Thread: WOLF format
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Old 12-04-2007, 06:05 AM   #4
mrdini doesn't littermrdini doesn't litter
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Device: Hanlin V2 & V6
Originally Posted by kovidgoyal View Post
Someone once contacted me to write a converter for it, but apparently hanlin didn't want to part with its specifications.
FWIW, the specifications _are_ around... I've asked Hanlin recently, & since they said it's okay to discuss their SDK, here goes....

From the Hanlin docs...
struct HlDocInfoS 
 int type; 
 int lang; 
 int pageNum; 
 int fileSize; 
 char *fileName; 
 char *fileDate; //Printable file date. for example 08/22/2007 
 char *bookName; 
 char *author; 
 char *series; // e.g. "Harry Potter #2" 
 char *isbn; 
 char *publisher; 
 char *publishDate; 
 char *translator; 
 char *originalName; // name of book in original language, for translation 
 char *originalAuthor; // author(s) in original language, for translation 
 char *originalSeries; // author(s) in original language, for translation 
From the CoolReader docs
Wolf file structure (sections):

1. Header

  Length = 128 bytes.
  WolFileId         : array[0..12] of Char;
  Unknown0D         : DWORD;
  Unknown11         : WORD;
  Unknown13         : DWORD;
  DescriptionSize   : WORD;
  CoverSize         : DWORD;
  Unknown1D         : Byte;
  CatalogSize       : DWORD;
  Level1Items       : DWORD;
  WolfPagesSize     : DWORD;
  Unknown2A         : array[0..17] of Byte;
  PageTableSize     : DWORD;
  Unknown40         : Byte;
  BookType          : Byte;
  Unknown42         : WORD;
  Unknown44         : array[0..6] of Byte;
  Unknown4B         : WORD;
  Unknown4D         : array[0..17] of Byte;
  Level23Items      : WORD;
  SubCatalogOffs    : DWORD;
  Unknown65         : array[0..26] of Byte;

  [0x00] WolFileId: constant = "WolfEbook1.11"

  [0x0D] Unknown0D: constant  = 0x00000000

  [0x11] Unknown11: constant  = 0x0201

  [0x13] Unknown13: constant  = 0x00000000

  [0x17] DescriptionSize: size of section "Decription"

  [0x19] CoverSize: size of section "Cover". 0, if there is no cover page.

  [0x1D] Unknown1D: ??? really unknown. (!!! I think this is 0 for "Homochrome" Wolf, 1 for "Gray" Wolf file.)

  [0x1E] CatalogSize: size of sections "Catalog" and "SubCatalog".

  [0x22] Level1Items: count of items on first catalog level.

  [0x26] WolfPagesSize: size of section "WolfPages".

  [0x2A] Unknown2A: constant  = fill with 0x00.

  [0x3C] PageTableSize: size of section "PageTable".

  [0x40] Unknown40: constant = 0x01

  [0x41] BookType: 0=book, 1=article; 2=magazine

  [0x42] Unknown42: ??? really unknown. (!!! I think this fiels is = 2*<count of pages> - only for graphic wolf!)

  [0x44] Unknown44: constant  = fill with 0x00.

  [0x4B] Unknown4B: ??? really unknown. (!!! I think this fiels is = <count of pages> - only for graphic wolf!)

  [0x4D] Unknown4D: constant  = fill with 0x00.

  [0x5F] Level23Items: count of all items on levels 2 and 3.

  [0x61] SubCatalogOffs: offset (from begining of file) to section "SubCatalog". 0, if there is no "SubCatalog" section.

  [0x65] Unknown65: constant  = fill with 0x00.

  CatalogSize = 19 + CountOfLevel1TOCItems * 17 + Length(NamesInLevel1TOC)

  SubcatalogSize = 26 + CountOfAllTOCItems * 80 + Length(NamesInAllTOCLevels)

  PageTableSize = 105 + 56 * PagesCount   {for ver="021211"}
                = 105 + 60 * PagesCount   {for ver="001"}

2. Description:

  A string with 9 pseudo-XML elements. Every tag is followed by value and new line (#13#10). Tags with empty value can't be omited.

