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Old 03-23-2010, 11:18 PM   #10
Nameless Being
I'm still having trouble. You are correct. If I set the value too big, the nook can not open the book.

I've switched to the command line interface so I can repeat my tests. My script current looks like:


/usr/bin/ebook-convert \
  out.html \
  test.epub \
  -v -v \
  --output-profile nook \
  --max-levels 0 \
  --flow-size 300 \
  --chapter '//*[name()='h2' or name()='h3']' \
  --chapter-mark pagebreak \
  --page-breaks-before '//*[name()='h2' or name()='h3']' \
  --level1-toc '//h:h2' \
  --level2-toc '//h:h3' \
  --level3-toc '//h:h4' \
  --language en \
  --authors "Ian Hickson, David Hyatt, et. al." \
  --pubdate "$( date '+%b %d, %Y' )" \
I run the above script and then I unzip the test.epub file into its own directory. The files range up to 343153 bytes. 300 * 1024 is only 307200.

The other problem is I am only getting a total of 40 files but if I grep the source for h2 and h3 tags, I hit about 126 of them. So, I'm not understanding how to force things into smaller pieces.

If I remove the flow-size option, the converter dies with a "tree" that is too big.
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