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Old 06-05-2019, 09:20 AM   #1006
NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Hmm, could you post the content of the koreader/crash.log file?
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Old 06-05-2019, 09:59 AM   #1007
hopeless n00b
ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Here's my crash.log. KOReader can go to and wake up from sleep using the power button. It looks like it may not be recognizing touch events.

I just did an update from v2019.05 (stable) to the v2019.05-18-g3798e1b nightly via the KUAL menu entry. Would a clean install help?

  _  _____  ____                _
 | |/ / _ \|  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | ___ _ __
 | ' / | | | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
 | . \ |_| |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |  __/ |
 |_|\_\___/|_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

 It's a scroll... It's a codex... It's KOReader!
[*] Current time: 06/05/19-06:56:04[*] Version: v2019.05-18-g3798e1b_2019-06-04

ffi.load: SDL2
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
SDL2 not loaded:	./setupkoenv.lua:27: Not able to load dynamic library:
ffi.load: SDL
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
SDL not loaded:	./setupkoenv.lua:27: Not able to load dynamic library: SDL
ffi.load: blitbuffer
FB: computed size: 6537216
FB: id           : mxc_epdc_fb
FB: smem_len     : 6537216
FB: line_length  : 608
FB: xres         : 600
FB: xres_virtual : 608
FB: yres         : 800
FB: yres_virtual : 10752
FB: bpp          : 8
06/05/19-06:56:04 INFO  initializing for device KindleBasic3
06/05/19-06:56:04 INFO  framebuffer resolution: {
    ["h"] = 800,
    ["w"] = 600
[ko-input] Forked off fake event generator(pid:4499).
ffi.load: libs/
ffi.load: libs/
ffi.load: libs/
06/05/19-06:56:07 INFO  Loading plugins from directory: plugins
06/05/19-06:56:07 INFO  Plugin  plugins/autofrontlight.koplugin/main.lua  has been disabled.
06/05/19-06:56:07 INFO  Plugin  plugins/autosuspend.koplugin/main.lua  has been disabled.
06/05/19-06:56:07 WARN  Failed reading ./settings/batterstat.lua (probably corrupted).
06/05/19-06:56:07 WARN  no usable backup file for ./settings/batterstat.lua to read from
ffi.load: sqlite3
ffi.load: z
ffi.load: sqlite3
06/05/19-06:56:07 INFO  Plugin  plugins/hello.koplugin/main.lua  has been disabled.
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin SSH at plugins/SSH.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin backgroundrunner at plugins/backgroundrunner.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin batterystat at plugins/batterystat.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin calibrecompanion at plugins/calibrecompanion.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin coverbrowser at plugins/coverbrowser.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin evernote at plugins/evernote.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin goodreads at plugins/goodreads.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin keepalive at plugins/keepalive.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin kobolight at plugins/kobolight.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin newsdownloader at plugins/newsdownloader.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin perceptionexpander at plugins/perceptionexpander.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin readtimer at plugins/readtimer.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin send2ebook at plugins/send2ebook.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin statistics at plugins/statistics.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin systemstat at plugins/systemstat.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin terminal at plugins/terminal.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin texteditor at plugins/texteditor.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin timesync at plugins/timesync.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:08 INFO  FM loaded plugin wallabag at plugins/wallabag.koplugin
06/05/19-06:56:09 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:09 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-MediumItalic.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:09 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:09 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-RegularItalic.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:09 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_66_Medium_Italic.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:09 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_75_Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:09 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_76_Bold_Italic.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:10 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/STHeitiTCBold.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:10 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/STSongTCBold.ttf>
06/05/19-06:56:28 WARN  got error waiting for events: Waiting for input failed: 4
ilovejedd is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 06-05-2019, 10:46 AM   #1008
NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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@ilovejedd: No, the update method is not an issue .

Can you first check that I didn't break it on the PW4?

If it still works there, can you try again in debug mode?

(i.e., in koreader/, update this line to read
 ./reader.lua -d -v "$@" >>crash.log 2>&1
instead. The crash.log should be much more verbose, then).
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Old 06-05-2019, 10:54 AM   #1009
jhh began at the beginning.
Posts: 15
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My log was empty. I run it again and here it is:
(I have added many fonts to the "font" folder.)

