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Old 06-25-2013, 01:10 PM   #7
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Bertone began at the beginning.
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Device: Onyx Boox M92
What I mean by 'a scanned book (double pages, not centred)' is like the image which is hopefully attached to this post!
Yes, that's what I assumed. Do I understand you correctly that you use the odd/even setting so that the pdf reader displays the two parts of the double pages separately, first the page on the left, and then after a click the page on the right, so that each side / half-page completely fills the screen?
I don't see how that is possible with the odd/even setting and I'd like to know how you do it.

Let's start with the original book. Let's say, for the sake of simplicity, your original book has 20 pages.

Then you lay the book on the scanner and you scan the first image. This image will contain pages 1 and 2 of the original book.

The image is image number 1 and it will be page 1 in your pdf file.

Then you scan the next double page of the original book. The result is image number 2, which contains pages 3 and 4 of the original book. And so on...

The corresponding pdf file will look like this:

Page 1: contains original pages 1 and 2 of the book
Page 2: contains original pages 3 and 4 of the book

The ebook / pdf will have 10 pages, each of which contains two pages from the original 20-pages-book.

As I understand it, the odd/even setting works like this: It shows you a certain viewport for all odd pages of the pdf file and a different viewport for all the even pages.
So you could bring the pdf reader to show you only the left part of pdf page 1, in other words only original page number 1.
You simply tell the pdf reader to show you only the left side of all odd pages.
Then you tell the pdf reader to show you only the right side of all even pages.
But then it will show you only original page 4. You won't see original pages 2 and 3.

What I would like to have is that the pdf reader shows me the original pages 1, then original page 2, original page 3, and so on.
For that the pdf reader would have to show me
1. the left side of pdf page number 1
2. the right side of pdf page number 1
3. the left side of pdf page number 2
4. the right side of pdf page number 2

I don't see how that is possible with the odd/even setting.

Unless you change the settings each time you want to turn the page...

Could you explain step by step what you did?

One other thing - while you're waiting for the problem to be fixed (using the joystick), could you rotate your screen 180, which would allow you to navigate with the buttons on the right.
Yes, certainly I could do that. It's not that the M92 is unusable or so. It's just that with the leather cover I think it's more convenient to use the joystick. I just wanted to make it clear that it's a bug and that hopefully it will be fixed in the near future. I use the M92 to simplify my life, and I would like it to simplify my life as much as possible

Regarding the bug problem, I've left an answer on that thread. I can reproduce the one as described by Randy11, though it only affects scanned pdfs, not standard pdfs. With regard to the further bugs you mention, I can't envisage the kind of document you're working with or what you're trying to achieve - could you post some images?
Ok, I will try to make some images. Might take some time. It's difficult to describe (and understand) such problems with words.
And thanks for your response

Last edited by Bertone; 06-25-2013 at 01:34 PM.
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