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Old 12-05-2017, 07:22 AM   #8
DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
DrNefario's Avatar
Posts: 2,103
Karma: 11315768
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: UK
Device: Kindle, Kobo Touch, Nook SimpleTouch
Goal: Reduce TBR

Once again my main goal is to reduce my overall TBR, with a special extra requirement to reduce my paper TBR by at least 7. For extra credit, I'd like to reduce (or not increase) the TBR in every individual month of the year. It's going to be much tougher now I've dropped my daily short story requirement.

Removed: 103
Added: 120 (69 paid)
Net reduction: -17
Pages read: 32447

Paper TBR:
Removed: 22
Added: 14 (14 paid)
Net Reduction: 8

Books read:
1. Europe at Midnight - Dave Hutchinson (e) - 384
2. The Half Killed - Quenby Olson (k) - 275
3. Orbital Resonance - John Barnes (p) - 214
4. Steal the Sky - Megan E O'Keefe (k) - 323
5. Points of Impact - Marko Kloos (k) - 297
6. The Story of the Commodore Amiga in Pixels - Chris Wilkins & Roger M Kean (i) - 283
7. Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (k) - 462
8. The Hollow - Agatha Christie (h) - 252
9. The Red Knight - Miles Cameron (k) - 648
10. End of the World Blues - Jon Courtenay Grimwood (k) - 342
11. Seven Forges - James A Moore (k) - 268
12. Transference Station (novella) - Stephen Hunt (k) - 93
13. Taken at the Flood - Agatha Christie (p) - 220
14. Nice Dragons Finish Last - Rachel Aaron (k) - 287
15. Greenwitch - Susan Cooper (h) - 94
16. Fools - Pat Cadigan (k) - 299
17. Killing Gravity (novella) - Corey J White (e) - 192
18. Eight Skilled Gentlemen - Barry Hughart (e) - 217
19. Crooked House - Agatha Christie (p) - 302
20. Write Free - Julie Smith (k) - 121
21. Witches of Lychford (novella) - Paul Cornell (e) - 79
22. Cult Sci-Fi Movies - Danny Peary (k) - 127
23. Brasyl - Ian McDonald (k) - 411
24. Sufficiently Advanced Magic - Andrew Rowe (k) - 609
25. The Case with Nine Solutions - J J Connington (k) - 280
26. The Princess Bride - William Goldman (k) - 336
27. Ammonite - Nicola Griffith (k) - 417
28. Between Silk and Cyanide: A Code Maker's War - Leo Marks (e) - 573
29. Lost Lore (anthology) - Various (k) - 381
30. All Systems Red (novella) - Martha Wells (e) - 83
31. The Crimson Queen - Alec Hutson (k) - 419
32. A Murder is Announced - Agatha Christie (p) - 237
33. The Rift - Nina Allan (k) - 400
34. Grainne - Keith Roberts (k) - 175
35. Now We Are Ten (anthology) - Ian Whates (ed) (k) - 253
36. The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes (k) - 423
37. Effendi - Jon Courtenay Grimwood (k) - 376
38. Lyonesse: Madouc - Jack Vance (k) - 330
39. The Centauri Device - M John Harrison (p) - 199
40. They Came to Baghdad - Agatha Christie (p) - 221
41. The Weirdstone of Brisingamen - Alan Garner (p) - 284
42. The Story of US Gold - Chris Wilkins & Roger M Kean (i) - 230
43. Station Eleven - Emily St John Mandel (k) - 352
44. Making Story: Twenty-One Writers on How they Plot - Timothy Hallinan (ed) (k) - 192
