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Old 08-01-2012, 07:15 AM   #1
Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.
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Post Select multiple items in "Check library results" window

When I do a "Library Maintenance - Check library", and then I check the files for matching the information on the database, and it founds some errors (lost titles, authors, etc), the information window offers the possibility to delete non matching items.

But... ¿is there any way to select all them? When checking a big library, it's very bored to select all non matching items one by one.

If not possible (I think so), could be implemented a "select all" button? Or maybe a CTRL/CAPS + click method to make more easy selecting many items...
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Old 08-01-2012, 10:20 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Pepin33 View Post
When I do a "Library Maintenance - Check library", and then I check the files for matching the information on the database, and it founds some errors (lost titles, authors, etc), the information window offers the possibility to delete non matching items.

But... ¿is there any way to select all them? When checking a big library, it's very bored to select all non matching items one by one.

If not possible (I think so), could be implemented a "select all" button? Or maybe a CTRL/CAPS + click method to make more easy selecting many items...
While it looks convenient, it is also a very convenient way to "shoot your Library in the foot" fast
This way, you look at each and every item (there really should not be many) and decide .

1)You should run the check, regularly (so the list is not huge)

2) Frequent large lists, means you/your computer is doing something really wrong (like messing around without following the rules for what can be done without causing corruption (basically: tweaking the Insides of the files).

3)Accessing the files from more than 1 computer at a time OR switching to-from a case sensitive O/S and accessing Calibre (Windows <=> Linux)
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Old 08-01-2012, 12:10 PM   #3
Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.Pepin33 has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.
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Originally Posted by theducks View Post
While it looks convenient, it is also a very convenient way to "shoot your Library in the foot" fast
This way, you look at each and every item (there really should not be many) and decide .

1)You should run the check, regularly (so the list is not huge)

2) Frequent large lists, means you/your computer is doing something really wrong (like messing around without following the rules for what can be done without causing corruption (basically: tweaking the Insides of the files).

3)Accessing the files from more than 1 computer at a time OR switching to-from a case sensitive O/S and accessing Calibre (Windows <=> Linux)
Yes, you are right when talking about data corruption.

But I'm not talking about a basedate corruption. I'm talking about a shared library with a person who is adding new versions of the books.

When the maintainer adds a new version of a book, he removes old versions. He does it whith many books, and periodically, he shares the library with other people (only the new books added from last update).

Then, if you simply adds the new library and metadata and overwrites yours, the new books are added, but the old files stays. If you then make a "Check library", you can put your library in order easily when you let Calibre to remove files for database lost titles.

But when we are talking about hundreds of books, it's very annoying to pick it one by one in the check library results windows. This is why I ask for a way to select many of them at a time.

Last edited by Pepin33; 08-01-2012 at 02:43 PM.
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