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Old 03-25-2009, 05:11 PM   #233
Student1 doesn't litterStudent1 doesn't litter
Posts: 159
Karma: 170
Join Date: Feb 2009
Device: PRS-505
Well i have done a lot of testing and it seems that these are the settings for the prs 505 :

@echo off

rem ============== batch processing options
set LOC=C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFRead
set OPT=-p prs505-p -i pdf -c "Mythology" -f "lrf" -m "portrait" -r "none" --vres=800 --hres=600  --dpi "600" --colorspace "rgb" --colors "256" --optimize

rem ============== do not change below this line
set DIR=%~dp0
if not '%1' == '' set DIR=%1

for %%I in (%DIR%\*.pdf) do title PDFRead: converting "%%~nI" & "%LOC%\bin\pdfread" %OPT% -t "%%~nI" -o "%%~dpnI" "%%~fI"

rem ==== uncomment the line below and comment the above one to debug (by adding/removing the rem)
rem ==== for %%I in (%DIR%\*.pdf) do title PDFRead: converting "%%~nI" & echo "%LOC%\bin\pdfread" %OPT% -t "%%~nI" -o "%%~dpnI" "%%~fI"

title PDFRead: batch conversion complete.

--vres=800 --hres=600 did a great job at using the maximum portion of the screen. Without setting this the bottom and right side would have a hufe margin. Zooming was still an option but it would cut 2 lines from the bottom paragraph.

I'm doing one more run and i will post my results and start my batch !

Here are the results, it will almost max the bottom and ofcourse leave a margin on the right side which is normal if you want to keep ratio.

here are the images :

First run without resizing :

Second run with the resizing :

It is close but it makes the text readable on the viewer without the need to zoom.

anyway let me know what you think !

Last edited by Student1; 03-25-2009 at 07:56 PM.
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