_ _____ ____ _
| |/ / _ \| _ \ ___ __ _ __| | ___ _ __
| ' / | | | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| . \ |_| | _ < __/ (_| | (_| | __/ |
|_|\_\___/|_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

It's a scroll... It's a codex... It's KOReader!
[*] Current time: 06/05/19-17:40:02[*] Version: v2019.05-18-g3798e1b_2019-06-04

ffi.load: SDL2
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
SDL2 not loaded: ./setupkoenv.lua:27: Not able to load dynamic library:
ffi.load: SDL
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
SDL not loaded: ./setupkoenv.lua:27: Not able to load dynamic library: SDL
ffi.load: blitbuffer
FB: computed size: 6537216
FB: id : mxc_epdc_fb
FB: smem_len : 6537216
FB: line_length : 608
FB: xres : 600
FB: xres_virtual : 608
FB: yres : 800
FB: yres_virtual : 10752
FB: bpp : 8
06/05/19-17:40:03 INFO initializing for device KindleBasic3
06/05/19-17:40:03 INFO framebuffer resolution: {
["h"] = 800,
["w"] = 600
[ko-input] Forked off fake event generator(pid:16416).
ffi.load: libs/
ffi.load: libs/
ffi.load: libs/
06/05/19-17:40:04 INFO opening file ./help/quickstart-en-v2019.05-18-g3798e1b_2019-06-04.html
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/AHROB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARAM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARIALNB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARIALNBI.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARIALNI.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARLRDBD.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Abraham-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Alef-bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Alef-regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-ExtraBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-SemiBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DROGB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DROGM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DavidLibre-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DavidLibre-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DavidLibre-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRABK.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRABKIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRADM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRADMCN.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRADMIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRAHV.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRAHVIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRAMDCN.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRANKB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRNEW.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Black.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Light.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GAHROM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GFRANK.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GHAIM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GHAIMC.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GKAVBLD.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GKAVLIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GKAVMED.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GMYAMFIX.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GYADBR.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GYADL.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GYADXL.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/HADASAH.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/HADASAHB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Black.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-ExtraBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/LOGO1.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MANTB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MANTDEC.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MANTM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MIRB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MIRFX.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MIRL.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/OS Aran.otf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/OS Aran_R.otf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/RASHI.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/RASHIB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Black.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Light.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/STAM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/STAM1.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/SuezOne-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TZVIB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TZVIM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-BoldOblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-MediumOblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/VILNA.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/VILNAB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-boldoblique-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-book-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-bookoblique-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/arial.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ariblk.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/asakim_bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibri.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibrib.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibrii.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibril.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibrili.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibriz.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/carmela.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/cour.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/courbd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/courbi.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/couri.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/drugulinclm-bolditalic-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/felix007-medium-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/framd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/framdit.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ganclm_bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/gladiaclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/hadasimclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/hadasimclm-regular-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/keteryg-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/keteryg-medium-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/l_10646.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/makabiyg-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/micross.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/segoeui.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/segoeuil.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/segoeuisl.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/seguisb.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/shmulikclm-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/shofarregularoblique-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/simpleclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/simpleclm-medium-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/tahoma.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/tahomabd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/times.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/timesbd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/trashimclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-MediumItalic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:05 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-RegularItalic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:06 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_66_Medium_Italic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:06 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_75_Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:06 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_76_Bold_Italic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:06 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/STHeitiTCBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:06 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/STSongTCBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO Loading plugins from directory: plugins
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO Plugin plugins/autofrontlight.koplugin/main.lua has been disabled.
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO Plugin plugins/autosuspend.koplugin/main.lua has been disabled.
06/05/19-17:40:07 WARN Failed reading ./settings/batterstat.lua (probably corrupted).
06/05/19-17:40:07 WARN no usable backup file for ./settings/batterstat.lua to read from
ffi.load: sqlite3
ffi.load: z
ffi.load: sqlite3
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO Plugin plugins/hello.koplugin/main.lua has been disabled.
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO RD loaded plugin SSH at plugins/SSH.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO RD loaded plugin backgroundrunner at plugins/backgroundrunner.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO RD loaded plugin batterystat at plugins/batterystat.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO RD loaded plugin calibrecompanion at plugins/calibrecompanion.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO RD loaded plugin coverbrowser at plugins/coverbrowser.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:07 INFO RD loaded plugin evernote at plugins/evernote.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin goodreads at plugins/goodreads.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin keepalive at plugins/keepalive.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin kobolight at plugins/kobolight.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin kosync at plugins/kosync.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin newsdownloader at plugins/newsdownloader.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin perceptionexpander at plugins/perceptionexpander.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin readtimer at plugins/readtimer.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin send2ebook at plugins/send2ebook.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin statistics at plugins/statistics.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin systemstat at plugins/systemstat.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin terminal at plugins/terminal.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin texteditor at plugins/texteditor.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin timesync at plugins/timesync.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin wallabag at plugins/wallabag.koplugin
06/05/19-17:40:08 INFO RD loaded plugin zsync at plugins/zsync.koplugin

jhh is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 06-05-2019, 11:04 AM   #1010
jhh began at the beginning.
Posts: 15
Karma: 10
Join Date: May 2019
Device: KT4
As for me, I only have the KT4. Here's my log in verbose mode:

