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Old 04-06-2010, 11:54 AM   #3
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by kiklop74 View Post
You are placing this in your css:

body { font-family: "Segoe UI", sans serif; }
While instead you should put this:

body { font-family: "Segoe UI",serif; }
Also you should make sure that your font definition is applied to all appropriate classes and elements. Calibre will not do that for you.
Actually, Segoi UI is a sans serif font, so sans serif is correct. I prefer sans serif when using e-Ink.

However, you are correct about the elements. the epub had the font defined in a P element rather than the BODY element so it was overriding the BODY element definition. My bad--I should have looked more closely.

This whole ePub book was a mess. I bought it from Sony and deDRMed it. It has hundreds of footnotes linked and almost every link included the entire paragraph such that hundreds of paragraphs were completely underlined. I had to use Dreamweaver to strip out all the A element tags to make the book readable. Fortunately dreamweaver can do that for an entire folder of files and it only took a few seconds, so it was a quick fix.
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