Thread: Touch Why I Gave Up On 2.3.1
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Old 12-21-2012, 08:58 PM   #1
voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.voidoid solves Fermat’s last theorem while doing the crossword.
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Thumbs down Why I Gave Up On 2.3.1

When my touch first updated to 2.3.1 it seemed pretty good -- better than 2.1.5. However, at the time I was reading a pdf which was handled a bit better under 2.3.1 than 2.1.5. All good apart from no longer having a software home button and a perceived rapid battery drain -- not absolutely sure on this but pretty sure.

However when I started reading an epub and it wouldn't return to the last viewed page when returning from home I became unhappy. After some testing I found that it didn't happen on all epubs but it was happening on lots of them. I noticed that lots of other people on this forum are having the same problem. I thought "oh well, I'll manually bookmark the page and then use 'go to page' from the annotations screen to get back" but I found that this had the same problem.

As I refer to several books in each day this was an absolute deal breaker for me and as I don't use a micro sd card for additional storage and I was quite happy with 2.1.5 I decided to change back. I first tried to do this by doing a factory reset to then side loading to 2.0.4 [I'm in Australia so it's necessary I believe] and then side loading to 2.1.5. Not until 2.1.5 was up did I sign in to Kobo which I notice is required to use the device. I made the mistake by doing this over wi-fi which meant that after I signed in it upgraded the touch to 2.3.1 and I could do nothing other than let it update to 2.3.1. Complete fail.

I waited a couple of days thinking "well, they will fix it soon so I will just be patient" but the whole thing became so annoying and my faith in Kobo in being able to fix it without introducing more bugs was so strong that I was actually considering buying a new sony and junking the touch even though I love it for many reasons.

Anyway, I decided to try to take it back to 2.1.5 one more time and did it successfully this way. I factory reset it to then side loading to 2.0.4 and then side loading to 2.1.5. Then I chose to sign in to Kobo using the desktop application. It did its thing including forcing an upgrade to 2.3.1. However, before ejecting it and letting it update I simply accessed the .kobo folder on the touch and deleted the 3 update files that are of the same name as the files in the side loaded updates. I then ejected and found that I had 2.1.5 but was signed in to Kobo so was fully functional. The books that I had bought from Kobo I trashed in my Kobo account and use Calibre to manage them.

I am happy once again to have a properly [well, fairly properly] functioning device and I won't be shifting from 2.1.5 in a hurry. My hope is that this story may help others to switch back if they find that 2.1.5 was ok for them and 2.3.1 is too annoying.

How could Kobo have let such a serious bug get through to a release?
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