_ _____ ____ _
| |/ / _ \| _ \ ___ __ _ __| | ___ _ __
| ' / | | | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| . \ |_| | _ < __/ (_| | (_| | __/ |
|_|\_\___/|_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

It's a scroll... It's a codex... It's KOReader!
[*] Current time: 06/05/19-17:57:51[*] Version: v2019.05-18-g3798e1b_2019-06-04

ffi.load: SDL2
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
SDL2 not loaded: ./setupkoenv.lua:27: Not able to load dynamic library:
ffi.load: SDL
ffi.load (warning): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
SDL not loaded: ./setupkoenv.lua:27: Not able to load dynamic library: SDL
ffi.load: blitbuffer
FB: computed size: 6537216
FB: id : mxc_epdc_fb
FB: smem_len : 6537216
FB: line_length : 608
FB: xres : 600
FB: xres_virtual : 608
FB: yres : 800
FB: yres_virtual : 10752
FB: bpp : 8
06/05/19-17:57:52 INFO initializing for device KindleBasic3
06/05/19-17:57:52 INFO framebuffer resolution: {
["h"] = 800,
["w"] = 600
[ko-input] Forked off fake event generator(pid:7158).
ffi.load: libs/
ffi.load: libs/
ffi.load: libs/
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.1 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.2 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.3 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.4 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.5 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.6 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.7 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.8 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ./settings/multiswipes.lua.old.9 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG show reader ui
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG ImageWidget: _render'ing resources/info-i.png
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG renderImageData: using MuPDF
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG Mupdf.renderImage true cdata<struct BlitBuffer8>: 0x75397fe0
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG cache image|resources/info-i.png||
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG show widget: table: 0x753c31f0
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG setDirty nil from widget table: 0x753c31f0 w/ NO region
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG setDirty via a func from widget table: 0x753c31f0
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG painting widget: table: 0x75398760
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG blitFrom 65 369 0 0 60 60
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG _refresh: Enqueued ui update for region 58 346 484 107
# 06/05/19-17:57:53 triggering refresh {
["mode"] = "ui",
["region"] = {
["y"] = 346,
["h"] = 107,
["x"] = 58,
["w"] = 484
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG close widget: table: 0x753c31f0
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG setDirty via a func from widget nil
06/05/19-17:57:53 DEBUG creating coroutine for showing reader
06/05/19-17:57:53 INFO opening file ./help/quickstart-en-v2019.05-18-g3798e1b_2019-06-04.html
06/05/19-17:57:53 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/AHROB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:53 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARAM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:53 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARIALNB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:53 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARIALNBI.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:53 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARIALNI.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:53 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ARLRDBD.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:53 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Abraham-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Alef-bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Alef-regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-ExtraBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Assistant-SemiBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DROGB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DROGM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DavidLibre-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DavidLibre-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DavidLibre-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRABK.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRABKIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRADM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRADMCN.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRADMIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRAHV.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRAHVIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRAMDCN.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRANKB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FRNEW.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Black.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Light.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/FrankRuhlLibre-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GAHROM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GFRANK.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GHAIM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GHAIMC.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GKAVBLD.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GKAVLIT.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GKAVMED.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GMYAMFIX.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GYADBR.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GYADL.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/GYADXL.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/HADASAH.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/HADASAHB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Black.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-ExtraBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Heebo-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/LOGO1.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MANTB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MANTDEC.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MANTM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MIRB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MIRFX.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/MIRL.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/OS Aran.otf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/OS Aran_R.otf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/RASHI.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/RASHIB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Black.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Light.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/Rubik-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/STAM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/STAM1.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/SuezOne-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TZVIB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TZVIM.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-BoldOblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/TaameyFrankCLM-MediumOblique.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/VILNA.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/VILNAB.TTF>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-boldoblique-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-book-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/aharoniclm-bookoblique-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/arial.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ariblk.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/asakim_bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibri.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibrib.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibrii.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibril.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibrili.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/calibriz.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/carmela.