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Old 01-03-2012, 02:27 AM   #1
ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ATDrake ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Exclamation Free (Kindle DRM-free) Barefoot Pirate by Sherwood Smith [Kids/YA Fantasy] + KDP

So the KDP Select exclusive-or-else slushpile spews forth a few more backlist sf/fantasy.

Actually, I think these may simply be backlist-author self-pub, however, one of them is a continuation of a published novel which may or may not still be in print from the Firebird YA fantasy line from one of the Big 6.

Anyway, Sherwood Smith, one of the Book View Café consortium author-members and also currently published by Samhain, offers a standalone grade-school-looking fantasy and a follow-up to her semi-popular Crown Duel/Court Duel YA duology.

Offered free without DRM for who knows how long. Hopefully another day or so since this seems relatively recent.

Also some other fantasy/mystery/romance backlist stuff after.

Barefoot Pirate kids' fantasy adventure @ Amazon main UK DE ES FR IT.

With two bossy older sisters, Joe doesn’t like girls. Nan doesn’t have any friends.

Joe and Nan would never have spoken if they hadn’t both reached for the same odd little book on a shelf in their favorite part of the library, the adventure stories.

They agree to share it . . . and discover not just a story, but a promise that magic is real, and that someone from another world is needed to break a spell. Do they want to join Blackeye’s gang of pirate kids, who are determined to rescue an enchanted prince?

Nan is desperate to escape an unhappy life; Joe loves the idea of adventure. When the magic works, Joe is delighted to find himself in another world, one without school, homework—or sisters.

Nan is even more thrilled, not the least because now she gets a chance at a completely different life from an unwanted foster child. She can’t resist telling a very small lie, just a little one . . . that she’s a princess.

Pirates—orphan gangs—magic—castles—and spies abound as Nan and Joe discover magic and adventure . . . and who they really are.

Remalna's Children 2 shorts about next generation of YA fantasy novel characters @ Amazon main UK DE ES FR IT.

Together for the first time, two stories about Meliara and Vidanric's oldest children: "Beauty" in which Princess Elestra (the plain one) goes to look at a tree, and discovers a handsome villain, and "Court Ship" in which Prince Alaraec and his friend Nadav, heir to Savona, go to court a princess, but find themselves distracted. The princess does not intend to let them remain distracted for long.

Also from the slushpile:

Simon Kewin is a recent author with a few print-anthologized stories listed on the Internet Speculative Fiction Database. He's gathered a number of them into the collection Spell Circles.

Another author story collection is The Wisdom of Ages from Maryann Miller, who gave away a freebie mystery/thriller novel during Read an E-Book Week and seems to be a part of the Backlist eBooks author consortium.

Lee Goldberg, a TV show tie-in writer and fellow MR member author, offers a free mystery/thriller short story: Remaindered.

Brenda Novak, whose HarperCollins-published confusingly historical pirate romance was offered during AllRomance's Xmas countdown, has yanked it from all other venues and made it a KDP exclusive: Of Noble Birth.

That's basically it. I think these things are starting to taper off now that the novelty has worn off and aspiring authors have mostly used up their 5 free days out of 90.

ETA: Jamieson Wolf, published by a number of Fictionwise-available erotica imprints, has some sort of interesting-looking apparently comedic mystery/thriller, e-published by the same imprint which is releasing Lee Killough and Joan Hall Hovey's backlist books: Hope Falls.

Last edited by ATDrake; 01-03-2012 at 03:08 AM. Reason: Removal of redundant redundancy. That's like the second time today.
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Old 01-04-2012, 05:00 AM   #2
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Sigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beauty
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Yk how when we were kids the playground at school still had those big metal merry-go-rounds with the slight trough around it? And you got dared at least once a year by some other kid - who may or may not be your actual friend - to let them spin you as hard (or long?) as they could?

I feel like I got pushed on that by a bigger grade kid yk? For some reason that dare never got me to puke, but right now I am a little dizzy and feel like I'm walking crookedy.

<waits a small while>

Oh! "5 free days out of 90" is what most of that was, co-inciding with holiday shopping. Okay, I'm with us. At least, as much as I'm normally with us.
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