_full.dat

The problem is that Kindle DXG refuses to change voices….. No error show, just go on with the same voice.
Did it work?
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Old 04-07-2012, 12:36 AM   #3
Junior Member
Safazeck began at the beginning.
Posts: 6
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Device: Kindle DXG 2.5.8
Originally Posted by Safazeck View Post
Did it work?
I made same steps. but mine appears a message: "Text-to-Speech encountered an unexpected error. If the problem persistis, pelase restart your device from settings. Close".

I am using DX Graphite v.2.5.8
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