45. Monterra's Deliciosa & Other Tales & (collection) - Anna Tambour (k) - 264
46. Sweats (short) - Keith Brooke (k) - 29
47. On the Shoulders of Titans - Andrew Rowe (k) - 698
48. The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps - Kai Ashante Wilson (e) - 131
49. Into Thin Air - Jon Krakauer (k) - 352
50. The Engines of God - Jack McDevitt (k) - 524
51. Alanna: The First Adventure - Tamora Pierce (k) - 230
52. The Night Sessions - Ken MacLeod (k) - 368
53. In the Hand of the Goddess - Tamora Pierce (k) - 223
54. Europe in Winter - Dave Hutchinson (p) - 295
55. Twelve Kings - Bradley P Beaulieu (k) - 580
56. Mrs McGinty's Dead - Agatha Christie (p) - 335
57. Bad Pharma - Ben Goldacre (k) - 449
58. Felaheen - Jon Courtenay Grimwood (k) - 356
59. Pandemonium: The Rite of Spring (anthology) - Jared Shurin (ed) (k) - 28
60. The Obelisk Gate - N K Jemisin (p) - 391
61. Blood, Sweat and Tea - Tom Reynolds (k) - 274
62. 13 Minutes - Sarah Pinborough (k) - 404
63. The Terminal Experiment - Robert J Sawyer (p) - 333
64. Unsouled - Will Wight (k) - 292
65. They Do it with Mirrors - Agatha Christie (p) - 218
66. Remnant Population - Elizabeth Moon (p) - 360
67. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte (e) - 489
68. Get Started in Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy - Adam Roberts (k) - 224
69. Kings of the Wyld - Nicholas Eames (k) - 528
70. Fool's War - Sarah Zettel (e) - 388
71. Grey Sister - Mark Lawrence (e) - 377
72. You've Got to Read This - Simon Cheshire (k) - 220
73. Dreaming in Smoke - Tricia Sullivan (h) - 290
74. Pilgrimage to Skara - Jonathan S Pembroke (k) - 289
75. Going on the Turn - Danny Baker (k) - 258
76. The Black Echo - Michael Connelly (k) - 459
77. Teranesia - Greg Egan (p) - 248
78. Death March - Phil Tucker (k) - 310
79. A Calculated Life - Anne Charnock (k) - 195
80. The Tethered Mage - Melissa Caruso (p) - 434
81. After the Funeral - Agatha Christie (p) - 378
82. The Ballad of Black Tom (novella) - Victor LaValle (e) - 88
83. The Traitor - Seth Dickinson (k) - 401
84. Memesis (collection) - Keith Brooke (k) - 144
85. Dauntless - Jack Campbell (k) - 350
86. Nightmare Keep - Phil Tucker (k) - 265
87. The Undoing Project - Michael Lewis (k) - 352
88. A Gentleman's Game - Greg Rucka (e) - 310
89. Crucible of Gold - Naomi Novik (k) - 323
90. Segue: Into the Strange (collection) - Keith Brooke (k) - 177
91. Ocean: The History - Chris Wilkins & Roger M Kean (i) - 260
92. A Pocket Full of Rye - Agatha Christie (p) - 219
93. Judas Unchained - Peter F Hamilton (k) - 1236
94. Killer Dungeon - Phil Tucker (k) - 331
95. The Rainbow and the Rose - Nevil Shute (h) - 306
96. The Grand Tour - Patricia C Wrede & Caroline Stevermer (k) - 469
97. Ninefox Gambit - Yoon Ha Lee (k) - 384
98. Destination Unknown - Agatha Christie (k) - 191
99. Service Games - Sam Pettus (e) - 385
100. Imager's Challenge - L E Modesitt Jr (k) - 460
101. Classic Scrapes - James Acaster (k) - 302
102. The Black Fires of Heaven (novella) - J Y Yang (e) - 141
103. Dogs of War - Adrian Tchaikovsky (k) - 262

