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Old 09-15-2010, 10:19 AM   #11
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Isherwood is on a distinguished road
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In the original post, I noted (but may not have been clear) that if you have the book already on the kindle and change the metadata and push the new version down, the kindle doesn't show a change. It is caching the metadata it reads from the mobi files at startup. To get it to recognize the change you have to restart the kindle. I would expect the kindle for pc program has the same issue. This is probably why you weren't seein the changes when you tried different things

When the mobi file author field (use the viewer 'metadata' button to see what is in the mobi file, not what is in the calibre metadata database) contains "lastname, firstname" it will display as "firstname lastname" but sort by lastname. There must be a space after the comma according to other posts I saw. I have tested that "lastname1, firstname1;lastname2, firstname2" will display as "firstname1 lastname1 and firstname2 lastname2" and sort by lastname1.

Addressing another posters issue about breaking things to suit my kindle. Since I have told calibre that the output device was a kindle, it could have a conversion from the 'standard' multi author format into 'kindle' multi author format happen when pushing the books.

The biggest change I would like to see is a way to update the metadata in the mobi file without having to do a 'mobi to mobi' conversion. If my calibre stored file is already in mobi format, it just pushes the file to the kindle without conversion and doesn't use the calibre metadata anywhere. If i was sending a non-mobi file to the kindle, calibre would convert it and set the proper metadata. Perhaps there should be an option when pushing books already in the right format to do a mini-convert just to update the metadata without having to convert the entire book. It takes about 2 hours on a fast pc to convert 300+ books just to update metadata.
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