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Old 06-13-2011, 11:32 AM   #12
Nameless Being
I've got no problem with the ads. I understand if some do assuming they bought the KSO without understanding it has ads. But regardless, I prefer the ads over all those dead authors. Those were just creepy and depressing to look at! I would prefer my own device sleep image, as what we are calling screensavers really are not screensavers. But I purposely bought the KSO with full knowledge of the ads so I won't change them until I figure Amazon has gotten it's $25 worth of ads out of me.

@HatboxGhost, your method might work, though it will still not be the equivalent of a traditional K3. However, for me disabling WiFi also disables the feature that makes my KSO rock, Whispernet. I specifically bought a Kindle to have Whispernet because syncing between devices and platforms is extremely important, and no one does it as well as Amazon via Whispernet.
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