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Old 07-20-2013, 08:24 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by rogerpiano View Post
thank'you 5mentarios. I tried putting "flash.oar" and "uImage-initramfs" in the "update" folder in the root of the boox, but when i run "flash.oar" my boox have only two refresh of the screen. When you run "flash.oar" your boox reboot?
Yes, but only after touching any button Boox ... I do not know why it is, but still worked. "flas.oar" is like this:


dd if=/media/flash/update/uImage-initramfs of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=12288

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Old 07-20-2013, 12:39 PM   #47
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thank you 5mentarios. My boox reboot after i put "flash.oar" but the message is :Software update request detected, checking updates... I'm losing hope, I made many attempts but nothing ... help me!
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Old 07-20-2013, 05:07 PM   #48
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What worked for me.

I'm writing in the hope that this can help others. However, most of what follows has already been written.

1. The SD card.

In Ubuntu one can easily prepare the SD card using gparted, installed via

sudo apt-get install gparted

on the command line. A helpful web page for how to use it is

<> .

As has been said, unpacking the rootfs file is also easily done on the command line via

tar -pxjvf 060713.tar.bz2

in the ext3 partition containing 060713.tar.bz2 that can be find under the /media directory.

2. The M92.

Create a directory named


in the internal storage of the M92 containing two files:




The second file is to be downloaded as explained by Seaniko in the initial post; the first file should consist of the following three lines:

dd if=/media/flash/update/uImage-initramfs of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=12288

as has been mentioned before. This file can be produced by modifying a previous flash.oar file posted by Seaniko here:

3. The procedure.

Click the flash.oar file in the M92. After a few moments the device will reboot. Shutdown the M92. Insert the SD card. Down-pressing the joystick turn the device on. The phrase ``Software update request detected, checking updates'' will appear. Release the joystick and wait. The miracle of Obuntu should happen. Thank you very much Seaniko! (P.S. You can subsequently delete the update directory from the M92 internal storage.)
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Old 07-22-2013, 05:07 AM   #49
rogerpiano began at the beginning.
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after countless attempts still nothing unfortunately I have to give up, my black pearl you do not want to upgrade to ubuntu and I've reset several times. Remains in "cheching updates". I hope Seaniko7 want to give me some advice. In the meantime I thank all those who have posted tips and guides ...
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Old 07-22-2013, 06:04 PM   #50
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seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.
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quick&dirty bootloader demo.

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Old 07-23-2013, 12:19 AM   #51
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seaniko7, this is the book where the modified MBR? Or just boot from SD-card?

seaniko7, это на книге где изменена загрузочная запись? Или просто загрузка с SD-карты?
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Old 07-23-2013, 02:20 AM   #52
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seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.seaniko7 can grok the meaning of the universe.
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@Kirith, bootloader is loaded from initramfs, which resides in second kernel.

Currently, it supports:
- Normal boot
- SD card boot
- Update
- Root console via usbserial
- Reboot
- Shutdown
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Old 07-23-2013, 04:50 PM   #53
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really cool seaniko7
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Old 07-24-2013, 08:38 AM   #54
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I am facing the same problem as rogerpiano. After all the steps done, my device stucks in the screen "Checking for updates...". I left it turned on overnight (~ 8 hours) but nothing more happened. Still showing the same message.

My SD card is class 4. I've created two partitions on it:
1st - FAT32 with 300 MB;
2nd - ext3 3.4 GB.

I used tar -pxjvf comand to extract the rootfs at ext3 partition, placed the uImage-initramfs and flash.oar files in update directory of internal memory.

I used gserial and minicom as root to see if some of the 2 partitions the SD card is mounted and I've seen that it's not. I can mount the 2 partitions in M92 while using minicom as root, but it seems that when the device is initialized it doesn't mount none of the 2 partitions automatically. Is that the problem?

I thought that the problem could be that the flash.oar file was not executing properly, so I did the dd command through minicom. It showed some message saying that something was written (I suppose that it worked) but the error persists.

Anyone can help me to find out what's going on?
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Old 07-24-2013, 11:31 AM   #55
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I've done it!