  <title> - Title of book. Max - 128 chars (according to WolfDLL description).
  <subject> - Subject, type. Max - 128 chars (according to WolfDLL description).
  <author> - Author name. Max - 128 chars (according to WolfDLL description).
  <adpter> - Adapter (???). Max - 128 chars (according to WolfDLL description).
  <translator> - Translator. Max - 128 chars (according to WolfDLL description).
  <publisher> - Publisher. Max - 128 chars (according to WolfDLL description).
  <time_publish> - Publishing time. Max - 16 chars (according to WolfDLL description).
  <introduction> - Annotation. Max - 1024 chars (according to WolfDLL description). This field allow using of new line chars (#10#13).
  <ISBN> - ISBN. Max - 128 chars (according to WolfDLL description).

3. Cover

  Section "Cover" contains description (header) and data for cover page:

3.1. CoverHeader

  Length = 10 bytes.
  Compression       : WORD;
  ImageWidth        : WORD;
  BitsPerPixel      : WORD;
  BytesPerLine      : WORD;
  ImageHeight       : WORD;

  [0x00] Compression: 0xFFFF for raw data (no compression); 0x0001 for LZSS compression.

  [0x02] ImageWidth: width of image (in pixels)

  [0x04] BitsPerPixel: 1 for monochrome images; 2 for 4-level gray images.

  [0x06] BytesPerLine: count of bytes in one row of image. (= ImageWidth*BitsPerPixel/8)

  [0x08] ImageHeight: height of image (in pixels)

3.2. CoverData

  Raw bitmask for pixels (if Compression=0xFFFF) or compressed with LZSS (if Compression=0x0001).
  Note that in monochrome images 1 is black and 0 is white; in 4-level gray images 0 is black and 3 is white.

4. WolfPages

  Pseudo-XML node; tags are written without dividers.
  Warning: There is #13#10 between <wolf> and <catalog>, but not between </catalog> and </wolf>.
    <img bitcount=%B compact=1 width=%W height=%H length=%L> ImageData (for page 1) </img>
    <img bitcount=%B compact=1 width=%W height=%H length=%L> ImageData (for page 2) </img>
    <img bitcount=%B compact=1 width=%W height=%H length=%L> ImageData (for last page) </img>

  %B: Bits per pixel - 1 for monochrome images; 2 for 4-level gray images.

  %W: Width of image (in pixels)

  %H: Height of image (in pixels)

  %L: Length of ImageData

  ImageData: compressed bitmask stream. Note that in monochrome images 1 is black and 0 is white; in 4-level gray images 0 is black and 3 is white.

5. Catalog

  Pseudo-XML node; tags are written without dividers (like new lines):

  ItemName: Name of element from first level in TOC (table of contents).

  ItemOffs: Offset from beginning of section "WolfPages" to description of page (<img...>).

  Every item represents one element from first level in TOC. If there is no TOC, catalog contains only one item with ItemName=BookTitle and ItemOffs=OffsetOfPage#1.

6. SubCatalog

  Describes full TOC. If there is no TOC, this section not exists.
  Pseudo-XML node; datas are written without dividers (like new lines):

  Every item represents one element from TOC. Elements are ordered as followed: first are all items in level 1, then all items in level 2, and then - all items in level 3. Elements in same level are ordered by his number (index) in level.

6.1. SubCatalog Item

  Length = 80 bytes.
  PageOffs          : DWORD;
  NameOffs          : DWORD;
  NameSize          : WORD;
  ChildsCount       : WORD;
  PrevPeerOffs      : DWORD;
  NextPeerOffs      : DWORD;
  ChildOffs         : DWORD;
  ParentOffs        : DWORD:
  Level3Idx         : Byte;
  Level2Idx         : Byte;
  Level1Idx         : Byte;
  AlignByte         : Byte;
  ItemName          : array[0..47] of Byte;

  [0x00] PageOffs: offset from beginning of section "WolfPages" to description of page (<img...>).

  [0x04] NameOffs: offset from beginning of file to beginnig of name (in "Names" area).

  [0x08] NameSize: length (in chars) of name (in "Names" area).

  [0x0A] ChildsCount: count of subitems for this element from TOC.

