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Old 07-17-2005, 05:57 PM   #7
Nameless Being
Talking I wouldn't read if it weren't for e-books

I love reading books on my PDA. I don't miss paper books at all. In fact I dare say that I probably wouldn't read nearly as much as I do if it weren't for ebooks. I don't have the time to curl up in a big easy chair and just read the afternoon away. I usually read while I'm waiting for something ie: Dr.s Office, between classes, restaurants, etc... I love always having in excess of 20 novels in my purse! There's no way that I could carry that many paper books around and not grow to hate them.

Not to mention that most of my college text books are available online and with plucker - I can now read them on my PDA as well - This is MUCH easier than lugging around a 20lb Chemistry Text. My grades have improved because I actually read the text more.

I don't know if ebooks are truly the future... But I sincerely hope that they are! I would hate to see this medium disappear.
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