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Old 08-31-2010, 08:19 PM   #6
Edge User
Finally had a chance to take Dingo for a spin. My notes so far:

One of my favourite additions is the new Calendar. It includes the ability to write notes on the eInk side for To Do lists, Groceries lists, or itineraries for a given day on the calendar. I was surprised that on appointments (“events) you can set multiple reminder times, e.g. 2 days before, 4 hours before, and 10 minutes before - Outlook can't do that

A big addition is a Search function in the Library. Just type a word and you’ll see a list of matching items. Also, the tag you select when browsing is now “permanent until you change it. No more switching back to “All whenever you leave the Library screen

One thing I’m not too keen on in this release is the slow flickering menus on the eInk side (given it's a first release of this feature, a later update could improve it). I do like the text on each menu item, though, as it’s much faster to spot the function you want.

And I'm sure glad the keyboard's been fixed!