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/cour.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/courbd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/courbi.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/couri.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/drugulinclm-bolditalic-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/felix007-medium-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/framd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/framdit.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/ganclm_bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/gladiaclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/hadasimclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/hadasimclm-regular-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/keteryg-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/keteryg-medium-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/l_10646.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/makabiyg-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/micross.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/segoeui.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/segoeuil.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/segoeuisl.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/seguisb.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/shmulikclm-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/shofarregularoblique-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/simpleclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/simpleclm-medium-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/tahoma.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/tahomabd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/times.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/timesbd.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </mnt/us/fonts/trashimclm-bold-webfont.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-Medium.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-MediumItalic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-Regular.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Amazon-Ember-RegularItalic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_66_Medium_Italic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_75_Bold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:54 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/Caecilia_LT_76_Bold_Italic.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:55 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/STHeitiTCBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:55 ERROR failed to register crengine font: cannot register font </usr/java/lib/fonts/STSongTCBold.ttf>
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ImageWidget: _render'ing resources/icons/
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG renderImageData: using MuPDF
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG Mupdf.renderImage true cdata<struct BlitBuffer8>: 0x7567d358
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG cache image|resources/icons/||
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG Getting list of dictionaries
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG found 0 dictionaries
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.1 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.2 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.3 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.4 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.5 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.6 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.7 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.8 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/lookup_history.lua.old.9 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.1 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.2 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.3 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.4 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.5 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.6 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.7 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.8 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG ./settings/wikipedia_history.lua.old.9 is invalid, remove.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG CreDocument: applied cr3.ini default settings.
06/05/19-17:57:55 INFO Loading plugins from directory: plugins
06/05/19-17:57:55 INFO Plugin plugins/autofrontlight.koplugin/main.lua has been disabled.
06/05/19-17:57:55 INFO Plugin plugins/autosuspend.koplugin/main.lua has been disabled.
06/05/19-17:57:55 DEBUG BackgroundRunnerWidget: start running @ 1559746675
06/05/19-17:57:55 WARN Failed reading ./settings/batterstat.lua (probably corrupted).
06/05/19-17:57:55 WARN no usable backup file for ./settings/batterstat.lua to read from
ffi.load: sqlite3
ffi.load: z
ffi.load: sqlite3
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO Plugin plugins/hello.koplugin/main.lua has been disabled.
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin SSH at plugins/SSH.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin backgroundrunner at plugins/backgroundrunner.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin batterystat at plugins/batterystat.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin calibrecompanion at plugins/calibrecompanion.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CoverBrowser: setting FileManager display mode to: list_image_meta
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CoverBrowser: setting History display mode to: mosaic_image
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin coverbrowser at plugins/coverbrowser.koplugin
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06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin goodreads at plugins/goodreads.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin keepalive at plugins/keepalive.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin kobolight at plugins/kobolight.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin kosync at plugins/kosync.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin newsdownloader at plugins/newsdownloader.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin perceptionexpander at plugins/perceptionexpander.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin readtimer at plugins/readtimer.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin send2ebook at plugins/send2ebook.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin statistics at plugins/statistics.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin systemstat at plugins/systemstat.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin terminal at plugins/terminal.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin texteditor at plugins/texteditor.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin timesync at plugins/timesync.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin wallabag at plugins/wallabag.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO RD loaded plugin zsync at plugins/zsync.koplugin
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG _refresh: Enqueued full update for region 0 0 600 800
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG setDirty full from widget ReaderUI w/ NO region
# 06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO: invalid widget for setDirty() stack traceback:
frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:568: in function 'post_guard'
frontend/dbg.lua:45: in function 'setDirty'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:709: in function 'onSetScreenMode'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:754: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:88: in function 'propagateEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:106: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:385: in function 'init'
frontend/ui/widget/widget.lua:48: in function 'new'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:521: in function 'doShowReader'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:478: in function <frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:477>
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG _refresh: Enqueued full update for region 0 0 600 800
