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Old 03-09-2024, 06:24 PM   #1
wjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterwjBLqf-_9 can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameter
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Calibre OPDS phantom second library


FYI I am running v5.44.0

I use my calibre server for it's OPDS connectivity

Recently I have to replace my PC running calibre, which changed the location of the library (my library is called "Bob").

My library is stored on a local SSD dedicated just to the calibre library.

For unavoidable reasons, the drive letter of my Calibre library "bob" changed on my new PC... from "F:\Bob\" to "I:\Bob\"

I re-installed Calibre and selecting the new drive letter path "I:\Bob\" of my library from my last PC that died.

I saw two "Bob" libraries listed in the Calibre app, I removed the "F:" Bob, I was prompted about the path not existing, I clicked okay.

In the Calibre app window, there is now only one libary "Bob" (the new "I:\Bob\")

Everything works!

Except in OPDS it continues to show two separate libraries:
Library Option #1 of 2 = "Bob" --> which errors out because "F:\Bob\" is gone
Library Option #2 of 2 = "Bob" (yes same name) --> which works because "I:\Bob\" is the new location

So I tried stopping the Calibre content server, closing Calibre, reopening calibre, re-starting the content server.

ODPS works except it keeps showing two "Bob" libraries.

The Calibre window only shows one "Bob" library.

How do I remove the "Bob" (F:\Bob\) library from the odps content server listing?

If I cannot remove the "Bob" (F:\Bob\) from the content server listing, is there a way to set the "Bob" (I:\Bob\) as the automatic default?

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