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Old 08-17-2019, 05:36 PM   #1
vinniec began at the beginning.
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Question Convert apple dictionaries to a more common format

For a long time I have been looking for a digital etymological dictionary to consult on my reader (usually I use goldendict).
If it were for sale I would buy it but it is not available everywere.

I found one free for mac and a tool to extract it but unfortunately it does not work, I intend to try to understand in the coming days how to make it work but I'm not sure I can get because I'm not an expert.
The dictionary can be found here, the script for the extraction here:
At the end of the comments you can find a couple of my comments where I wrote in my opinion what is the problem with the extraction tool. and the dictionary.

*A little offtopic: I've been behind the digital book market for years and I still don't understand why publishers are so stupid. The ease of reading and the portability of the readers makes them overkill compared to regular books but then all these features are invalidated by the protections and the lack of availability of titles.
I refuse to buy books with protections, I buy books ONLY if they are without DRM, also because I have a reader that is not sold from specific platforms and then I don't want to have books that only work in certain cases, if I buy a book I want the convenience of being able to read it on each of my devices, without limits.
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