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Old 11-20-2013, 11:20 AM   #1257
rostyvyg began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by Pixelpuncher View Post
I would like to see more sorting and searching options.
Here are some suggestions:

For the Library menu:

- Add a Authors item that leads to a list of all the authors on the device.
- Add a Series item that leads to a list of all the book series on the device.

For the suggested Author menu:

- Selecting an author would lead to a list of titles by that author, but the first items on the list would be:
+ Series by author leading to a list of series by that author, which in turn lead to a list of books within that series
+ Shelves containing books by author leading to a list of shelves, which in turn lead to a list of books within that shelf. Maybe with an option to show just the books for that author or show everything on the shelf.
- A way to only show books that don't belong to a series might be to have another item called something like Standalone books or a toggle to show/not show books belonging to series in the list.
This is brilliant! And it so makes sense! I have over 461 eBooks loaded on my Kobo Aura HD and the mere thought of going through 77 (!!!) pages of the "Books" list to find the author I need is preposterous. This feature wouldl put Kobo so much ahead of other eReaders.

Kobo developers, - please make it happen!
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