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG setDirty partial from widget ReaderUI w/ NO region
# 06/05/19-17:57:56 INFO: invalid widget for setDirty() stack traceback:
frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:568: in function 'post_guard'
frontend/dbg.lua:45: in function 'setDirty'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:603: in function 'recalculate'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:723: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:88: in function 'propagateEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:106: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:711: in function 'onSetScreenMode'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:754: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:88: in function 'propagateEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:106: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:385: in function 'init'
frontend/ui/widget/widget.lua:48: in function 'new'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:521: in function 'doShowReader'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:478: in function <frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:477>
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set view dimen {
["h"] = 800,
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06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set status line property 1
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG made tweak css:
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set style sheet: ./data/epub.css and appended content (0 bytes)
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set embedded style sheet 1
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set render dpi 96
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set page margins 10 15 10 22
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set floating punctuation 0
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set txt preformatted 1
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set smooth scaling false
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set font face Noto Serif
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set header font Noto Sans
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set font size 22
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: toggle font bolder 0
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set font hinting mode 2
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set font kerning mode 1
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set space condensing 75
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set interline space 100
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set gamma index 15
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG Hyphenation: no algo set
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set hyphenation left hyphen min 2
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set hyphenation right hyphen min 2
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set hyphenation trust soft hyphens 0
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG Hyphenation: keeping current crengine algo: English_US.pattern
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: requesting DOM version: 20180528
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: set visible page count 1
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: loading document...
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: loading done.
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG Hyphenation: no algo found for doc language: , keeping English_US.pattern
06/05/19-17:57:56 DEBUG CreDocument: rendering document...
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG CreDocument: rendering done.
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG _refresh: Enqueued full update for region 0 0 600 800
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG setDirty partial from widget ReaderUI w/ NO region
# 06/05/19-17:57:57 INFO: invalid widget for setDirty() stack traceback:
frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:568: in function 'post_guard'
frontend/dbg.lua:45: in function 'setDirty'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:603: in function 'recalculate'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:770: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:88: in function 'propagateEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:106: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:184: in function 'setupXpointer'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:254: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:88: in function 'propagateEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:106: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:400: in function 'init'
frontend/ui/widget/widget.lua:48: in function 'new'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:521: in function 'doShowReader'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:478: in function <frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:477>
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG computing and storing partial_md5_checksum
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG _refresh: Enqueued full update for region 0 0 600 800
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG setDirty partial from widget ReaderUI w/ NO region
# 06/05/19-17:57:57 INFO: invalid widget for setDirty() stack traceback:
frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:568: in function 'post_guard'
frontend/dbg.lua:45: in function 'setDirty'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:675: in function 'updatePos'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:121: in function 'v'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:403: in function 'init'
frontend/ui/widget/widget.lua:48: in function 'new'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:521: in function 'doShowReader'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:478: in function <frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:477>
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG CreDocument: set bookmarks highlight and internal history false
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG _refresh: Enqueued full update for region 0 0 600 800
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG setDirty partial from widget ReaderUI w/ NO region
# 06/05/19-17:57:57 INFO: invalid widget for setDirty() stack traceback:
frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:568: in function 'post_guard'
frontend/dbg.lua:45: in function 'setDirty'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:603: in function 'recalculate'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerview.lua:770: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:88: in function 'propagateEvent'
frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:106: in function 'handleEvent'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:706: in function 'onRedrawCurrentView'
frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:124: in function 'v'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:403: in function 'init'
frontend/ui/widget/widget.lua:48: in function 'new'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:521: in function 'doShowReader'
frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:478: in function <frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:477>
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG show widget: ReaderUI
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG setDirty nil from widget ReaderUI w/ NO region
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG painting widget: ReaderUI
# 06/05/19-17:57:57 readerview painting {
["y"] = 0,
["x"] = 0,
["h"] = 800,
["w"] = 600
} to 0 0
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG _refresh: Enqueued full update for region 0 0 600 800
# 06/05/19-17:57:57 triggering refresh {
["mode"] = "full",
["region"] = {
["y"] = 0,
["x"] = 0,
["h"] = 800,
["w"] = 600
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG BackgroundRunner: _execute() @ 1559746677
06/05/19-17:57:57 DEBUG BackgroundRunnerWidget: start running @ 1559746677
06/05/19-17:57:59 DEBUG BackgroundRunner: _execute() @ 1559746679
06/05/19-17:57:59 DEBUG BackgroundRunnerWidget: start running @ 1559746679

