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Old 01-27-2008, 10:08 PM   #1
Nameless Being
iPhone optimized eBook formatting

I am currently experimenting with ways in which to make eBooks readable on an iPhone. Using PDF files works okay and they can be viewed in Mobile Safari, but navigation is somewhat clunky--to say the least. HTLM seems to be the best, but making an HTML file user-modifiable is not a challenge for the faint of heart. However, after reviewing many of the Apple documents about developing web pages and web applications for the iPhone, I believe I have designed a useful combination of HTML, Javascripts, and cascading style sheets.

I formatted an eBook using this method and it seems to work really well. To save space, I cropped out all of the images so that the entire book can be loaded into Mobile Safari without slowing it down. Images could be included, but the more images the larger the file and thus the slower Mobile Safari will browse. Also, cropping out images allows the book to be downloaded and viewed locally without having to download a folder full of images. Please review this eBook on your iPhone or iPod touch and provide comments. (And yes, it is also viewable in fullsize browsers and perhaps some PDA browsers.)

Benjamin Franklin Autobiography, eBook, HTML optimized for Mobile Safari (494 Kb).
Here's the link to my website and a link directly to the eBook:

Once I get the formatting as best as I can make it, I will post a how to article on my website. The file currently contains all the javascript and CSS internally so that it can be downloaded and viewed offline, therefore you can view the coding and get an idea of how I created it.

Last edited by jswinden; 01-27-2008 at 10:13 PM. Reason: More information...
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