Monthly Breakdown:
Bought: 2 (£5.98)
Borrowed: 1
Free: 4
Read: 8 (£9.46)
Pages: 2490
TBR Drop: 1

Borrowed: 1
Free: 4
Read: 5 (£12.33)
Pages: 1571
TBR Drop: 0

Bought: 7 (£8.99)
Borrowed: 1
Free: 1
Read: 10 (£11.47)
Pages: 2129
TBR Drop: 1

Bought: 5 (£11.79)
Borrowed: 1
Free: 2
Read: 8 (£9.65)
Pages: 3098
TBR Drop: 0

Bought: 3 (£7.48)
Borrowed: 1
Free: 1
Read: 6 (£9.94)
Pages: 1864
TBR Drop: 1

Bought: 5 (£6.72)
Borrowed: 1
Free: 6
Read: 12 (£13.10)
Pages: 3282
TBR Drop: 0

Bought: 5 (£6.95)
Borrowed: 1 (£0.50)
Free: 2
Read: 9 (£18.57)
Pages: 3360
TBR Drop: 1

Bought: 32 (£25.92)
Borrowed: 3
Read: 10 (£12.93)
Pages: 3013
TBR Drop: -25

Bought: 2 (£1.98)
Borrowed: 3
Free: 3
Read: 8 (£6.76)
Pages: 2709
TBR Drop: 0

Bought: 3 (£30.37)
Borrowed: 2
Free: 3
Read: 9 (£6.13)
Pages: 2548
TBR Drop: 1

Borrowed: 1
Free: 5
Read: 8 (£10.20)
Pages: 3142
TBR Drop: 2

Bought: 4 (£4.16)
Borrowed: 1
Free: 4
Read: 10 (£9.76)
Pages: 3231
TBR Drop: 1

Additional Goals:

1. BSFA award winners. Ongoing challenge. 6 left at the start of the year. I'd like to complete the set this year.
Books remaining: 0
1987 - Grainne - Keith Roberts (k)
2003 - Felaheen - Jon Courtenay Grimwood (k)
2006 - End of the World Blues - Jon Courtenay Grimwood (k)
2007 - Brasyl - Ian McDonald (k)
2008 - The Night Sessions - Ken MacLeod (k)
2016 - Europe in Winter - Dave Hutchinson (p)
2017 - The Rift - Nina Allan (k)

2. Fifty Years of SF. 1950-1999. An ongoing challenge to read a book published in every year from 1950 to 1999, in order. I intend to complete the challenge this year.
Last year completed: 1999
1950 - Galactic Patrol - E E "Doc" Smith
1951 - The Green Hills of Earth - Robert A Heinlein
1952 - City - Clifford D Simak
1953 - Childhood's End - Arthur C Clarke
1954 - The Forgotten Planet - Murray Leinster
1955 - The Long Tomorrow - Leigh Brackett
1956 - The Death of Grass - John Christopher
1957 - The Midwich Cuckoos - John Wyndham
1958 - The Time Traders - Andre Norton
1959 - The Enemy Stars - Poul Anderson
1960 - The Tomorrow People - Judith Merrill
1961 - The Joy Makers - James Gunn
1962 - A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle
1963 - Star Surgeon - James White
1964 - The Planet Buyer - Cordwainer Smith
1965 - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Philip K Dick
1966 - Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
1967 - I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream - Harlan Ellison
1968 - Pavane - Keith Roberts
1969 - Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
1970 - The Year of the Quiet Sun - Wilson Tucker

1971 - Dinosaur Beach - Keith Laumer
1972 - Beyond Apollo - Barry Malzberg
1973 - The Man Who Folded Himself - David Gerrold
1974 - The Mote in God's Eye - Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
1975 - The Wind's Twelve Quarters - Ursula K Le Guin
1976 - Man Plus - Frederik Pohl
1977 - In the Ocean of Night - Gregory Benford
1978 - In the Hall of the Martian Kings - John Varley
1979 - Kindred - Octavia E Butler
1980 - Riddley Walker - Russell Hoban
1981 - Windhaven - George R R Martin & Lisa Tuttle
1982 - Helliconia Spring - Brian W Aldiss

1983 - Helliconia Summer - Brian W Aldiss
1984 - The Integral Trees - Larry Niven
1985 - Helliconia Winter - Brian W Aldiss
1986 - The Falling Woman - Pat Murphy
1987 - When Gravity Fails - George Alec Effinger
1988 - Deserted Cities of the Heart - Lewis Shiner
1989 - Orbital Decay - Allen Steele
1990 - Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton

1991 - Orbital Resonance - John Barnes
1992 - Fools - Pat Cadigan
1993 - Ammonite - Nicola Griffith
1994 - The Engines of God - Jack McDevitt
1995 - The Terminal Experiment - Robert J Sawyer
1996 - Remnant Population - Elizabeth Moon
1997 - Fool's War - Sarah Zettel
1998 - Dreaming in Smoke - Tricia Sullivan
1999 - Teranesia - Greg Egan