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Old 06-05-2019, 11:39 AM   #1011
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Originally Posted by NiLuJe View Post
Can you first check that I didn't break it on the PW4?

If it still works there, can you try again in debug mode?

(i.e., in koreader/, update this line to read
 ./reader.lua -d -v "$@" >>crash.log 2>&1
instead. The crash.log should be much more verbose, then).
Nightly works fine on PW4.

I ended up with 0-byte crash.log and ev.log files on the KT4. Since KOReader is unresponsive, I'm kinda force restarting the KT4 to get out of KOReader.

Note, I don't have usbnet installed. Haven't really gotten around to reading up on how to get that working on Windows. I think I may have a couple of outdated Mint 18 and 19 LiveUSB sticks around though.

I'm also still running factory firmware and I think that one has its own dropbear, etc. which might interfere with the MR usbnet package.
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Old 06-05-2019, 12:52 PM   #1012
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Yeah, can't tell much from those logs, which is not terribly surprising if you have to hard-reboot .


@jhh: Are you also still on the factory FW?


It might very well be a factory FW quirk, or not, but unfortunately, yeah, I think shell access will be necessary to get to the bottom of this .

(IIRC, USBNetwork should silently supplant the builtin factory USBNet handling).
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Old 06-05-2019, 01:02 PM   #1013
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Originally Posted by NiLuJe View Post
Yeah, can't tell much from those logs, which is not terribly surprising if you have to hard-reboot .


@jhh: Are you also still on the factory FW?


It might very well be a factory FW quirk, or not, but unfortunately, yeah, I think shell access will be necessary to get to the bottom of this .

(IIRC, USBNetwork should silently supplant the builtin factory USBNet handling).
Yes I'm on factory FW.
If needed, I'm glad to try to help too, but I need instructions how to get further.
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Old 06-05-2019, 01:18 PM   #1014
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Current Windows versions should be dealing with USBNet fairly sanely now (at least you won't have to dig around for drivers), so a terminal emulator should be all that's needed (i.e., PuTTy) once you get the USBNet hack up & running .
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Old 06-05-2019, 05:39 PM   #1015
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Should we move this discussion to a separate thread?

Installed usbnet. It said “Success! ” although at the end of the mrpi log, there’s a line:
Really failed to remount rootfs RO -_-

I restarted after and I think that would mount rootfs read-only?

Now I’m off to figure out what to do with Windows. >_<
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Old 06-05-2019, 06:00 PM   #1016
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That's a quirk of newish FW versions, IIRC. There's a strongly worded warning later if the retry fails .

Nothing a restart wouldn't fix anyway.

You basically want to setup the new network interface with a static IP as described in the README. You'll just have to fight windows's inane Settings panel to actually get at the network interface list, and from there, it's a couple clicks away from the preferences or whatever the entry actually is in the right click menu on an interface.

(Err, fuzzy memory, sorry, the last time I did this was to tether an Android phone in connection sharing mode, which is actually technically fairly similar).
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Old 06-05-2019, 10:54 PM   #1017
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Originally Posted by NiLuJe View Post
You basically want to setup the new network interface with a static IP as described in the README.
Thanks for the tip. The README kinda looked like Greek to me.

USB network and PuTTY working now. Here are the log files. I tried tapping on the screen while it's running.
Attached Files
File Type: txt crash.txt (291.5 KB, 206 views)
File Type: txt ev.txt (55.8 KB, 207 views)
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Old 06-06-2019, 09:39 AM   #1018
NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Huh. Not quite sure why the input code seems to be confused by that, that's never been an issue on Kindle before, and those events looks sane-ish... At least we *can* read touch input, which is what I was worried about .

Could you try the same on the PW4? (And do post the ev.log, that's mainly what I'm interested in ). (Shouldn't need USBNet there, since it works ;p).

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Old 06-06-2019, 10:37 AM   #1019
hopeless n00b
ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ilovejedd ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by NiLuJe View Post
Could you try the same on the PW4? (And do post the ev.log, that's mainly what I'm interested in ). (Shouldn't need USBNet there, since it works ;p).
PW4 logs as requested.
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Old 06-06-2019, 11:50 AM   #1020
NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.NiLuJe ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Huh. Well, it does generate slightly different input events, so, at least all of this does make some kind of sense .

Can you try this random shot in the dark patch (based on the fact that the KT4 output looks eerily similar to the one from Kobo's Mk. 7 devices):

diff --git a/frontend/device/kindle/device.lua b/frontend/device/kindle/device.lua
index 501d0735..cfdc2c2a 100644
--- a/frontend/device/kindle/device.lua
+++ b/frontend/device/kindle/device.lua
@@ -353,6 +353,7 @@ local KindlePaperWhite4 = Kindle:new{
 local KindleBasic3 = Kindle:new{
     model = "KindleBasic3",
     isTouchDevice = yes,
+    touch_snow_protocol = true,
     hasFrontlight = yes,
     touch_dev = "/dev/input/event2",
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application, k5 tools, kindle, launcher add-ons, lua, reader, touch

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