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Old 04-29-2011, 02:17 AM   #114
qinbill began at the beginning.
Posts: 24
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Device: Kindle Dxg
Originally Posted by DickeFix View Post
Kindle obviously connects via an Amazon proxy server. You can not use the Kindle for browsing other sites than Wikipedia in several countries unless you have a US home address and changing the address on Amazon site enables/disables web browsing on the Kindle immediately. Maybe the individual ID key sent from the Kindle is messed up with the firmware and Amazon proxy blocks the 3G connection? Yifanlu, did you experience similar problems on your Kindle 2 before you got it working?

Qinbill, nice work with succeeding compiling the update on your K3G! Could you please upload or PM me the changed make-package.ffs?
You need to back up your TTS datafile first.
In your Kindle 3g

cp -r /usr/share/nuance/data /mnt/us/
rm -rf /usr/share/nuance/data
ln -s /mnt/us/data /usr/share/nuance/data
You could cp your data from /mnt/us/data to your dx's /mnt/us directory before you update your kindle.

And then modify this part of make-package.ffs like this:


    #logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress 1"                                                                             

    # touch /tmp/nothing                                                                                                
    # for file in ${SKIP_TTS_FILES}; do                                                                                 
    #   logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress Mount $file"                                                                
    #   /bin/mount --bind /tmp/nothing /usr/share/nuance/data/$file                                                     
    # done                                                                                                              
    CP_FILES="/bin /etc /lib /linuxrc /opt /sbin /test /usr"
    logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress 2"
    for file in ${CP_FILES}; do
        logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress copy $file"
	cp -a ${file} ${ROOT}/

#    cp -a /bin /etc /lib /linuxrc /opt /sbin /test /usr ${ROOT}/                                                       
    # logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress 3"                                                                            
    # FILES=""                                                                                                          
    # for file in ${SKIP_TTS_FILES}; do                                                                                 
    #   logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress umount $file"                                                               
    #   /bin/umount /usr/share/nuance/data/$file                                                                        
    #   FILES="${FILES} data/$file"                                                                                     
    # done                                                                                                              

    # logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress 4"                                                                            
    # if [ ! -f ${NO_TTS} ]; then                                                                                       
    #   logmsg "I" "make-package" "saving tts files"                                                                    
    #   tar -C /usr/share/nuance -cf ${OUTPUT}/tts-files.tar ${FILES}                                                   
    # fi                                                                                                                

    logmsg "I" "make-package" "Progress 5"

Then You should be able to generate the update file.

Another observation of this bug is that:
It might not be the problem of cp /usr that caused this bug. The bug is caused by copy too much content which will overflow the size of rootfs.img of the client side.

rootfs.img of client side has only 401M. But the host side has 651M data to copy.
If we copy more than 401M to this image. It will fail due to out of space.

Move out TTS file will reduce 250M intotal. which makes rootfs.img of client just fit.

So move out all the TTS file will solve this problem.

This is a temporary and naive solution. Powerful master YifeiLu will solve this problem in a better way.

Bow to the master.

Last edited by qinbill; 04-29-2011 at 02:22 AM.
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