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Old 05-25-2010, 01:25 AM   #16
Edge User
I´m having some problems reading the comics. An error pops up sometimes saying that it is not possible to open the cbr cbz file because there is a memory problem and that I have to close the ACV and wait some time...

Does any one have tha same problem ?
Old 05-25-2010, 01:54 AM   #17
Edge User
Originally Posted by astrocity View Post
I´m having some problems reading the comics. An error pops up sometimes saying that it is not possible to open the cbr cbz file because there is a memory problem and that I have to close the ACV and wait some time...

Does any one have tha same problem ?
Is this something that's started happening after the latest patch? Pre-patch I read hundreds of pages (CBZs, not CBRs) without any error, but I haven't tried it since. Also, I've only opened them directly from the external SD card rather than moving them to the eDGe's native storage. Are any of those factors different for you? (Pre/post-patch, CBZ vs CBR, or extSD vs internal storage.)
Old 05-26-2010, 09:23 AM   #18
Edge User
Originally Posted by Dellaster View Post
Is this something that's started happening after the latest patch? Pre-patch I read hundreds of pages (CBZs, not CBRs) without any error, but I haven't tried it since. Also, I've only opened them directly from the external SD card rather than moving them to the eDGe's native storage. Are any of those factors different for you? (Pre/post-patch, CBZ vs CBR, or extSD vs internal storage.)
No, since the beginning, but not with all the comics at all, its random, some comics go 18 pages fine and some others crash every time on the same page. I´ve tried to opne the same comics ( those who crash on determined page ) on sd card, usb or internal edge storage and they fail on all of them.

Don´t know what it might be...
Old 05-26-2010, 11:18 AM   #19
Edge User
Originally Posted by astrocity View Post
No, since the beginning, but not with all the comics at all, its random, some comics go 18 pages fine and some others crash every time on the same page. I´ve tried to opne the same comics ( those who crash on determined page ) on sd card, usb or internal edge storage and they fail on all of them.

Don´t know what it might be...
Hm, how odd. The only other thing I can think of is that my CBZs have contained only PNG images. If it's a problem with JPG display I would never see it. And it might not be regular JPGs but rather just progressive JPGs if any are included.
Old 05-26-2010, 12:23 PM   #20
Edge User
Hi dellaster... wondering if you could possibly send me tthe dl link for the converted comic reader too please?
or just pm me. Thanks
Old 05-26-2010, 04:36 PM   #21
Edge User
Originally Posted by aurareader View Post
Hi dellaster... wondering if you could possibly send me tthe dl link for the converted comic reader too please?
or just pm me. Thanks
Sorry for the thread drift but be careful with posting your email address. This is how spambots get valid addresses and you get more spam. So I would edit your post and remove it or do something like myemail -at- PM's are always a better route.
Old 05-27-2010, 01:57 AM   #22
Edge User
Originally Posted by Dellaster View Post
Hm, how odd. The only other thing I can think of is that my CBZs have contained only PNG images. If it's a problem with JPG display I would never see it. And it might not be regular JPGs but rather just progressive JPGs if any are included.
I´ve found out why it crashes. It crashes everytime it tries to load a "double paged" comic strip.Some comics have those huge pages that are loaded as just one page. It seem that the Edge can´t handle those amounts of memory. I will try change the setting on the ACV ot simply not read those pages and jump to the next ones.
Old 05-27-2010, 03:22 AM   #23
Edge User
Originally Posted by astrocity View Post
I´ve found out why it crashes. It crashes everytime it tries to load a "double paged" comic strip.Some comics have those huge pages that are loaded as just one page. It seem that the Edge can´t handle those amounts of memory. I will try change the setting on the ACV ot simply not read those pages and jump to the next ones.
Heh, it figures that it would be the only variable I didn't think of.

No need to skip pages. If have a few spare minutes you can unzip or unrar the comic, batch-convert the images to a uniform sane resolution with something like IrfanView (free), then re-zip/rar and change the extension back to .cbz/.cbr.
Old 05-31-2010, 10:43 PM   #24
Edge User
Hello Dellaster,
Would I be able to download this same program through your DL link (see 05-04-2010 message) and see the comics in full screen?
Old 07-28-2010, 07:07 AM   #25
Edge User
I cannot make the full screen converter work on the comic viewer. May I ask for the apk file please. I appreciate your consideration.
Old 08-14-2010, 08:03 AM   #26
Edge User
Could you kindly send me the DL link for the full screen APK of Droid Comic Viewer. Thank you very much!
Old 08-14-2010, 08:41 PM   #27
Edge User
Yes Boris that is the download link for tiny screen version. I installed the tiny screen Droid Comic Viewer (ACV) already on the EE. With the tiny screen it is of no use. What I am asking as other here, is the download link for the "patched" full screen version.
Old 12-24-2010, 06:32 PM   #28
Edge User
me too

could you send the patched app to me as well? thank you very much
Old 12-28-2010, 05:39 PM   #29
Edge User
Pretty pleeeze send me the DL link for the full screen APK of Droid Comic Viewer. I would be eternally grateful! So many cool comics I wanna be able to read on the subway.
I bought an iRobot for the sole purpouse of reading comics on it but I cant get any reader to work. I have ACV on my phone but the screen is too darn small!

Last edited by BvE; 12-28-2010 at 06:10 PM.
Old 12-28-2010, 06:34 PM   #30
Edge User
The app installed by the original link posted by Dellaster works just fine on the PE and EE...

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