3. King of the Mountains. My 5 longest books should total over 2500 pages. (Not really a goal this year, but I enjoyed tracking it last year.)
Current total: 3771

1236 - Judas Unchained - Peter F Hamilton
698 - On the Shoulders of Titans - Andrew Rowe
648 - The Red Knight - Miles Cameron
609 - Sufficiently Advanced Magic - Andrew Rowe
580 - Twelve Kings - Bradley P Beaulieu

4. Follow the Money. I have around 30 unread ebooks that cost more than £3. I'd like to read at least 7 of them. Only books owned at the start of the year can count.
Current total: 8

The Red Knight - Miles Cameron
End of the World Blues - Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Brasyl - Ian McDonald
Ammonite - Nicola Griffith
Lyonesse: Madouc - Jack Vance
The Night Sessions - Ken MacLeod
Crucible of Gold - Naomi Novik
Imager's Challenge - L E Modesitt Jr

5. That's Numberwang. Read books with consecutive numbers in the title, in order, at a rate of one per month. Started from 0 in July 2017. I'm currently hoping to get to 13 before I run out of options.
Last number read: 13
0 - JUL 2017 - Towards Zero - Agatha Christie
1 - AUG 2017 - Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor
2 - SEP 2017 - Between Two Thorns - Emma Newman
3 - OCT 2017 - The Book of Three - Lloyd Alexander
4 - NOV 2017 - Sing the Four Quarters - Tanya Huff
5 - DEC 2017 - The Five Red Herrings - Dorothy L Sayers
6 - JAN 2018 - Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
7 - FEB 2018 - Seven Forges - James A Moore
8 - MAR 2018 - Eight Skilled Gentlemen - Barry Hughart
9 - APR 2018 - The Case with Nine Solutions - J J Connington
10 - MAY 2018 - Now We Are Ten - Ian Whates (ed)
11 - JUN 2018 - Station Eleven - Emily St John Mandel
12 - JUL 2018 - Twelve Kings - Bradley P Beaulieu
13 - AUG 2018 - 13 Minutes - Sarah Pinborough

6. David Gemmell Morningstar Award. Ongoing challenge to read everything ever shortlisted. I'm not sure what my 2018 target is yet, but I might as well carry on tracking. May: I think I'll try to at least tread water with 5 books.
Current total: 5
2011 - Warrior Priest - Darius Hinks
2016 - The Vagrant - Peter Newman
2017 - Steal the Sky - Megan E O'Keefe
2018 - Kings of the Wyld - Nicholas Eames
2010 - Lamentation - Ken Scholes
2010 - The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart - Jesse Bullington
2011 - Shadow Prowler - Alexey Pehov
2011 - Tymon's Flight - Mary Victoria
2013 - Irenicon - Aidan Harte
2013 - The Red Knight - Miles Cameron
2013 - Stormdancer - Jay Kristoff
2014 - The Path of Anger - Antoine Rouaud
2015 - The Mirror Empire - Kameron Hurley
2015 - The Godless - Ben Peek
2015 - Age of Iron - Angus Watson
2016 - Battle Mage - Stephen Aryan
2016 - The Traitor - Seth Dickinson
2016 - The Fire Sermon - Francesca Haig
2016 - Starborn - Lucy Hounsom
2017 - Infernal - Mark de Jager
2017 - Duskfall - Christopher Husberg
2017 - Snakewood - Adrian Selby
2017 - Hope and Red - Jon Skovron
2018 - Age of Assassins - RJ Barker
2018 - The Tethered Mage - Melissa Caruso
2018 - Blackwing - Ed McDonald
2018 - The Court of Broken Knives - Anna Smith Spark

Book title: read 2015,read 2016,read 2017,read,own,don't own
(p) paperback, (h) hardback, (k) kindle, (e) epub, (i) ibook/pdf, (a) audio
+ especially liked, - didn't much like

Last edited by DrNefario; 01-07-2019 at 12:15 PM.
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