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Old 09-28-2010, 06:33 PM   #5
psycholoner began at the beginning.
Posts: 34
Karma: 22
Join Date: Jul 2010
Device: Kindle DXG
The things that magnets can screw up are slowly being removed from the electronics scene. The only thing you should need to watch out for are CRT televisons (and screens), HDDs (SSD is fine), floppy disks, and other magnetically coded memory banks. Even with HDDs though, you'd need a relatively strong magnet to screw it up, so there isn't too much of a problem.

Theoretically, even extremely strong magnetic fields can't cause much damage to electronics, but when the field gets TOO strong, a lot of unexpected things COULD happen (i.e. the field makes SOMETHING ELSE screw things up, and doesn't screw the device up directly).

The kindle has metal casings and proper protection on the chips too, so there really isn't anything to worry about. A single magnetic button wouldn't be able to screw ANYTHING up these days. ANY HANDHELD DEVICE should be safe from ANY magnets UNLESS it has internal moving parts (like a PSP UMD drive, or a watch). Feel free to stick some on your phone, an iPod, iPhone, iPad w/e. It won't do anything.
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