Thread: Integrated UI?
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Old 08-07-2015, 12:40 PM   #1
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Smile Integrated UI?

Is it possible to create/insert plugin-ui into the main window? ... Other then 'a button', that is.

Note: I have looked through the Manual's "Creating Plugins" and "API" pages. While they do generically describe types of plugins, some seem far-too generalized (ex: the "Viewer Plugin" add functionality to the Calibre Viewer." The window-itself, the file-grid, the alt-file-grid, the virtual-library-tab, the item-tag list, the selected book display @left, what?) and I'm left not knowing what some exactly can/can-not do.

GENERALLY: I would like to use a in-window container (ex: a virtual library tab or an equivalent container, to hold my plugin's UI; avoiding the annoying popup-clutter.

SPECIFICALLY: I'm going to attempt creating a tag-editor similar to "Ultimate Tag Scanner" where as you (multi)select from a list of books and mass-modify their tags on a static right-panel (no popups). Ideally, I would like to reuse the existing cover-grid (or better yet: the list while the grid is off) to identify selected books but I doubt the plugin-functionality exists. -- Essentially, this is a combination of the Book List (gridview=off) with the "Edit Metadata in Bulk" in a single non-changing & intuitive view.
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