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Old 01-21-2011, 06:34 PM   #1
spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.
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For Testing: Roger Ebert (movie reviews) Recipe

Felt like a good afternoon to learn Python so I threw together a Roger Ebert recipe. Feel free to pull down and give me some feedback...

A few notes:
1) There was no good RSS feed (there is one but it's terrible) so I had to go the parse_index route.

2) The HTML is kind of a mess so I couldn't figure out a good way to use BeautifulSoup - so the regex's are kind of messy. Hopefully they hold up.

3) I'm getting some strange characters in some of the articles - I don't know if this has to do with encoding or what's the deal there.

4) Roger spends a ton of time on his Blog lately. I want to pull that in eventually but there isn't a printer-friendly version of any of his posts. Some of his web site is pretty much abandoned (esp. movie answer man) and sometimes they link to his blog posts from the main site - I tried to filter those out but once in a while you'll see a title of "Ebert Journal Post" with only an intro paragraph. When I incorporate his blog posts into the recipe this will hopefully go away...

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Old 01-21-2011, 06:35 PM   #2
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import re
import urllib2
import time
from import BasicNewsRecipe
from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer

class Ebert(BasicNewsRecipe):
    title                 = 'Roger Ebert'
    __author__            = 'Shane Erstad'
    description           = 'Roger Ebert Movie Reviews'
    publisher             = 'Chicago Sun Times'
    category              = 'movies'
    oldest_article        = 8
    max_articles_per_feed = 100
    no_stylesheets        = True
    use_embedded_content  = False
    encoding              = 'utf-8'
    masthead_url          = ''
    language              = 'en'
    remove_empty_feeds    = False
    PREFIX                  = ''
    patternReviews                = r'<span class="*?movietitle"*?>(.*?)</span>.*?<div class="*?headline"*?>(.*?)</div>(.*?)</div>'
    patternCommentary       = r'<div class="*?headline"*?>.*?(<a href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article\?AID=.*?COMMENTARY.*?" id="ltred">.*?</a>).*?<div class="blurb clear">(.*?)</div>'
    patternPeople           = r'<div class="*?headline"*?>.*?(<a href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article\?AID=.*?PEOPLE.*?" id="ltred">.*?</a>).*?<div class="blurb clear">(.*?)</div>'
    patternGlossary           = r'<div class="*?headline"*?>.*?(<a href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article\?AID=.*?GLOSSARY.*?" id="ltred">.*?</a>).*?<div class="blurb clear">(.*?)</div>'

    conversion_options = {
                          'comment'          : description
                        , 'tags'             : category
                        , 'publisher'        : publisher
                        , 'language'         : language
                        , 'linearize_tables' : True

    feeds          = [
                        (u'Reviews'   , u'' )
                        ,(u'Commentary'   , u'')
                        ,(u'Great Movies'   , u'')
                        ,(u'People'   , u'')
                        ,(u'Glossary'   , u'')

    preprocess_regexps = [
        (re.compile(r'<font.*?>.*?This is a printer friendly.*?</font>.*?<hr>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE),
            lambda m: '')

    def print_version(self, url):
        return url + '&template=printart'

    def parse_index(self):
        totalfeeds = []
        lfeeds = self.get_feeds()
        for feedobj in lfeeds:
            feedtitle, feedurl = feedobj
            self.log('\tFeedurl: ', feedurl)
            self.report_progress(0, _('Fetching feed')+' %s...'%(feedtitle if feedtitle else feedurl))
            articles = []
            page = urllib2.urlopen(feedurl).read()

            if feedtitle == 'Reviews' or feedtitle == 'Great Movies':
                    pattern = self.patternReviews
            elif feedtitle == 'Commentary':
                    pattern = self.patternCommentary
            elif feedtitle == 'People':
                    pattern = self.patternPeople
            elif feedtitle == 'Glossary':
                    pattern = self.patternGlossary
            regex = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)

            for match in regex.finditer(page):
                if feedtitle == 'Reviews' or feedtitle == 'Great Movies':
                    movietitle =
                    thislink =
                    description =
                elif feedtitle == 'Commentary' or feedtitle == 'People' or feedtitle == 'Glossary':
                    thislink =
                    description =

                for link in BeautifulSoup(thislink, parseOnlyThese=SoupStrainer('a')):
                    thisurl = self.PREFIX + link['href']
                    thislinktext = self.tag_to_string(link)

                    if feedtitle == 'Reviews' or feedtitle == 'Great Movies':
                        thistitle = movietitle
                    elif feedtitle == 'Commentary' or feedtitle == 'People' or feedtitle == 'Glossary':
                        thistitle = thislinktext

                    if thistitle == '':
                        thistitle = 'Ebert Journal Post'
                    pattern2 = r'AID=\/(.*?)\/'
                    reg2 = re.compile(pattern2, re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
                    match2 =
                    date =
                    c = time.strptime(,"%Y%m%d")
                    date=time.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y", c)