After a week of trying, a 32 gb sd lost by formatting errors and a lot of stress from inexperienced linux...thanks seaniko7!!!!

For the black pearl the problem is, in my opinion, that the installation of Obuntu should be done from a firmware Booxtor, NOT from original firmware. I solved by first installing the utility of seaniko7 to unlock the M92, then installing the latest firmware Booxtor and finally following the whole procedure for Obuntu.
I propose me as a tester for the applications of music notation that will surely be using a lot, being a pianist-composer. Many thanks to Seaniko7, to Booxtor and all the users who make possible these improvements!

PS: as you can see the status of the battery?

Last edited by rogerpiano; 07-26-2013 at 08:36 AM.
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Old 07-25-2013, 11:50 AM   #56
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I can't advice anyone to install the new M92 update 17-07-2013!
It contains a new uImage- initramfs (found in boot folder).

I updated and can't boot Onyx Software anymore, just Obuntu from SD card.

I tried to chroot into the Onyx OS but failed. Getting pdf reader and other progs from Onyx OS to run under Obuntu failed either (Syntax error). - but I think with seaniko7's new bootloader it's even easier and more comfortable to switch between both OS's.
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Old 07-25-2013, 12:02 PM   #57
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in my case, however, if I start the boox will normally start the proprietary operating system (with the latest firmware update), but if I want to boot Ubuntu I have to press the joystick before starting the boox (as if searching for an upgrade).

I encountered two problems:
1) the vertical scrollbar is too thin to be able to be used. the stylus can not touch the edges of the screen. I had to enlarge with the software "gnome-color-chooser"
2) the display is never refresh, so after a while it becomes virtually unreadable. this is a serious problem ...

for the rest I will never cease to thank seaniko7!

Last edited by rogerpiano; 07-26-2013 at 08:38 AM.
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Old 07-25-2013, 04:33 PM   #58
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did you install the new M92 update after you installed Obuntu, or did you first updated M92 and then installed Obuntu? ... Maybe there's only something wrong with my Boox

@1) you can reach the edges: don't touch screen but the frame. Placing the stylus at the rill will move the curser to the edge of the screen

@2) page turn button forward refreshes the screen
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Old 07-26-2013, 08:35 AM   #59
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@ crazydog

my boox had the latest Arta-Tech firmware. I tried for a week to install Ubuntu, but I did not succeed. That's why I thought maybe the Arta-Tech firmware had a"blocks" and I decided to install the Booxtor firmware.

order of steps:

1) Arta-Tech Firmware
2) Utility Seaniko7 to unlock the Boox
3) last firmware Booxtor
4) Ubuntu.

For completeness I tell you that the my Boox hung in the various attempts to install and I used mgftools to unlock it. After a few days I followed the steps above.

I'm sorry for the inaccuracies on ubuntu but until two weeks ago did not even know what it was. I studied a bit and then I went to work ...

Edit: unfortunately, there remains the problem of refresh.
From the videos that you put on the web known that the display of your boox is easy to read, while my already under Ubuntu boot appears blurry and still never does refresh. I checked with the normal firmware (Booxtor): the refresh is operating normally and the display is sharp as ever. The hardware buttons on the side do not give any result ...
In the Monitor Settings I can not change any parameters, the refresh rate is locked at 0.0...

Edit2: among other things, I noticed that, compared to videos Seaniko7, when I start ubuntu I do not see the screen with the penguin and the possibility of choice, but booting directly to the desktop ubuntu ...

Last edited by rogerpiano; 07-27-2013 at 12:43 PM.
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Old 08-04-2013, 07:16 AM   #60
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After a few days of use I still can not figure out the problem of the display.
I have attached pictures to show how it becomes difficult to read, for example, in Midori. The same happens for viewing pdf.
Jpg 228 and 229 is the same pdf in two different positions of screen.
My assumptions are:
- Excessive ghosting?
- Refresh rate set to 0 and can not be changed?
- Settings for the daemon to do screen_updater?
- Settings in the appareances menu?
Rule out problems with the display because when I start the original firmware, the display is perfect ...
seaniko7 can you help me? I would like to go back to reading as before ... thank you very much!
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