  [0x0C] PrevPeerOffs: offset from beginning of file to the description of previous peer element in SubCatalog table. 0, if current item is the first child of parent.

  [0x10] NextPeerOffs: offset from beginning of file to the description of next peer element in SubCatalog table. 0, if current item is the last child of parent.

  [0x14] ChildOffs: offset from beginning of file to the description of first child in SubCatalog table. 0, if there is no subitems (in TOC) for current item.

  [0x18] ParentOffs: offset from beginning of file to the description of parent element in SubCatalog table. 0, if element is on level 1.

  [0x1C] Level3Idx: level 3 index of element; 0 if element is on level 1 or level 2 in TOC.

  [0x1D] Level2Idx: level 2 index of element; 0 if element is on level 1 in TOC.

  [0x1E] Level1Idx: level 1 index of element.

  [0x1F] AlignByte: constant = 0x00.

  [0x20] ItemName: name of item in TOC.

  All items are ordered by levels - first going all items in level 1, then all items in level 2, then all items in level 3.

6.2. Names

  All names for subcatalog items without dividers. Ends with constant = 0x08.

7. PageTable

  Pseudo-XML node; tags are written without dividers (like new lines):
  <pagetable ver="021211 ">
    Group1Offs      : DWORD;
    Group2Offs      : DWORD;
    GroupDiv1Offs   : DWORD;
    Group3Offs      : DWORD;
    Group4Offs      : DWORD;
    GroupDiv2Offs   : DWORD;
    Group5Offs      : DWORD;
    Group6Offs      : DWORD;
    GroupDiv3Offs   : DWORD;
    Group7Offs      : DWORD;
    Group8Offs      : DWORD;
    GroupDiv4Offs   : DWORD;
    EndFileOffs     : DWORD;

  [0x00] Group1Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup1.

  [0x04] Group2Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup2.

  [0x08] GroupDiv1Offs: offset from beginning of file to GroupDivider1.

  [0x0C] Group3Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup3.

  [0x10] Group4Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup4.

  [0x14] GroupDiv2Offs: offset from beginning of file to GroupDivider2.

  [0x18] Group5Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup5.

  [0x1C] Group6Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup6.

  [0x20] GroupDiv3Offs: offset from beginning of file to GroupDivider3.

  [0x24] Group7Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup7.

  [0x28] Group8Offs: offset from beginning of file to PageOffsGroup8.

  [0x2C] GroupDiv4Offs: offset from beginning of file to GroupDivider4.

  [0x30] EndFileOffs: offset from beginning of file to end of file (size of file).

  GroupDividerX: constant = 0xFFFFFFFF.

  PageOffsGroup1, PageOffsGroup2, PageOffsGroup3, PageOffsGroup4, PageOffsGroup7 and PageOffsGroup8 have following structure:
  CatalogOffs       : DWORD;
  Page1Offs         : DWORD;
  Page2Offs         : DWORD;
  Page2Offs         : DWORD;
  PageNOffs         : DWORD;
  PageNOffs         : DWORD;

  [0x00] CatalogOffs: offset from beginning of file to beginning of Wolf catalog ("<catalog>" in section "WolfPages").

  [0x04] Page1Offs: offset from beginning of file to description of first page (<img...>).

  [0x08] Page2Offs: offset from beginning of file to description of second page (<img...>).
  [0x0C] -"-
  [0x??] PageNOffs: offset from beginning of file to description of last page (<img...>).

  Minimal size of this structure is 2 items (8 bytes).

  PageOffsGroup5 and PageOffsGroup6 have following structure:
  CatalogOffs       : DWORD;
  Page2Offs         : DWORD;
  Page3Offs         : DWORD;
  PageNOffs         : DWORD;
where all items are the same as in PageOffsGroup1 description.

  Minimal size of this structure is 1 item (4 bytes).

Note: For page table version "001" header is:
  <pagetable ver="001">
and all groups are like PageOffsGroup5 and PageOffsGroup6.

I'd suggest looking in the following files...
From the Hanlin SDK docs - /sdk_root/docs/Parser-Viewer.pdf
A more descriptive file (the 2nd codeblock above) can be found in the CoolReader sources... /crengine/docs/WolfFormat.txt from the Coolreader site.

Hope that helps!

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