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Old 05-07-2014, 04:19 PM   #2
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aryeh began at the beginning.
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Device: Kindle Paperwhite
Using mouse and drawing

I'm trying to create a kindle paperwhite drawing program as well as a framework for using the touch.


this is what i have so far:
//================================================== ==
// cosmegg 1.0 - kindle cosmic egg demo
// Copyright (C) 2012 by geekmaster, with MIT license:
// The speed is limited by the eink device drivers.
// Newer kindle models are faster, but need delays.
// This was tested on DX,DXG,K3,K4(Mini),K5(Touch).

#include <stdio.h> // printf
//#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc, free, atoi
#include <string.h> // memset, memcpy
#include <unistd.h> // usleep
#include <fcntl.h> // open, close, write
#include <time.h> // time
#include <sys/ioctl.h> // ioctl
#include <sys/time.h> // gettime
#include <sys/mman.h> // mmap, munmap
#include <linux/fb.h> // screeninfo
#include <linux/input.h> //mouse

#define MOUSEFILE "/dev/input/event1"
#define FPS 5 // max frames/sec

typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned int u32;

// function prototypes
inline void setpx(int,int,int);
int eupdate(int);
void line(int,int,int,int,int);
void circle(int,int,int);
int getmsec(void);

// global var7
u32 mpu=200; // msec/update
u8 *fb0=NULL; // framebuffer pointer
int fdFB=0; // fb0 file descriptor
u32 fs=0; // fb0 stride
u32 MX=0; // xres (visible)
u32 MY=0; // yres (visible)
u8 blk=0; // black
u8 wht=0; // white
u8 pb=0; // pixel bits

// cosmegg - kindle cosmic egg demo
// This works on all kindle eink models. Enjoy!
void cosmegg(void) {
int x,y,tn;
struct fb_var_screeninfo screeninfo;
fdFB=open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR); // eink framebuffer

// calculate model-specific vars
MX=screeninfo.xres; // max X+1
MY=screeninfo.yres/2; // max Y+1
pb=screeninfo.bits_per_pixel; // pixel bits
fs=screeninfo.xres_virtual*pb/8; // fb0 stride
blk=pb/8-1; // black
wht=~blk; // white
fb0=(u8 *)mmap(0,MY*fs,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,fdF B,0); // map fb0
eupdate(EUPD_OPEN); // open fb0 update proc
int rx[1000],ry[1000],i_rx=0,i_ry=0,tst1,tst2;
int gchar,x,y,c,oldx,oldy,ctr; x=0;y=0;c=1;oldx=0;oldy=0;ctr=0;
int fd;
struct input_event ie;
int ctr=0;

if((fd = open(MOUSEFILE, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
perror("opening device");

while(read(fd, &ie, sizeof(struct input_event)))

if (ie.type==3 && ie.code==53)
if (!y && ie.type==3 && ie.code==54)
if (x && y)


// cleanup - close and free resources
eupdate(EUPD_UPDATE); // update display
eupdate(EUPD_CLOSE); // close fb0 update proc port
munmap(fb0,fs*(MY+1)); // unmap fb0
close(fdFB); // close fb0

// eupdate - eink update display
// op (open, close, update)
int eupdate(int op) {
static int fdUpdate=-1;
if (EUPD_OPEN==op) { fdUpdate=open("/proc/eink_fb/update_display",O_WRONLY);
} else if (EUPD_CLOSE==op) { close(fdUpdate);
} else if (EUPD_UPDATE==op) {
if (-1==fdUpdate) { system("eips ''");
} else { write(fdUpdate,"1\n",2); }
} else { return -1; } // bad op code
return fdUpdate;

// setpx - draw pixel using ordered dither
// x,y: screen coordinates, c: color(0-64).
// (This works on all eink kindle models.)
inline void setpx(int x,int y,int c) {
static int dt[64] = { 1,33,9,41,3,35,11,43,49,17,57,25,51,19,59,27,13,45 ,5,
37,15,47,7,39,61,29,53,21,63,31,55,23,4,36,12,44,2 ,34,10,42,52,20,60,28,50,
18,58,26,16,48,8,40,14,46,6,38,64,32,56,24,62,30,5 4,22 }; // dither table
(blk&((240*(1&x)|15*(1&~x))&fb0[pb*x/8+fs*y]))); // geekmaster formula 42

// getmsec - get msec since first call
// (tick counter wraps every 12 days)
int getmsec(void) {
int tc;
static int ts=0;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); tc=tv.tv_usec/1000+1000*(0xFFFFF&tv.tv_sec);
if (0==tc) { ts=tc; }
return tc-ts;

// main - start here
int main(int argc,char **argv) {
if (argc>1) { mpu=atoi(argv[1]); }

cosmegg(); // do the cosmic egg demo
return 0;

// line - Bresenham's line algorithm
void line(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,int c) {
int dx,ny,sx,sy,e;
if (x1>x0) { dx=x1-x0; sx=1; } else { dx=x0-x1; sx=-1; }
if (y1>y0) { ny=y0-y1; sy=1; } else { ny=y1-y0; sy=-1; }
for (; { setpx(x0,y0,c);
if (x0==x1&&y0==y1) { break; }
if (e+e>ny) { e+=ny; x0+=sx; }
if (e+e<dx) { e+=dx; y0+=sy; }

Last edited by Dr. Drib; 05-08-2014 at 10:34 AM.
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