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Old 02-29-2012, 05:14 PM   #135
jackr has learned how to buy an e-book online
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I didn't notice the update to the beta, as well as the empty story (I just loaded it and noticed it had an image, didn't look at chapter list) X-).

Where is Accept-Encoding? I know you mentioned this feature a while back, but I couldn't find it elsewhere in the plugin. I probably misread your post about it . is an example for a story that no longer exists.
And for a password locked story.
Both of these get the 'NoneType' object error.

I ran the plugin (v.1.5.3), and came up with a lot more errors than in 1.5. A majority of these new errors are:
local variable 'datePublished' referenced before assignment
Also the story that you mentioned worked in 1.5.2 has en error for me in 1.5.3. (

I've uploaded an image showing all the errors I got this time around.
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