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Old 01-30-2018, 10:28 PM   #2602
readerboy7 began at the beginning.
Posts: 44
Karma: 10
Join Date: Dec 2014
Device: Kindle Paperwhite
Whenever I try to download a fic from FFnet or fictionpress, I get the following error:
<urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)>
(example URLs: ,

Note that the SpaceBattles, SufficientVelocity, fimficiton, and AO3 fics I tried to download worked fine. It's only FFnet and fictionpress that gave me issues.

Additionaly, I am capable of viewing these pages in my browser. Not sure if that matters.

In the event you need it, personal.ini (safe version) is in the spoiler below.

## This is an example of what your personal configuration might look
## like. Uncomment options by removing the '#' in front of them.

## [defaults] section applies to all formats and sites but may be
## overridden at several levels. Example:

## [defaults]
## titlepage_entries: category,genre, status
## []
## # overrides defaults.
## titlepage_entries: category,genre, status,dateUpdated,rating
## [epub]
## # overrides defaults & site section
## titlepage_entries: category,genre, status,datePublished,dateUpdated,dateCreated
## []
## # overrides defaults, site section & format section
## titlepage_entries: category,genre, status,datePublished
## [overrides]
## # overrides all other sections
## titlepage_entries: category

## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for
## adult content. Uncomment by removing '#' in front of is_adult.

## Don't like the numbers at the start of chapter titles on some
## sites? You can use strip_chapter_numbers to strip them off. Just
## want to make them all look the same? Strip them off, then add them
## back on with add_chapter_numbers. Don't like the way it strips
## numbers or adds them back? See chapter_title_strip_pattern and
## chapter_title_add_pattern.

## Add this to genre if there's more than one category.
add_genre_when_multi_category: Crossover

## Some sites/authors/stories use br tags instead of p tags for
## paragraphs. This feature uses some heuristics to find and replace
## br paragraphs with p tags while preserving scene breaks.
#replace_br_with_p: true

# 'add_to_' concats on to existing param, thus the leading comma
# oneshot is a copy of status because status itself isn't a list.
# add oneshot to the tags that are included in epub & calibre.

# Change oneshot to ['Completed'] to ['Completed','Oneshot'] only when
# numChapters is exactly 1.
# with ',' instead of '\,' it would be ['Completed'] to
# ['Completed,Oneshot']--one string instead of two.
oneshot=>Completed=>Completed\,Oneshot&&numChapter s=>^1$

## include images from img tags in the body and summary of stories.
## Images will be converted to jpg for size if possible. Images work
## in epub format only. To get mobi or other format with images,
## download as epub and use Calibre to convert.

## If not set, the summary will have all html stripped for safety.
## Both this and include_images must be true to get images in the
## summary.

## If set, the first image found will be made the cover image. If
## keep_summary_html is true, any images in summary will be before any
## in chapters.

## Resize images down to width, height, preserving aspect ratio.
## Nook size, with margin.
#image_max_size: 580, 725

## Change image to grayscale, if graphics library allows, to save
## space.
#grayscale_images: false

## Most common, I expect will be using this to save username/passwords
## for different sites. Here are a few examples. See defaults.ini
## for the full list.

## default is false
#collect_series: true


## Some sites do not require a login, but do require the user to
## confirm they are adult for adult content.





## tth is a little unusual--it doesn't require user/pass, but the site
## keeps track of which chapters you've read and won't send another
## update until it thinks you're up to date. This way, on download,
## it thinks you're up to date.

# I added this myself

make_firstimage_cover: false

## This section will override anything in the system defaults or other
## sections here.
## default varies by site. Set true here to force all sites to
## collect series.
#collect_series: true

make_firstimage_cover: false

make_firstimage_cover: false

make_firstimage_cover: false

make_firstimage_cover: false

make_firstimage_cover: false

make_firstimage_cover: false

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