                                      'title'      :thistitle
                                     ,'date'       :''
                                     ,'url'        :thisurl
            totalfeeds.append((feedtitle, articles))

        return totalfeeds
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Old 01-21-2011, 06:36 PM   #3
spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.
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By the way, first Python code which means first recipe as well. Any code review, hints, etc. would be appreciated. Any suggestions for more functionality also welcomed...
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Old 01-22-2011, 11:30 AM   #4
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kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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looks fine, do note that you can use regexes in beautifulsoup tests to match text/atrribute and tag name values.
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Old 02-19-2011, 08:45 PM   #5
spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.spedinfargo is the king of the Divan.
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Updated version. Kovid, is there something I should do to check in my changes, or do you just copy and paste from here?

import re
import urllib2
import time
from import BasicNewsRecipe
from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
from calibre import strftime

      Help Needed:
       Still can't figure out why I'm getting strange characters.  Esp. the Great Movies descriptions in the TOC.
       Anyone help me figure that out?
      Change Log:
       2011-02-19:  Version 2:  Added "Oscars" section and fixed date problem

class Ebert(BasicNewsRecipe):
    title                 = 'Roger Ebert'
    __author__            = 'Shane Erstad'
    version               = 2
    description           = 'Roger Ebert Movie Reviews'
    publisher             = 'Chicago Sun Times'
    category              = 'movies'
    oldest_article        = 8
    max_articles_per_feed = 100
    no_stylesheets        = True
    use_embedded_content  = False
    encoding              = 'UTF-8'
    masthead_url          = ''
    language              = 'en'
    remove_empty_feeds    = False
    PREFIX                  = ''
    patternReviews                = r'<span class="*?movietitle"*?>(.*?)</span>.*?<div class="*?headline"*?>(.*?)</div>(.*?)</div>'
    patternCommentary       = r'<div class="*?headline"*?>.*?(<a href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article\?AID=.*?COMMENTARY.*?" id="ltred">.*?</a>).*?<div class="blurb clear">(.*?)</div>'
    patternPeople           = r'<div class="*?headline"*?>.*?(<a href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article\?AID=.*?PEOPLE.*?" id="ltred">.*?</a>).*?<div class="blurb clear">(.*?)</div>'
    patternOscars           = r'<div class="*?headline"*?>.*?(<a href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article\?AID=.*?OSCARS.*?" id="ltred">.*?</a>).*?<div class="blurb clear">(.*?)</div>'
    patternGlossary           = r'<div class="*?headline"*?>.*?(<a href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article\?AID=.*?GLOSSARY.*?" id="ltred">.*?</a>).*?<div class="blurb clear">(.*?)</div>'

    conversion_options = {
                          'comment'          : description
                        , 'tags'             : category
                        , 'publisher'        : publisher
                        , 'language'         : language
                        , 'linearize_tables' : True

    feeds          = [
                        (u'Reviews'   , u'' )
                        ,(u'Commentary'   , u'')
                        ,(u'Great Movies'   , u'')
                        ,(u'People'   , u'')
                        ,(u'Oscars'   , u'')
                        ,(u'Glossary'   , u'')

    preprocess_regexps = [
        (re.compile(r'<font.*?>.*?This is a printer friendly.*?</font>.*?<hr>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE),
            lambda m: '')

    def print_version(self, url):
        return url + '&template=printart'

    def parse_index(self):
        totalfeeds = []
        lfeeds = self.get_feeds()
        for feedobj in lfeeds:
            feedtitle, feedurl = feedobj
            self.log('\tFeedurl: ', feedurl)
            self.report_progress(0, _('Fetching feed')+' %s...'%(feedtitle if feedtitle else feedurl))
            articles = []
            page = urllib2.urlopen(feedurl).read()

            if feedtitle == 'Reviews' or feedtitle == 'Great Movies':
                    pattern = self.patternReviews
            elif feedtitle == 'Commentary':
                    pattern = self.patternCommentary
            elif feedtitle == 'People':
                    pattern = self.patternPeople
            elif feedtitle == 'Glossary':
                    pattern = self.patternGlossary
            elif feedtitle == 'Oscars':
                    pattern = self.patternOscars
            regex = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)

            for match in regex.finditer(page):
                if feedtitle == 'Reviews' or feedtitle == 'Great Movies':
                    movietitle =
                    thislink =
                    description =
                elif feedtitle == 'Commentary' or feedtitle == 'People' or feedtitle == 'Glossary' or feedtitle == 'Oscars':
                    thislink =
                    description =

                for link in BeautifulSoup(thislink, parseOnlyThese=SoupStrainer('a')):
                    thisurl = self.PREFIX + link['href']
                    thislinktext = self.tag_to_string(link)

                    if feedtitle == 'Reviews' or feedtitle == 'Great Movies':
                        thistitle = movietitle
                    elif feedtitle == 'Commentary' or feedtitle == 'People' or feedtitle == 'Glossary' or feedtitle == 'Oscars':
                        thistitle = thislinktext

                    if thistitle == '':
                    pattern2 = r'AID=\/(.*?)\/'
                    reg2 = re.compile(pattern2, re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
                    match2 =
                    if match2:
                        c = time.strptime(,"%Y%m%d")
                        mydate=strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y", c)
                        mydate = strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y")
                                      'title'      :thistitle
                                     ,'date'       :'  [' + mydate + ']'
                                     ,'url'        :thisurl
            totalfeeds.append((feedtitle, articles))

        return totalfeeds
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Old 02-19-2011, 10:32 PM   #6
creator of calibre
kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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I pick them up from here.
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