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Old 10-06-2009, 01:15 AM   #1
brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.
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Anyone tried to port X-Word Crossword Puzzle app yet?

Hi Yaro,

One app I would LOVE to see ported to your platform, probably the 302 is the best early candidate. The app is one called X-Word and found here:

The thing about it is it supports doing the New York Times puzzles which use the AcrossLite format (.puz). I know someone ported it to the Nokia Internet Tables, well I know N8xx NIT's running OS2008 and might still run under OS2007 but am not certain.

A lot of readers are also lovers of crossword puzzles. So a touch device like the 302 would seem super. It would not need HWR but you can use the software's own onscreen character table to insert letters in the selected cells. It's nice app...

I see there was recently a contest to port apps to your platform, but w/o access to your potential developer community, this is the only place I might be able to mention it sure would be nice to have to run. But I also do not know what the OS limitations are and I am too far past my prime coding years to even think of doing it myself.

Anyway, if there is a way to get someone motivated to at least look at trying I am sure more than myself would be very appreciative of their effort.

For those who don't know, there was a competition to port apps here:

Seems a couple folks won free readers and others got discounts and/or other goodies.

Last edited by brecklundin; 10-06-2009 at 01:17 AM.
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Old 10-06-2009, 02:48 AM   #2
Yar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animals
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Breck, thanks!
I'll cross-post your idea to guys at the russian-speaking PB forum, as well as to the guys in PocketBook office in Kiev. They love new and cool stuff and this will have to be definitely cool!
Cheers, Yaro.
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Old 10-06-2009, 03:22 AM   #3
brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.
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EXCELLENT...thanks a bunch and it might take some time but if someone can get it done it will add a lot of value to many folks.
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Old 10-06-2009, 03:39 PM   #4
Yar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animals
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So far folks at Russian forum said that'd be great idea to have the crosswords not only in English, but in Russian/Ukrainian as well...
I think that the guys in Kiev will stick to this idea, judging from Sudoku in 301 and 302...
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Old 10-06-2009, 08:33 PM   #5
brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.
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Thanks a lot...that is excellent news. Let them know at least one person out here will appreciate it a ton!

Looking forward to seeing what develops.
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:45 PM   #6
Yar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animalsYar-PocketBooker is kind to children and small, furry animals
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Breck, you know I also love crosswords, but lately just don't have time to do them... but they are so good for brain gymnastics!))
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Old 11-22-2009, 02:53 AM   #7
thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.thersites ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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I've used X-Word on my Nokia n810 for a couple of years & like it a lot. It uses color (red) for a couple features, and I'm not sure how the b&w screen will handle the red fill of the currently selected box (will this show up as dark gray & will you be able to see a letter through this?). I think it should be fine, & would be a minor tweak to change if it doesn't.

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Old 11-22-2009, 04:13 AM   #8
brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.brecklundin is as sexy as a twisted cruller doughtnut.
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Originally Posted by thersites View Post
I've used X-Word on my Nokia n810 for a couple of years & like it a lot. It uses color (red) for a couple features, and I'm not sure how the b&w screen will handle the red fill of the currently selected box (will this show up as dark gray & will you be able to see a letter through this?). I think it should be fine, & would be a minor tweak to change if it doesn't.

simple...maybe something like invert the boxes (white letters black background) you are working on. As for the red if using the hint/checker use a lighter shade of grey for the letter(s)...maybe? Let the kids figure it out o us old dudes can get more "power nap" time in....
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